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A CLI tool to render and execute Robot Framework tests using Jinja templating.


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Tests Python Support


A CLI tool to render and execute Robot Framework tests using Jinja templating. Combining Robot's language agnostic syntax with the flexibility of Jinja templating allows dynamically rendering a set of test suites from the desired infrastructure state expressed in YAML syntax.

$ iac-test -h
Usage: iac-test [OPTIONS]

  A CLI tool to render and execute Robot Framework tests using Jinja

  --version                  Show the version and exit.
  -v, --verbosity LVL        Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG
  -d, --data PATH            Path to data YAML files. (env: IAC_TEST_DATA)
  -t, --templates DIRECTORY  Path to test templates. (env: IAC_TEST_TEMPLATES)
  -f, --filters DIRECTORY    Path to Jinja filters. (env: IAC_TEST_FILTERS)
  --tests DIRECTORY          Path to Jinja tests. (env: IAC_TEST_TESTS)
  -o, --output DIRECTORY     Path to output directory. (env: IAC_TEST_OUTPUT)
  -i, --include TEXT         Selects the test cases by tag (include). (env:
  -e, --exclude TEXT         Selects the test cases by tag (exclude). (env:
  --render-only              Only render tests without executing them. (env:
  --dry-run                  Dry run flag. See robot dry run mode. (env:
  -h, --help                 Show this message and exit.

All data from the YAML files (--data option) will first be combined into a single data structure which is then provided as input to the templating process. Each template in the --templates path will then be rendered and written to the --output path. If the --templates path has subfolders, the folder structure will be retained when rendering the templates.

After all templates have been rendered Pabot will execute all test suites in parallel and create a test report in the --output path. The --skiponfailure non-critical argument will be used by default, meaning all failed tests with a non-critical tag will show up as "skipped" instead of "failed" in the final test report.


Python 3.7+ is required to install iac-test. Don't have Python 3.7 or later? See Python 3 Installation & Setup Guide.

iac-test can be installed in a virtual environment using pip:

pip install iac-test

The following Robot libraries are installed with iac-test:

Any other libraries can of course be added via pip.

Ansible Vault Support

Values in YAML files can be encrypted using Ansible Vault. This requires Ansible (ansible-vault command) to be installed and the following two environment variables to be defined:


ANSIBLE_VAULT_ID is optional, and if not defined will be omitted.

Additional Tags

Reading Environment Variables

The !env YAML tag can be used to read values from environment variables.

  name: !env VAR_NAME


data.yaml located in ./data folder:

    - name: ABC
      param: value
    - name: DEF
      param: value

test1.robot located in ./templates folder:

*** Settings ***
Documentation   Test1

*** Test Cases ***
{% for child in root.children | default([]) %}

Test {{ }}
    Should Be Equal   {{ child.param }}   value
{% endfor %}

After running iac-test with the following parameters:

iac-test --data ./data --templates ./templates --output ./tests

The following rendered Robot test suite can be found in the ./tests folder:

*** Settings ***
Documentation   Test1

*** Test Cases ***

Test ABC
    Should Be Equal   value   value

Test DEF
    Should Be Equal   value   value

As well as the test results and reports:

$ tree -L 1 tests
├── log.html
├── output.xml
├── pabot_results
├── report.html
├── test1.robot
└── xunit.xml

Custom Jinja Filters

Custom Jinja filters can be used by providing a set of Python classes where each filter is implemented as a separate Filter class in a .py file located in the --filters path. The class must have a single attribute named name, the filter name, and a classmethod() named filter which has one or more arguments. A sample filter can be found below.

class Filter:
    name = "filter1"

    def filter(cls, data):
        return str(data) + "_filtered"

Custom Jinja Tests

Custom Jinja tests can be used by providing a set of Python classes where each test is implemented as a separate Test class in a .py file located in the --tests path. The class must have a single attribute named name, the test name, and a classmethod() named test which has one or more arguments. A sample test can be found below.

class Test:
    name = "test1"

    def test(cls, data1, data2):
        return data1 == data2

Rendering Directives

Special rendering directives exist to render a single test suite per (YAML) list item. The directive can be added to the Robot template as a Jinja comment following this syntax:


After running iac-test with the data from the previous example and the following template:

{# iterate_list root.children name child_name #}
*** Settings ***
Documentation   Test1

*** Test Cases ***
{% for child in root.children | default([]) %}
{% if == child_name %}

Test {{ }}
    Should Be Equal   {{ child.param }}   value
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

The following test suites will be rendered:

$ tree -L 2 tests
├── ABC
│   └── test1.robot
└── DEF
    └── test1.robot

A similar directive exists to put the test suites in a common folder though with a unique filename.

{# iterate_list_folder <YAML_PATH_TO_LIST> <LIST_ITEM_ID> <JINJA_VARIABLE_NAME> #}

The following test suites will be rendered:

$ tree -L 2 tests
└── test1
    ├── ABC.robot
    └── DEF.robot

Select Test Cases By Tag

It is possible to include and exclude test cases by tag names with the --include and --exclude CLI options. These options are directly passed to the Pabot/Robot executor and are documented here.