Search by device Name, and number of days port is in state (either up or down) Options for a few other things, like excluding shut ports
clone and rename folder to DownPorts and move to your LibreNMS plugins folder. Example /opt/librenms/html/plugins/
2024/02/14 ToDo's
- add selector to select either down or up ports (radio button, default to down) - 2024/02/15 done.
- remove other types of ports Ap1/0/1, Trunk ports ??? - 2024/02/15 removed Te/Twe/Ap
- query by devices.hostname or devices.sysName - 2024/02/15 added.
- sql add % before hostname - 2024/02/15 added.
- fix if "0" is entered in port state, page crashes for some reason.
- Default select Down port - made radio instead of selector 2024/03/01
- Default check SHUTDOWN ports 2024/03/01