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In the context of a modern construction site, autonomous robots are tasked with monitoring the execution of work to estimate its advancements, and to ensure safety and efficiency. Equipped with various sensors and tools, these robots must navigate the site, inspect ongoing tasks, and report any discrepancies or hazards.

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AIRO II - Assignment June 2024

In the context of a modern construction site, autonomous robots are tasked with monitoring the execution of work to estimate its advancements, and to ensure safety and efficiency. Equipped with various sensors and tools, these robots must navigate the site, inspect ongoing tasks, and report any discrepancies or hazards.

Author: Nima Abaeian - 5967579
Professor: Fulvio Mastrogiovanni
University: Università degli studi di Genova, DIBRIS
Department: Department of Computer Science and Technology, Bioengineering, Robotics and System Engineering

Plan Found Using OPTIC Solver

Robot1 Performing Inspection Individually in Room E

Plan found with metric 0.017; states evaluated so far: 21; states pruned based on pre-heuristic cost lower bound: 0; time 0.090.

  • 0.000: (navigate robot1 a b) [0.001]
  • 0.001: (navigate robot1 b c) [0.001]
  • 0.002: (navigate robot1 c d) [0.001]
  • 0.003: (navigate robot1 d e) [0.001]
  • 0.004: (inspection_initiation robot1 e) [0.001]
  • 0.005: (stabilize robot1 e) [0.001]
  • 0.006: (deploy_manipulator robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.007: (position_end_effector robot1 configuration1) [0.001]
  • 0.008: (temperature_variation_analysis robot1 thermal configuration1) [0.001]
  • 0.008: (worker_activity_analysis robot1 camera configuration1) [0.001]
  • 0.008: (structural_integrity_analysis robot1 lidar configuration1) [0.001]
  • 0.009: (collect_data robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.010: (update_bim robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.011: (decision_making robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.012: (additional_reading robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.013: (additional_reading robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.014: (additional_reading robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.015: (report_data robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.016: (retract_manipulator robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.017: (inspection_completion robot1 e) [0.001]

Robot1 and Robot2 Performing Inspection in Room E and Room G Respectively

Plan found with metric 0.019; states evaluated so far: 55; states pruned based on pre-heuristic cost lower bound: 0; time 0.100.

  • 0.000: (navigate robot2 a b) [0.001]
  • 0.000: (navigate robot1 a b) [0.001]
  • 0.001: (navigate robot2 b c) [0.001]
  • 0.001: (navigate robot1 b c) [0.001]
  • 0.002: (navigate robot2 c d) [0.001]
  • 0.002: (navigate robot1 c d) [0.001]
  • 0.003: (navigate robot2 d e) [0.001]
  • 0.003: (navigate robot1 d e) [0.001]
  • 0.004: (inspection_initiation robot1 e) [0.001]
  • 0.004: (navigate robot2 e f) [0.001]
  • 0.005: (stabilize robot1 e) [0.001]
  • 0.005: (navigate robot2 f g) [0.001]
  • 0.006: (inspection_initiation robot2 g) [0.001]
  • 0.006: (deploy_manipulator robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.007: (stabilize robot2 g) [0.001]
  • 0.007: (position_end_effector robot1 configuration1) [0.001]
  • 0.008: (temperature_variation_analysis robot1 thermal configuration1) [0.001]
  • 0.008: (worker_activity_analysis robot1 camera configuration1) [0.001]
  • 0.008: (structural_integrity_analysis robot1 lidar configuration1) [0.001]
  • 0.008: (deploy_manipulator robot2) [0.001]
  • 0.009: (position_end_effector robot2 configuration1) [0.001]
  • 0.009: (collect_data robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.010: (temperature_variation_analysis robot2 thermal configuration1) [0.001]
  • 0.010: (worker_activity_analysis robot2 camera configuration1) [0.001]
  • 0.010: (update_bim robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.010: (structural_integrity_analysis robot2 lidar configuration1) [0.001]
  • 0.011: (decision_making robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.011: (collect_data robot2) [0.001]
  • 0.012: (additional_reading robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.012: (update_bim robot2) [0.001]
  • 0.013: (decision_making robot2) [0.001]
  • 0.013: (additional_reading robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.014: (additional_reading robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.014: (additional_reading robot2) [0.001]
  • 0.015: (report_data robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.015: (additional_reading robot2) [0.001]
  • 0.016: (retract_manipulator robot1) [0.001]
  • 0.016: (additional_reading robot2) [0.001]
  • 0.017: (inspection_completion robot1 e) [0.001]
  • 0.017: (report_data robot2) [0.001]
  • 0.018: (retract_manipulator robot2) [0.001]
  • 0.019: (inspection_completion robot2 g) [0.001]
  • All goal deadlines now no later than 0.019.

Detailed Breakdown of Requirements Addressed in the Code

1. Navigation and Positioning

Robots know how to move between various locations and position themselves:

1a. Move between various locations (topological map):

Locations and Connections: In Problem.txt, locations A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H are defined as objects of type location. Connections between these locations are represented using the connected predicate:

(connected A B)
(connected B C)
(connected C D)
(connected D E)
(connected E F)
(connected F G)
(connected G H)
(connected H A)

Navigation Action: The navigate action in Domain.txt allows robots to move between connected locations:

(:action navigate
  :parameters (?r - robot ?l1 ?l2 - location)
  :precondition (and (at ?r ?l1) (connected ?l1 ?l2) (manipulator_retracted ?r))
  :effect (and (at ?r ?l2) (not (at ?r ?l1)))

1b. Position firmly on the ground: Stabilization Action: The stabilize action ensures that a robot stabilizes once it reaches the location and initiates inspection:

(:action stabilize
  :parameters (?r - robot ?l - location)
  :precondition (inspection_initiated ?r ?l)
  :effect (stabilized ?r)
  1. Inspection Robots know how to conduct inspections: 2a. Extend a manipulator arm: Deploy Manipulator: The deploy_manipulator action handles extending the manipulator arm:
(:action deploy_manipulator
  :parameters (?r - robot)
  :precondition (and (stabilized ?r) (manipulator_retracted ?r))
  :effect (and (manipulator_deployed ?r) (not (manipulator_retracted ?r)))

2b. Position the manipulator’s end-effector: Position End-Effector: The position_end_effector action positions the end-effector in one of the specified configurations:

(:action position_end_effector
  :parameters (?r - robot ?c - configuration)
  :precondition (manipulator_deployed ?r)
  :effect (end_effector_positioned ?r ?c)

2c. Use sensors on the manipulator’s end-effector: Inspection Tools and Actions: The actions for using sensors include structural_integrity_analysis, worker_activity_analysis, and temperature_variation_analysis:

(:action structural_integrity_analysis
  :parameters (?r - robot ?t - tool ?c - configuration)
  :precondition (and (end_effector_positioned ?r ?c) (tool_for_structural ?t))
  :effect (structural_integrity_performed ?r)

(:action worker_activity_analysis
  :parameters (?r - robot ?t - tool ?c - configuration)
  :precondition (and (end_effector_positioned ?r ?c) (tool_for_worker_activity ?t))
  :effect (worker_activity_performed ?r)

(:action temperature_variation_analysis
  :parameters (?r - robot ?t - tool ?c - configuration)
  :precondition (and (end_effector_positioned ?r ?c) (tool_for_temperature ?t))
  :effect (temperature_variation_performed ?r)

2d. Retract the manipulator: Retract Manipulator: The retract_manipulator action handles retraction of the manipulator arm:

(:action retract_manipulator
  :parameters (?r - robot)
  :precondition (and (manipulator_deployed ?r) (data_reported ?r))
  :effect (and (not (manipulator_deployed ?r)) (manipulator_retracted ?r))
  1. Data Collection Robots know how to collect data: 3a. Activate and deactivate each tool: Tool Activation: Implicitly modeled within the analysis actions.

3b. Acquire data from each tool: Data Collection: The collect_data action ensures data is collected after all analyses are performed:

(:action collect_data
  :parameters (?r - robot)
  :precondition (and (temperature_variation_performed ?r) (worker_activity_performed ?r) (structural_integrity_performed ?r))
  :effect (data_collected ?r)
  1. Data Processing

Robots know how to process data:

4a. Perform structural integrity analysis: Structural Integrity Analysis: Performed by structural_integrity_analysis action.

4b. Perform worker activity analysis: Worker Activity Analysis: Performed by worker_activity_analysis action.

4c. Perform temperature variation analysis: Temperature Variation Analysis: Performed by temperature_variation_analysis action.

  1. Decision Making Robots know how to make decisions: 5a. Determine inspection frequency and tool usage: Decision Making: The decision_making and additional_reading actions ensure additional inspections are performed if required:
(:action decision_making
  :parameters (?r - robot)
  :precondition (and (bim_updated ?r) (< (count ?r) (target_count ?r)))
  :effect (additional_reading_required ?r)

(:action additional_reading
  :parameters (?r - robot)
  :precondition (additional_reading_required ?r)
  :effect (and (additional_reading_performed ?r) (increase (count ?r) 1))
  1. Reporting

Robots know how to report data:

6a. Format data and update BIM: Update BIM: The update_bim action formats and updates the BIM database:

(:action update_bim
  :parameters (?r - robot)
  :precondition (data_collected ?r)
  :effect (bim_updated ?r)

6b. Close the session: Close Session: The inspection_completion action finalizes the inspection:

(:action inspection_completion
  :parameters (?r - robot ?l - location)
  :precondition (and (at ?r ?l) (data_reported ?r) (manipulator_retracted ?r))
  :effect (inspection_completed ?r ?l)


In the context of a modern construction site, autonomous robots are tasked with monitoring the execution of work to estimate its advancements, and to ensure safety and efficiency. Equipped with various sensors and tools, these robots must navigate the site, inspect ongoing tasks, and report any discrepancies or hazards.







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