Library provides dragging/resizing/rotating/snapping SVG/HTML Elements.
Run npm install
to install with npm
npm install subjx
Including via a <script>
<script src="../dist/js/subjx.js"></script>
Main function subjx
returns Subjx
instance which based on elements finded by
passed parameters:
import subjx from 'subjx';
import 'subjx/dist/style/subjx.css';
// possible parameters
const xElem = subjx( 'selector' ) |
subjx( element ) |
subjx( elementArray );
// enabling tool by `drag` method with the optional parameters
// by default just call `.drag()`
const xDraggable = xElem.drag();
// for disabling use `disable` method for each object
// getter returns root DOM element of 'controls'
// provides access to useful options;
// for example: to get reference to any handle's DOM
const {
handles: { tl, tr, ...etc }
} =;
// enables dragging
// there is no need to call this method manually
// disables dragging, removes controls and handles
// adds event listener for some events
xDraggable.on(eventName, cb);
// removes event listener for some events, cb);
// Event names
const EVENTS = [
// execute dragging manually
dx, // drag along the x axis
dy // drag along the y axis
// execute resizing manually
dx, // resize along the x axis
dy, // resize along the y axis
revX, // reverse resizing along the x axis
revY, // reverse resizing along the y axis
doW, // allow width resizing
doH // allow height resizing
// execute rotating manually
delta // radians
// Align element inside container: ['t', 'l', 'r', 'b', 'v', 'h']
// Call this method when applying scale or viewBox values changing
// useful when element's container was transformed from outside
// Sets the origin for an element's transformations
x, // absolute the origin's position x coordinate
y, // absolute he origin's position y coordinate
dx, // offset the origin's position x coordinate
dy // offset the origin's position y coordinate
pin // leaves current origin fixed if true or not if false
// Sets transform origin to default
// Returns element's current dimensions
Property | Description | Type | Default |
container | Transformation coordinate system | 'selector' | element |
element.parentNode |
controlsContainer | Parent element of 'controls' | 'selector' | element |
element.parentNode |
axis | Constrain movement along an axis | string : 'x' | 'y' | 'xy' |
'xy' |
snap | Snapping to grid in pixels/radians | object |
{ x: 10, y: 10, angle: 10 } |
each | Mimic behavior with other '.draggable' elements | object |
{ move: false, resize: false, rotate: false } |
proportions | Keep aspect ratio on resizing / scaling | boolean |
false |
draggable | Allow or deny an action | boolean |
true |
resizable | Allow or deny an action | boolean |
true |
rotatable | Allow or deny an action | boolean |
true |
scalable | Applies scaling only to root element | boolean |
false |
restrict | Restricts element dragging/resizing/rotation | 'selector' | element |
- |
rotatorAnchor | Rotator anchor direction | string : 'n' | 's' | 'w' | 'e' |
'e' |
rotatorOffset | Rotator offset | number |
50 |
transformOrigin | Sets the origin for an element's transformations | boolean | Array |
false |
onInit(elements) {
// fires on tool activation
onMove({ clientX, clientY, dx, dy, transform }) {
// fires on moving
onResize({ clientX, clientY, dx, dy, transform, width, height }) {
// fires on resizing
onRotate({ clientX, clientY, delta, transform }) {
// fires on rotation
onDrop({ clientX, clientY }) {
// fires on drop
onDestroy(el) {
// fires on tool deactivation
Subscribing new draggable element to previously activated(useful with each
const options = {};
const observable = subjx.createObservable();
subjx('.draggable').drag(options, observable);
// pass Observable to new element
const createDraggableAndSubscribe = e => {
subjx(, observable);
Allowed SVG elements:
, path
, rect
, ellipse
, line
, polyline
, polygon
, circle
const xCloneable = xElem.clone({
// dropping area
stack: 'selector',
// set clone parent
appendTo: 'selector',
// set clone additional style
style: {
border: '1px dashed green',
background: 'transparent'
onInit(el) {
// fires on tool activation
onMove(dx, dy) {
// fires on moving
onDrop(e) {
// fires on drop
onDestroy() {
// fires on tool deactivation
MIT (c) Karen Sarksyan