Autoshift is Web scraper to automate time sheet entry of work from home hours in Cybershift. UPDATE: AutoShift can no longer be used in browsers other than Google Chrome.
It's available as a Chrome extension here:
AutoShift is just vanilla JavaScript. It's written to run in the developer console of any web browser (Big thanks to Babel for legacy browser and Microsoft browser support). It does two things:
- Load the html contained in the CyberShift bubblesheet web page.
- Takes values in string format from the user and assigns those values to the following fields: In, Lunch Out, Lunch In, Out. The following fields are assigned default values to account for working from home: Total Worked, ABS Type, ABS Code, ABS hours
AutoShift has been submitted to Google for review so that it can be published as a chrome extension. Until then, you will need to add it as an extension yourself locally
To Automatically do your time, follow these steps:
New to JavaScript?
- Download the file located in this repo.
- In Google Chrome, enter chrome://extensions/ into the url bar
- In the menu at the top, click Load Unpacked
- Select the ChromeExtension folder and upload it
- Navigate to cybershift and load your bubblesheet
- Click the AutoShift extension icon in the top right of your Chrome window
- Click "Do My Time"
Done this kind of thing before?
- Go to cybershift
- Log in and select the period of time corresponding to the current pay period. Click Go. Click BubbleSheet.
- Copy the code from doTime.js. [DEPRECATED]If you're using a Microsoft browser or a very old browser, copy the code from doTime-oldBrowserSupport.js
- On the bubblesheet page, open your brower's developer console (In Chrome press Cmd+Option+j. In other browsers right click browser window and in the developer console that appears, select "Console").
- In the console, paste in the code that you copied in step 3 and press enter.
- After you press enter you should see your bubble sheet populate with the correct times and code.
- Finally click Save Employee Records and your done :)