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The Most Critical Component of any Organized Workflow

The dirman module handles different collections of notes in separate directories.


core.dirman provides other modules the ability to see which directories the user is in, where each note collection is stored and how to interact with it.

When writing notes, it is often crucial to have notes on a certain topic be isolated from notes on another topic. Dirman achieves this with a concept of "workspaces", which are named directories full of .norg notes.

To use core.dirman, simply load up the module in your configuration and specify the directories you would like to be managed for you:

require('neorg').setup {
    load = {
        ["core.defaults"] = {},
        ["core.dirman"] = {
            config = {
                workspaces = {
                    my_ws = "~/neorg", -- Format: <name_of_workspace> = <path_to_workspace_root>
                    my_other_notes = "~/work/notes",
                index = "index.norg", -- The name of the main (root) .norg file

To query the current workspace, run :Neorg workspace. To set the workspace, run :Neorg workspace <workspace_name>.

Changing the Current Working Directory

After a recent update core.dirman will no longer change the current working directory after switching workspace. To get the best experience it's recommended to set the autochdir Neovim option.

Create a new note

You can use dirman to create new notes in your workspaces.

local dirman = require('neorg').modules.get_module("core.dirman")
dirman.create_file("my_file", "my_ws", {
    no_open  = false,  -- open file after creation?
    force    = false,  -- overwrite file if exists
    metadata = {}      -- key-value table for metadata fields


  • default_workspace

    The default workspace to set whenever Neovim starts.

  • index

    The name for the index file.

    The index file is the "entry point" for all of your notes.

  • open_last_workspace

    Whether to open the last workspace's index file when nvim is executed without arguments.

    May also be set to the string "default", due to which Neorg will always open up the index file for the workspace defined in default_workspace.

  • use_popup

    Whether to use core.ui.text_popup for event. if false, will use vim's default vim.ui.input instead.

  • workspaces

    The list of active Neorg workspaces.

    There is always an inbuilt workspace called default, whose location is set to the Neovim current working directory on boot. @type table<string, PathlibPath>

    • default



  • core.autocommands - Handles the creation and management of Neovim's autocommands.
  • core.dirman.utils - A set of utilities for the core.dirman module.
  • - Deals with storing persistent data across Neorg sessions.
  • core.ui - A set of public functions to help developers create and manage UI (selection popups, prompts...) in their modules.

Required By

  • core.completion - A wrapper to interface with several different completion engines.
  • core.journal - Easily track a journal within Neorg.
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