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Frontend client for image generation with OpenAI


The OpenAI API has demos for different clients, including node.js. However, this is a backend javascript client. A frontend Javascript client, as implemented here, should be able to call the OpenAI API endpoints directly.


  1. Get an API-key from OpenAI here.
  2. Double-click on the file openai-client.html (or open it with your browser of choice). No server is needed.
  3. Enter your API-key (once) and enter a description for the tobe generated image (as many times as you like and with the speed that the OpenAI API allows). Note that it can take some time (roughly 10-20 seconds) to receive the image.
  4. Check out the developer console upon errors (no rendering of new images).

Snapshot of the UI

UI Features

  • Interactive calls of the OpenAI API for the generation of an image
  • Rendering the generated image

Code Features

  • 100% class-based and 100% functional
    • Classes with static methods and no fields
  • No global variables
  • Promise-based
  • Separation of concerns with the following classes
    • DomController
    • RestController
    • OpenaiApi
    • OpenaiBrowserClient
    • App
  • Creating and rendering multiple images with a single HTTP call
    • The default value of 1 (for the number of images) can be changed without changing the logic.
  • Many user-defined parameters (the class OpenaiApi)
    • Possibility of defining more UI elements for more control

Examples of outputs

  • Copyright: Notes from OpenAI regarding image copyrights

  • 'Drinking tea and watching rain outside through the window'

  • 'dancing bare-foor happily alone in the rain at night'

  • '4D visualization isocahedron girl reflection'

  • 'girl and icosahedron and projection'