Include the latest jQuery and assets/js/jquery.threesixty.js
in your HTML page.
<div class="threesixty" data-path="assets/img/src/gem{index}.jpg" data-count="61"></div>
The data-path attribute assets/img/src/gem{index}.jpg
is the path to the image sequence. The index being used to grab the images is 0-based and 1-digit. The data-count attribute is the number of images.
dragDirection: 'horizontal',
useKeys: false
is default.useKeys
is defaultdraggable
is default
Step to the next frame.
Step to the previous frame.
## To Do
* ~~Add mouse-wheel functionality as an option (default:off)~~ (not doing this, users should control this outside of plugin using nextFrame/prevFrame)
* ~~Add arrow key functionality as an option (default:off)~~
* ~~Expose nextFrame() & prevFrame() methods, allowing users to connect UI controls~~
* build flick/toss physics (can this be done smoothly?)
* ~~add touch/swipe support~~
## In the Wild
* [Example Site](
## Credits
* [Will Adams]( for the example 3D image sequence.
* [Tom Genoni]( for the [preloader](