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This repo contains one packages: reflex-notifications.

An example usage of this packages is available in the example directory.

To add this packages to your obelisk project, follow the steps below from your obelisk project root (i.e., the folder you ran ob init in).

Add dependency thunk

$ mkdir dep
$ cd dep
$ git clone [email protected]:obsidiansystems/reflex-notifications.git
$ ob thunk pack reflex-notifications

The last step here (ob thunk pack) replaces the cloned repository with a "thunk" that contains all the information obelisk needs to fetch/use the repository when needed.

Check out ob thunk --help to learn more about working with thunks.

Add packages to default.nix

Your skeleton project's default.nix uses the reflex-platform project infrastructure. We can use the packages field of the project configuration to add our custom packages as follows:

project ./. ({ hackGet, ... }: {
  packages = {
    reflex-notifications = hackGet ./dep/reflex-notifications;
    ... # other configuration goes here

Be sure to add hackGet to the list of items to bring into scope. hackGet is a nix function defined in reflex-platform that takes a path that points to either a source directory or a packed thunk (in other words, it takes a path to a thunk but doesn't care whether it's packed or unpacked). It produces a path to the source (unpacked if necessary). Once we've got that path, we just need to append the subdirectory paths to the individual repos contained in this repository.

Add packages to cabal files


Add reflex-notifications to the build-depends field of frontend/frontend.cabal in library stanza.

    , reflex-notifications


On the frontend, use withUserPermission and sendNotification like the example.

  (e1, _) <- el' "button" $ text "Ask Permission"
  (e2, _) <- el' "button" $ text "Send Notification"
  (e3, _) <- el' "button" $ text "Send Notification After 5 seconds"
    notificationOptions :: NotificationOptions Int
    notificationOptions = defaultNotificationOptions
      { body = "Heya body"
      , icon = $(static "obelisk.jpg")
      , image = $(static "obelisk.jpg")

    notification = Notification
      { onclick = Just $ fun $ \_ _ _ -> consoleLog $ s "Heya click"
      , onclose = Just $ fun $ \_ _ _ -> consoleLog $ s "Heya close"
      , onerror = Just $ fun $ \_ _ _ -> consoleLog $ s "Heya error"
      , onshow = Just $ fun $ \_ _ _ -> consoleLog $ s "Heya show"
      , options = notificationOptions
      , contents = "Heya title"
    askPermissionEv = domEvent Click e1
    sendNotificationEv = domEvent Click e2
  sendNotificationAfterEv <- performEventAsync $ domEvent Click e3 <&> \() sendFn -> liftJSM $ do
    void $ jsgf (s "setTimeout")
      ( fun $ \_ _ _ -> do
          liftIO $ sendFn ()
      , 5000 :: Int

  txtEv <- withUserPermission askPermissionEv
      sendNotification $ notification <$ sendNotificationEv
      sendNotification $ notification <$ sendNotificationAfterEv
      pure "Everything works"
    (pure . show)

  txtDyn <- holdDyn "" $ fmap T.pack txtEv
  el "div" $ dynText txtDyn

  pure ()


A Reflex based wrapper around the Notifications API








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