A Utility for transpiling an extended QASM variant into QuEST or Pyquest inputs, with the capability to be extended to any other imperative quantum-simulator input.
- Python 3.6+
- PyParsing
Basic help can be found by running QASMToQuEST.py -h
usage: QASMToQuEST.py [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-l LANGUAGE] [-d] [-c]
[-p [PRINT]] [-e [ENTANGLEMENT]] [-t]
[--max-depth MAX_DEPTH] [--include-internals]
sources [sources ...]
QASM parser to translate from QASM to QuEST input
positional arguments:
sources List of sources to compile
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
File to compile to
-l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
Output file language
-d, --debug Output original QASM in translation
-c, --to-module Compile as module for inclusion into larger project
Include a pre-transpiled source
-a, --analyse Print adjacency matrix info
-p [PRINT], --print [PRINT]
Print graphical summary of circuit to file
-e [ENTANGLEMENT], --entanglement [ENTANGLEMENT]
Print graphical summary of entanglements to file
-t, --dummy-partition
Calculate effects of partition without compilation
--max-depth MAX_DEPTH
Max depth for analysis and printing
--include-internals Include internal gates explicitly
Set partitioning optimisation type:
0 = None -- Do not attempt to partition,
1 = Registers -- Partition based on specification of qregs in QASM,
2 = Space-like -- Slice only in qreg space based on adjacent slice-cost analysis,
3 = Space-time-like -- Perform full graph analysis and attempt to partition
In general, a QASM file can be compiled with the following:
QASMToQuEST.py -o test.c test.qasm
Provided that all requirements including QASM includes are in the directory from which QASMToQuEST was run.
If the output language can be determined through the file extension of the output file, it will be. Otherwise, it will be necessary to define the language using the -l
QASMToQuEST.py -o temp -l C test.qasm
In order to avoid having to recompile an included file, or to avoid it cluttering the final output, it is possible to part compile to something resembling a module. Essentially, this does not include the main or other includes of the module, allowing it to be imported in the output, rather than being included verbatim.
QASMToQuEST.py -c -o module.c module.qasm
This can then replace a QASM include by using the -I
QASMToQuEST.py -I module.qasm=module.c -o test.c test.qasm
Includes source for the core OpenQASM/REQASM gates into the output file, for ease of compilation if not included by other means. Will clutter output source, though.
Prints the original QASM line before each translation to ensure the translation is correct.
It is possible to turn on Tensor Network partitioning by setting the -P
flag to a vlue greater than 0. Enabling tensor partitioning will also enable options to do with analysing the circuit. In future, it will be possible to perform these analyses without enabling partitioning, but for now, it is too heavily entangled (ho ho).
Partitioning has 4 different levels which can be selected.
Level 0 (-P 0
) disables partitioning and is the default option.
Level 1 (-P 1
) enables purely space-like partitioning (separation of qubits globally) based on the declaration of qregs in the QASM.
Level 2 (-P 2
) enables purely space-like partitioning based on rudimentary analysis of the entanglements between qubits.
Level 3 (-P 3
) enables full space-time-like partitioning based on recursive network analysis methods.
The -a
option prints the circuit's qubit adjacency matrix which is a count of the number of entangling operations between qubits.
The -p
option causes Network X to print out a grpahical representation of the circuit diagram in a standard format. The file is output to the argument and the format is detected based on the file extension.
The -e
option works similarly, but prints the entanglement diagram between qubits.
Max depth (--max-depth
) determines the depth of gates (maximum stack depth) to which the code will go to find analyse the circuit (including drawing functions). By default it will follow all gates until it hits core QASM or Opaque gates.
Dummy partition (-t
) will perform the analyses related to partitioning but will not output a source file, instead it will draw the partitioned graphs to a file coloured by the partition they represent.