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Holoscan SDK v1.0.3

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@agirault agirault released this 09 Feb 20:38
· 6 commits to main since this release

Release Artifacts

Release Notes

New Features and Improvements

  • Allow operator input and output ports to have matching names
  • Application graphs with cycles are now supported
  • Cycles in the graph are also supported in Data Flow Tracking
  • An informative error message is now raised if an unsupported condition type is provided to IOSpec::condition.
  • User-defined operators can now define parameters that are of type complex<float> or complex<double>. These parameters can either be parsed from a YAML config (e.g. using a string like "1.0 + 2.0j") or passed as a holoscan::Arg to the operator constructor.
  • Holoscan tensors containing data of type complex<float> or complex<double> can now be used.
  • Python applications can now send CuPy, NumPy or other tensor types with complex-valued data between fragments of a multi-fragment application. Previously, this only worked within a single fragment.
  • Many C++ API description methods and corresponding Python API __repr__ methods have been improved.
    • The IOSpec class now has a description method and corresponding Python __repr__ method.
    • A bug was fixed where the Arg class __repr__ could raise UnicodeDecodeError for uint8_t or int8_t argument types
    • The NetworkContext and Scheduler print more comprehensive information.
    • Python bindings for GXF conditions, resources and operators have an improved __repr__ that makes use of the underlying C++ description methods.
  • The HOLOSCAN_UCX_PORTS environment variable allows users to define preferred port numbers for the SDK's inter-node communication in a distributed application, especially in environments where specific ports need to be predetermined, such as Kubernetes.
  • A Condition or Resource class can be added to a Python operator after construction via its add_arg method.
  • Distributed applications can now leverage RDMA transports with MLNX_OFED drivers. Tested with RoCE.
  • The HOLOSCAN_HEALTH_CHECK_PORT environment variable allows users to define a port number for the SDK's health check endpoint in a distributed application.
  • A set of available keys in an Application or Fragments's YAML configuration file can now be determined via a new config_keys() method in the C++ API or config_keys method from Python.
  • Debugging (tracing and profiling) of Python operators is now fully supported.
    • Previously, the compute, initialize, start, and stop methods of the Holoscan Operator were not compatible with Python tracing/profiling in earlier releases.
    • Debugging methods of Python operators with the VSCode/PyCharm debugger using PyDev.Debugger (pydevd) is now feasible, as well as profiling or gathering coverage data using cProfile or
    • For comprehensive information, refer to the Debugging section in the SDK User Guide.
  • HoloViz
    • Add views support for imgui layers
    • Support additional color formats (doc)
    • Support for multiple instances (doc)
    • Add row_pitch argument to ReadFrameBuffer function.
  • Inference
    • The ONNX Runtime (ORT) inference backend is now a plugin, like the Torch backend, allowing you to use the inference operator without requiring an installation of ORT when using other backends (like TensorRT or Torch).
  • Added a Dockerfile that contains only runtime dependencies. This Dockerfile can be built by running ./run build_run_image at the top of the repository, creating an image that is ~8.6 GB vs. the ~13 GB build container from ./run build_image. (doc)
  • The run script in the git repository had a couple of updates and improvements, including:
    • Allow building as root
    • Allow running of the build container without display
    • Naming build image, build directories, and install directories with the target architecture and GPU (ex: build -> build-aarch64-dgpu)
    • Support building on system without tty support
    • Support running on system without xhost support
    • Added more flags (see ./run help and ./run <cmd> --help for details)
  • Mellanox OFED user libraries were added to the NGC container to allow the use of RDMA transports from the container.
  • The user guide source code and tooling is now released on GitHub (link)

Breaking Changes

  • H264 operator and applications were moved from the SDK to HoloHub (MR)
  • For distributed applications, there is a change to the emit/receive behavior for array-like objects (e.g. PyTorch tensor) between operators within a fragment. Previously (in v0.6.x), the array-like object type was always preserved for within-fragment emit/receive. However, now now any host array-like will be recevied as a NumPy array (and any device array-like will be received as a CuPy array). Making within-fragment emit/receive behavior consistent with between-fragment emit/receive behavior was necessary to implement the fix for issue 4290043.
  • Building against Ubuntu 22.04, debian packages and python wheels require GLIBC_2.35 or above.

Bug fixes

Issue Description
4185976 Cycle in a graph is not supported. As a consequence, the endoscopy tool tracking example using input from an AJA video card in enabled overlay configuration is unfunctional. This is planned to be addressed in the next version of the SDK.
4196152 Getting "Unable to find component from the name ''" error message when using InferenceOp with Data Flow Tracking enabled.
4211747 Communication of GPU tensors between fragments in a distributed application can only use device 0
4212743 Holoscan CLI packager copies into the App Package the unrelated files and folders in the same folder than the model file.
4232453 A segfault occurs if a native Python operator __init__ assigns a new attribute that overrides an existing base class attribute or method. A segfault will also occur if any exception is raised during Operator.__init__ or Application.__init__ before the parent class __init__ was called.
4206197 Distributed apps hang if multiple input/output ports are connected between two operators in different fragments.
3599303 Linux kernel is not built with security hardening flags. Future releases will include a Linux kernel built with security hardening flags.
4187787 TensorRT backend in the Inference operator prints Unknown embedded device detected. Using 52000MiB as the allocation cap for memory on embedded devices on IGX Orin (iGPU). Addressed in TensorRT 8.6+.
4194109 AppDriver is executing fragments' compose() method which can be avoided.
4260969 App add_flow causes issue if called more than once between a pair of operators.
4265393 Release 1.0-ea1 and 1.0-ea2 fail to run distributed applications with workers on two or more nodes.
4272363 A segfault may occur if an operator's output port containing GXF Tensor data is linked to multiple operators within the MultiThreadScheduler.
4290043 Bug in Python implicit broadcast of non-TensorMap types when at least one target operator is in a different fragment.
4293729 Python application using MultiThreadScheduler (including distributed application) may fail with GIL related error if SDK was compiled in debug mode.
4101714 Vulkan applications fail (vk::UnknownError) in containers on iGPU due to missing iGPU device node being mounted in the container. Workaround documented in run instructions.
3881725 VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED with segmentation fault while running High-Speed Endoscopy gxf/cpp app on Clara AGX developer kits. Fix available in CUDA drivers 520. Workaround implemented since v0.4 to retry automatically.
4293741 Python application with more than two operators (mixed use of pure Python operator and operator wrapping C++ operator), using MultiThreadScheduler (including distributed app) and sending Python tensor can deadlock at runtime.
4313690 Failure to initialize BayerDemosaicOp in applications using the C++ API
4187826 Torch backend in the Inference operator is not supported on Tegra's integrated GPU.
4336947 The dev_id parameter of the CudaStreamPool resource is ignored.
4344061 Native Python operator overrides of the start, stop or initialize methods don't handle exceptions properly
4344408 The distributed application displays an error message if port 8777 is already in use.
4363945 Checking if a key exists in an application's config file results in an error being logged.
Fixed bad cast exception when defining optional ports enablement (buffer input, output, camera pose) for the Holoviz operator from a YAML configuration file.
Fixed invalid stride alignment of video buffer inputs in the Holoviz operator.
4367627 The distributed application does not handle IPv6 addresses and hostnames properly.
4368977 The DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition has not been added to the optional output ports of the Holoviz operator (AJASourceOp and HolovizOp). This omission leads to a GXF_EXCEEDING_PREALLOCATED_SIZE error when the data in the output port's queue is not consumed quickly enough.
Fixed FormatConverterOp input stride handling, was previously ignored.
4381269 Compiling the SDK with the VSCode Dev Container (using 'Tasks: Run Build Task') may lead to memory exhaustion due to the absence of the CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL environment variable.
4398018 Intermittent 'Deserialize entity header failed' error with the distributed app when running all fragments locally on the same node.
4371324 In the distributed application, a bug causes crashes ('Serialization failed') due to null tensor pointers during mixed broadcasts. This results from not using mutexes when sending GXF Tensors to remote endpoints with UCX.
4414990 Crash in Fragment::port_info with the distributed app if any of the fragments did not have any operators added to it during compose.
4449149 Unable to debug, trace, or profile the 'compute' method of Python API operators using VSCode debugger/profile/coverage.
3878494 Inference fails after a TensorRT engine file is first created using BlockMemoryPool. Fix available in TensorRT 8.4.1. Use UnboundedAllocator as a workaround.
4171337 AJA with RDMA is not working on integrated GPU (IGX or AGX Orin) due to conflicts between the nvidia-p2p and nvidia driver symbols (nvidia_p2p_dma_map_pages)
4233845 The UCX Transmitter might select the wrong local IP address when creating a UCX client. This can cause the distributed application to fail if the selected IP address cannot be reached from the other computer. The Holoscan SDK automatically sets the HOLOSCAN_UCX_SOURCE_ADDRESS environment variable based on the --worker-address CLI argument if the worker address is a local IP address. In addition, the UCX_CM_USE_ALL_DEVICES environment variable is set to n by default to disable consideration of all devices for data transfer.

Supported Platforms

Note: This release is intended for use with the listed platforms only. NVIDIA does not provide support for this release on products other than those listed below.

Platform OS
NVIDIA IGX Orin IGX SW 1.0 DP (L4T r36.1) or
Meta Tegra Holoscan 1.0.0 (L4T r36.2)
NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin and Orin Nano NVIDIA JetPack 6.0 DP (L4T r36.2)
*Only supporting the NGC container
NVIDIA HoloPack 1.2 (L4T r34.1.2) or
Meta Tegra Holoscan 0.6.0 (L4T r35.3.1)
x86_64 platforms with Ampere GPU or above Ubuntu 22.04

Known Issues

This section supplies details about issues discovered during development and QA but not resolved in this release.

Issue Description
4062979 When Operators connected in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) are executed in a multithreaded scheduler, it is not ensured that their execution order in the graph is adhered.
4267272 AJA drivers cannot be built with RDMA on IGX SW 1.0 DP iGPU due to missing nv-p2p.h. Expected to be addressed in IGX SW 1.0 GA.
4384768 No RDMA support on JetPack 6.0 DP and IGX SW 1.0 DP iGPU due to missing nv-p2p kernel module. Expected to be addressed in JP 6.0 GA and IGX SW 1.0 GA respectively.
4190019 Holoviz segfaults on multi-gpu setup when specifying device using the --gpus flag with docker run. Current workaround is to use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES in the container instead.
4210082 v4l_camera example seg faults at exit.
4339399 High CPU usage observed with video_replayer_distributed application. While the high CPU usage associated with the GXF UCX extension has been fixed since v1.0, distributed applications using the MultiThreadScheduler (with the check_recession_period_ms parameter set to 0 by default) may still experience high CPU usage. Setting the HOLOSCAN_CHECK_RECESSION_PERIOD_MS environment variable to a value greater than 0 (e.g. 1.5) can help reduce CPU usage. However, this may result in increased latency for the application until the MultiThreadScheduler switches to an event-based multithreaded scheduler.
4318442 UCX cuda_ipc protocol doesn't work in Docker containers on x86_64. As a workaround, we are currently disabling the UCX cuda_ipc protocol on all platforms via the UCX_TLS environment variable.
4325468 The V4L2VideoCapture operator only supports YUYV and AB24 source pixel formats, and only outputs the RGBA GXF video format. Other source pixel formats compatible with V4L2 can be manually defined by the user, but they're assumed to be equivalent to RGBA8888.
4325585 Applications using MultiThreadScheduler may exit early due to timeouts. This occurs when the stop_on_deadlock_timeout parameter is improperly set to a value equal to or less than check_recession_period_ms, particularly if check_recession_period_ms is greater than zero.
4301203 HDMI IN fails in v4l2_camera on IGX Orin Devkit for some resolution or formats. Try the latest firmware as a partial fix. Driver-level fixes expected in IGX SW 1.0 GA.
4384348 UCX termination (either ctrl+c , press 'Esc' or clicking close button) is not smooth and can show multiple error messages.
4481171 Running the driver for a distributed applications on IGX Orin devkits fails when connected to other systems through eth1. A workaround is to use eth0 port to connect to other systems for distributed workloads.
4458192 In scenarios where distributed applications have both the driver and workers running on the same host, either within a Docker container or directly on the host, there's a possibility of encountering "Address already in use" errors. A potential solution is to assign a different port number to the HOLOSCAN_HEALTH_CHECK_PORT environment variable (default: 8777), for example, by using export HOLOSCAN_HEALTH_CHECK_PORT=8780.