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Releases: noahsalvi/svelte-use-form

2.10.0 - New email validator that requires TLD

17 Sep 16:04
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emailWithTLD can now be used as an extension of email which furthermore requires a valid TLD. (.com, .org, ...)

Thanks to @keehun

2.9.1 - Fix change method

31 Aug 14:35
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Fixed a bug where the change method of a form control wouldn't update $form.

2.9.0 - Validators "control" parameter

10 Aug 13:57
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Validators can now access the control / field that it was assigned to.

const newValidator: Validator = (value, form, control) => {
   // Access `field`

The syntax may change in the next major release version 3 to for example concatenate form and control into an object.
This would allow further changes later down the line without causing breaking changes.

2.8.0 - Dynamic Validators

19 Jul 13:17
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When using the validators action, validators will now be "recreated" when the argument changes.

Iff you modify the parameter length the validator is automatically recreated and applied to the input.

let length = 5;

<input name="username" use:validators={[minLength(length)]} >


08 Jan 16:22
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  • Multiple forms per component: Assign a name to a form by setting it in the constructor useForm({}, "user-form") and then assigning the form attribute on the HintGroup or Hint to it: <Hint form="user-form"…>
  • Hint class and id: Hint component now exposes class and id attributes.

Huge thanks to @moalamri! 🎉

⚠️ Update to 2.6.1 since 2.6.0 had some breaking changes.


20 Nov 22:33
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  • Improve typings: Specifying controls in the constructor will lead to them being suggested when accessing $form #24
  • Ignore attribute: We can now use data-suf-ignore to ignore a form control from being detected by svelte-use-form. #38
  • New Regex pattern validator #41
  • Newer svelte version: Updated project to newer svelte library skeleton
  • Bug fixes and refactoring

2.4.0 - Reset Functions

18 Jul 19:17
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$form.reset() to reset the whole form.
$ to reset for example the email field.
${ value: "Set the value it should have after the reset }) You can also set the value manually, if omitted it will have the initial value of the field.


16 Mar 15:25
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  • Added error function in FormControl:
    You can now set errors manually on a specific FormControl. e.g. ${ login: "Password is incorrect" }).
    This comes in handy, when dealing with async errors for example when dealing with backend responses.


14 Mar 10:48
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  • Addedtouched property on form object.
    You can now set all the fields to touched, resulting in hints being shown and the styling being triggered when e.g. :global(input.touched:inalid){}


10 Mar 19:41
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  • Added errorMap. (Map the validationErrors to new value before they are assigned to the formControl object)
  • Added class on Hint component. (You can now use classes on it directly instead of wrapping it)
  • Added url validator