Build Your Own Radar visualization tool's data
- Build your Own Radar | Thoughtworks
- Technology Radar | An opinionated guide to today's technology landscape | Thoughtworks
My current skills and knowledge on the radar
We can only go by the expressions fixed by the tool, the following is my personal usage
- Adopt: Currently using it frequently and familiar with it
- Trial: Currently using or able to use
- Assess: I haven't gotten around to using it yet, but I'm using it.
- Hold: Items that used to be used but are used less frequently these days or are almost forgotten
In other words, those in the center of the circle are used more frequently and those on the outside are used less frequently
- 2024-07 から Q 毎に整理することにした(#60)
- 各 Q の始めにブランチを作成
- isNew フラグの FALSE 化(次回以降忘れないように #56)
- 削除対象のツールを決定(#57)
- 追加のツールを決定
- 各 Q の終わりに整理してリリース