Releases: nodegui/qode
Removes qode from npm bins. This should be done by libs using qode
This is done so that libs using qode can add extra dynamic libs to the path variable before calling qode.
This will help in switching Qt versions easily by setting appropriate path variables (in case of windows)
Qode 2.0 removes Qt libs dependency from Qode
This makes it easier to upgrade Qt and also allows devs to use their own version of Qt.
Also, helps in avoiding issues with 3rd party plugin development because of qt version mismatch.
Now Qode essentially becomes nodejs + <some code changes to allow message loop injection via an addon>
Upgrades to Node 13.9.0
Qode 1.0.6
- Adds fix for Qode installation failing for first time.
Qode v1.0.5
Adds activateUvLoop on process so that the timers in qode can run nicely.
Thanks @zcbenz for ideas from here
Qode v1.0.4
Adds support for easier app packaging in MacOS, Linux and Win32
Adds support for additional config options:
- hideConsole
- libraryPaths