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Typescript with LLVM backend.


Installing minits on Linux or macOS

First of all, you need install LLVM, See But if you are using Ubuntu or other distributions, using the built-in package management tool is a more convenient option like:

$ apt install -y llvm

Then install minits:

$ git clone
$ npm install
$ npm run build

Writing and Compiling a TypeScript Program

Filename: main.ts

function main(): number {
    console.log("Hello World!");
    return 0;

Save the file and open your terminal:

$ node build/main/index.js build main.ts -o main.ll
$ clang main.ll -o main
$ ./main

Analysis for a minits Program: Brainfuck

minits is a completely static language, similar to clang or rust, function main() is the entry point to every executable minits program. It receives(optional) 2 parameters argc: number and argv: string[], and returns the exit code. So you can also write it as function main(argc: number, argv: string[]): number.

We suggest you read the source code under ./examples. Let's hava a look at ./examples/brainfuck.ts. Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language created in 1993 by Urban Müller, and is notable for its extreme minimalism. We wrote a brainfuck interpreter by minits. Compile this interpreter by

$ node build/main/index.js build examples/brainfuck.ts -o brainfuck.ll
$ clang brainfuck.ll -o brainfuck

And then execute a piece of code that generates Sierpinski Triangle:

$ ./brainfuck ">++++[<++++++++>-]>++++++++[>++++<-]>>++>>>+>>>+<<<<<<<<<<[-[->+<]>[-<+>>>.<<]>>>[[->++++++++[>++++<-]>.<<[->+<]+>[->++++++++++<<+>]>.[-]>]]+<<<[-[->+<]+>[-<+>>>-[->+<]++>[-<->]<<<]<<<<]++++++++++.+++.[-]<]+++++"


Most ts syntax is available at now, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

Project status

We plan to implement the following syntax:


  • Primitive Types
    • number(support signed 64): 0x10, 12
    • boolean: true, false
    • string: "Hello"
    • void
    • null
    • * undefined
    • enum: enum { a = 1, b, c }
  • Object
    • Array
    • Tuple


  • Assignment: let a: number = 1;, let a: number[] = [1, 2, 3]
  • Parentheses
  • Function Expressions
  • Arrow Functions
  • * Class Expressions
  • Function Calls
  • ++ / --
  • + / - / ~
  • !
  • * typeof
  • +: number + number, string + string, eg.
  • *, /, %, , <<, >>, >>>, &, ^, and | operators
  • <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, ===, and !== operators
  • * in
  • && and ||
  • The Conditional Operator: test ? expr1 : expr2
  • *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, >>>=, &=, ^=, |=
  • Destructuring Assignment: [x, y] = [y, x];


  • Block
  • Variable Statements
  • Let and Const Declarations
  • If, Do, and While Statements
  • For Statements
  • For-In Statements
  • For-Of Statements
  • Continue Statements
  • Break Statements
  • Return Statements
  • With Statements
  • Switch Statements
  • Throw Statements
  • * Try Statements


  • Function Declarations
  • Function Implementations




  • Class Declarations
  • New class

Build in functions




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