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This is a simple webm index thingy.


  • A sane web server (i.e. not Apache or IIS)
  • Ruby 2.0+ (no external gems required)
  • CoffeeScript
  • cron (for rebuilding the index)


  1. Copy config.yml.example to config.yml and modify it to your needs.
  2. Copy the example nginx.conf.example to your web server.
  3. Build the entire website with the build script.
  4. Each time you place some new WebM files in your WebM directory, re-run gen_website.rb.

Extra features

Ignore some WebMs by touching the WebM file with .ignore appended to the file name. For example, if you want to ignore the WebM rms.webm, you'd just run touch rms.webm.ignore from the terminal.

Add some metadata by creating a webm_file.webm.desc file. The description file is a YAML file which looks like this:

title: My super awesome WebM
description: A longer description for the super awesome WebM.
song: Scooter - Hyper Hyper

Each tag is optional.