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Melvin Carvalho edited this page May 24, 2018 · 1 revision

Which Versions of Node.js Should You Actually Use?

The honest answer: It depends.

If you're shipping an application or API to production, you should probably err on the side of caution and aim for the latest LTS. If you're developing a side project, you can go ahead and use the Current release line. If you're building tooling that's meant to be super helpful to a bunch of developers, you should probably try to support a range of versions.

There are options, and that's by design. Node.js succeeded because of its ease of use for such a wide range of developers. One of the most important things that happened when io.js and Node.js re-joined was the creation of the LTS process, which helps ensure that Node.js is a stable and reliable platform for a particular set of use cases.

That said, as individual developers the ease of use that Node.js initially provided still exists and will always be maintained going forward. As such, there's no one true and righteous path to follow with which version of Node.js to use. Instead, every organization, every team, and every individual needs to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of different approaches on a case by case basis to best suit the interests of people and projects working with Node.js effectively.