Releases: newaperio/phoenix_starter
Releases · newaperio/phoenix_starter
- GitHub pull request template
- Dialyzer for type-checking (via dialyxir)
- Target Elixir v1.13.2
- Target Erlang v24.2.1
- Target Node.js v16.13.2
- Update Phoenix to v1.6.6
- Update Phoenix LiveView to v0.17.6
- Update various dependencies to satisfy new Phoenix/LiveView version constraints
- credo
- phoenix_ecto
- phoenix_html
- phoenix_live_dashboard
- phoenix_live_reload
- telemetry_metrics
- telemetry_poller
- Update EEx and LEEx templates to the new HEEx templating engine
- Run tests with
in CI - Replace Bamboo with Swoosh for emails
- Update Sobelow skips
- Parallelize GitHub Actions CI workflow
v1.0 (initial release)
Initial release
This is the initial release of Phoenix Starter. It includes a full
Phoenix app that is preconfigured with our standard defaults. It also
includes a number of other libraries and additional tools and
configuration that we use consistently across our projects.