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About Current Release
Version v1.3.0
Date February 17, 2018
Platforms macOS, Linux (Ubuntu+), Cygwin


git clone
cd Rogue


  1. Running make will compile the roguec compiler from C++ source and create the executable script /usr/local/bin/roguec

  2. Run roguec by itself for options.

  3. Execute these shell commands for a simple test:

     echo println '"Hello World!"' > Hello.rogue
     roguec Hello.rogue --execute


Rogue is released under the terms of the MIT License.

Change Log

v1.3.0 - February 17, 2018

  • Many changes were not logged here. See commit history for more details.

  • [Makefile] Removed Source/RogueC/Build from repo and added Source/RogueC/Bootstrap containing a C++ version of RogueC sufficient to compile the current RogueC source. Normally Bootstrap/ is only used for the first compile and roguec thereafter reflects the version in Build/. You can make bootstrap to recompile roguec from the bootstrap and make update_bootstrap to copy over the latest Build/ version to be the new Bootstrap version.

  • [Math] Added Degrees.clamped(min:Degrees,max:Degrees)->Degrees that constrains an angle to the given arc, operating correctly regardless of positive/negative multiples of 360, etc. Added Radians.clamped(...) as well.

  • [RogueC] Removed special handling of array count; now using a standard native macro instead.

  • [Rogue] Added [mutating] method attribute which, when used a a compound or primtive method, passes the context by reference so that changes to compound properties or primitive this made within the method will be reflected in the original compound or primitive.

  • [RogueC] Methods no longer maintain a locals:Local[] list, making it much easier to dynamically add and remove locals via CmdLocalDeclaration command nodes. Method.locals()->Local[] can be used to fetch a list of all locals (including parameters) but it is dynamically generated on-demand using a Visitor.

  • [RogueC] 'print' and 'println' are more robust when it comes to parenthesized expressions.

  • [RogueC] Consolidated all extended visitors in Visitors.rogue.

  • [RogueC] Removed stray instance of a compound argument being unnecessarily wrapped in a ROGUE_ARG().

  • [RogueC] enum types are now properly namespaced within their module.

  • [RogueC] Fixed error messages to include method candidates once more.

  • Merged pull requests #16-20 from MurphyM.

  • Tuples, New template method specializer inference, rewritten routines, multithreading, alias parameters, Cython fixes

  • Tuples: Two or more comma-separated, parenthesized types are convenience syntax for a tuple type. (Int32,String) is shorthand for Tuple<<Int32,String>>.

  • Tuples: Destructure tuples with local (a,b) = tuple or use existing variables (a,b) = tuple.

  • Tuples: Tuple elements can be accessed individually with tuple._1,, tuple._2, etc.

  • Destructuring in forEach; tuple-like protocol; tuple-list/optional expressions

  • stdlib: TableEntry supports tuple-like protocol. This lets you do forEach((key,value) in table.reader).

  • Add destructuring of tuple-like protocol. Things that have tuple-like properties or getters can now be used with destructuring assignment.

  • Allow tuple lists/optional in expressions. This allows things like "local v = (Int32,Int32)[]" to work.

  • Allow destructuring forEach control variables. This doesn't handle all variations of forEach, but we can add additional types later following this same approach.

  • Cython: Expose methods on Global globally

    Previously, to access members of the Rogue Global object from Python, you had to do so explicitly ( But now that routines are methods on Global, this meant that you had to do so for routines, which seemed unfortunate. This commit exposes methods on Global as the module level in Python. In particular, this means routines act like they used to ( works again for a routine named foo).

  • Cython: Fix wrapping of template methods

  • Remove remants of old routine implementation

  • Make routines global methods of Global

    This significantly simplifies routines by just turning them into global methods of Global. The normal Global access mechanism means you don't need to qualify their names, and since they're now just methods, the normal method template stuff just works. A subsequent commit will remove some of the special cases previously required for routines.

  • stdlib: Add Atomics

  • stdlib: Add Thread

    This is the first version of the Thread class and various utility classes for multithreading.

  • New method template specifier inference

    Previously, method template type specifiers could be inferred from method arguments in very limited cases (method templates with only a single type specifier when all method arguments had a common type). This commit makes template inference far more flexible and (hopefully) lays groundwork to make it even more flexible.

    This currently only works for method templates -- routine templates have the same constraints as before (though this should probably be addressed).

  • First step towards Tuple implementation (see RAP1)

  • Add alias parameters

    Adding a "@" to the end of a type in a parameter list now makes it an alias parameter, which is akin to a C++ reference. This means that whatever you pass in for the parameter must be something like a variable.

    A limitation of the current implementation is that references and array elements cannot be aliased in the "auto" GC mode.

    This commit also ends support for changing GC modes by editing the output C++; you now need to recompile the Rogue.

  • Add GC roots for thread local storage

    Apparently the BDW garbage collector doesn't look at thread local storage for roots automatically. So now we tell it where to look. This involves a few things:

    • Write all the thread local variables which might be GC roots out next to each other, with the assumption that the C++ compiler will actually put them in memory contiguously. These are the variables which are either references or are compounds which contain references (or contain compounds which contain references..).
    • On thread init, tell the GC to add the range as roots.
    • On thread de-init, tell the GC to remove the roots -- this required adding thread de-init, which we didn't have before.
  • Type: Add .contains_reference()

    This helper returns true if the given type has properties which are references or which contain references.

  • StringBuilder: Make work buffer threadLocal

    This commit uses conditional compilation to make the work buffer threadLocal when compiling with multithreading or not threadLocal otherwise. This shouldn't really be necessary -- if not compiling for threading, [threadLocal] should have no real effect. The reason it's done here is for the sake of bootstrapping, since old versions of roguec would choke on the property attribute. Someday we can get rid of the conditional compilation.

  • Add [synchronized] methods

    These are like Java synchronized methods.

    Unlike Java, where all objects always come with a lock, we add a lock to a class hierarchy wherever the first synchronized method is. Also unlike Java, we currently only support these for instance methods (though we could add them for global methods too...).

  • Add [threadLocal] global properties

    This works by collecting global properties with a new [threadLocal] attribute and putting them into an init_class_thread_local() method instead of init_class(). Then it generates a Rogue_init_thread() which calls all of these and should be called by every new thread (it's automatically called by Rogue_launch()).

    This commit also prevents the generation of empty init_class methods, which could happen previously if there were global properties but none had initial values.

  • Add per-property attributes

    Individual properties can now have attributes. The attributes list should follow the property name immediately (before any initial value or type.

  • Add "section level" attributes to METHODS and PROPERTIES

    A previous commit added the ability to put attributes on the GLOBAL PROPERTIES section itself. We now can put them on both global and non-global properties and methods sections. This allows, for example, having a section for synchronized methods.

  • Add "section level" attributes to GLOBAL PROPERTIES

    Global properties can now have attributes applied to them, e.g. "GLOBAL PROPERTIES [someAttribute]"; the properties apply to all the properties in the section. This same methodology can be applied to other sections (e.g., METHODS).

  • native: Make call stack tracing thread-local

    The call stack tracing definitely needs to be thread-local! It'd be nice if we had a way to look at the traces from other threads, but we can leave that for the future.

  • Add Preprocessor symbol THREAD_MODE

    The previous commit added the preprocessor definition DEBUG, which is true when compiled with --debug. This is similar, but it reflects the thread mode. It's 0 when compiled without threading, or some number otherwise (e.g., 1 = pthreads).

  • Add Preprocessor symbol DEBUG

    You can now do conditional compilation in Rogue that depends on the value of debug_mode (e.g., set by the --debug argument).

  • CPPWriter: Remove an extra space (cosmetic)

  • native: Add marker at end of NativeCPP.cpp

    When looking at the output of the Rogue compiler, this makes it easier to tell where NativeCPP.cpp stops and the generated code begins. This mirrors NativeCPP.h.

  • native: Adjust indenting of segfault handler

    This was inconsistent with the rest of the file

  • Add --help

  • Add --threads argument

    This doesn't actually do much yet, but there's now a way to specify what multithreading features you want, the mode is written into the output header file, and if we're compiling the output C++, we tack on necessary commandline arguments.

v1.2.7 - May 22, 2017

  • [String] String.capitalized()->String now capitalizes the first letter no matter how far it is into the string - useful when capitalizing strings starting with quotes or other punctuation.
  • [RogueC] Compiler now properly supports inherited native properties with meta markers that refer to base class template type parameters.

v1.2.6 - May 21, 2017

  • [RogueC] Fixed command tree resolve bug exposed by compiling with --essential.

v1.2.5 - May 21, 2017

  • [enum] Added operator support for modulo (%).
  • [List] Added utility method List.expand(additional_count:Int32)->this which adds additional null/0/false elements.
  • [RogueC] Preprocessor now allows and logicalizes integer values for conditional compilation directives; e.g. $if (N) for any non-zero value of N is equivalent to $if (true).

v1.2.4 - May 13, 2017

  • [enum] Comma-separated enum categories are now supported.
  • [enum] Implicit typing now works with enumeration categories in more places - for example, a propery can be declared as state = State.START rather than requiring state = State.START : State.

v1.2.3 - May 13, 2017

  • [enum] All enums now have a to->Logical method that returns true when value != 0.
  • [RogueC] An attempt to logicalize a compound, either explicitly with the ? operator or implicitly by using it as an if condition etc., now requires that either method>Logical or global method Type.operator?(Type)->Logical be defined.

v1.2.2 - May 9, 2017

v1.2.1 - May 8, 2017

  • [Rogue] Access commands now attempt to resolve to locals, properties, and then global properties, in that order. This allows properties to shadow global properties and locals to shadow either.

v1.2.0 - May 8, 2017

  • [forEach] Changed the behavior of forEach (... in/of <collection>). When used with a collection that implements the count/get interface, Rogue now caches the collection count before the loop starts rather than polling the count every iteration, improving loop execution speed.
  • [forEach] forEach now accepts a from clause after a random access collection. For example, forEach (n in list from 1) and forEach (n in list from 0..list.count-2).
  • [GLOBAL PROPERTIES] Global properties are now visible to extended classes as one would expect.

v1.1.38 - May 6, 2017

  • [Dim] Added Dim utility class for creating fixed-size multidimensional lists. E.g. Dim<<Int32>>(3,4) creates an Int32[][] of 3 by 4 dimensions, all initialized to the default Int32 value of 0. Specify 1 to 3 dimensions with 1 to 3 integer parameters. An additional function parameter may be sent which accepts either zero argumemts or one integer index for each dimension and returns the element that should be place at the corresponding spot. For example Dim<<Int32>>(3,4,()=>-1) returns a 3x4 2D list initialized with -1 in all elements. Dim<<Int32>>(3,4,(i,j)=>i*10+j returns a list initialized with element [0] containing [0,1,2,3] and element [1] containing [10,11,12,13].

v1.1.37 - May 4, 2017

  • [RogueC] Fixed global vars to work correctly when declared without an initial value.
  • [RogueC] Fixed global var assignment resolution bug.
  • [RogueC] global vars can now only be declared in global scope outside of class definitions.

v1.1.36 - April 30, 2017

  • [Method Templates] Revamped method templates system. Templates can now be overloaded and single type parameters can be inferred. Fixed errors calling global method templates. As before, method templates can be overridden by methods with generic and/or specialized type parameters - for instance, method m<<$DataType>> can be overridden with method m<<$DataType>> and by method m<<Int32>>.
  • [Rogue] Changed augment section label syntax from <<label_name>> to <label_name>.
  • [Rogue] Changed syntax for obtaining runtime type info by name from @TypeName to <<TypeName>>.
  • [RogueC] Fixed bugs in global vs. object access checking.
  • [Random] Added Random.int64() methods and a Random.byte() method.
  • [Random] Replaced vestigial inline C with pure Rogue code.
  • [List] Added two additional constructors init(capacity,fn) where fn is either Function()->($Type) or Function(index:Int32)->($Type). Example: Byte[]( 16, ()=>Random.byte ).
  • [List] Made List.init(capacity,initial_value) [preferred] so that calling List(n,null) would not be ambiguous with List(n,Function).
  • [TypeInfo] Added TypeInfo.instance_of(other:TypeInfo)->Logical. E.g. obj.type_info.instance_of(@SomeClass).

v1.1.35 - April 27, 2017

  • [RogueC] Fixed a compiler crash that could happen with a certain combination of an array access in an internally cloned method.

v1.1.34 - April 27, 2017

  • [CompoundIntrospection] Added .set_property(String,Value) and .get_property(String) to make compound introspection symmetrical with Object introspection. Compound introspection methods are injected into compounds automatically.
  • [Object] Removed introspection method Object.set_properties(Value) (which works with a ValueTable) because when a developer-specific property named properties is declared the method inadvertently acts as a setter. Object.introspector.set(Value) can be called instead to accomplish the same thing.

v1.1.33 - April 25, 2017

  • [RogueC] Improved handling of inline native() blocks in [macro] methods.
  • [RogueC] Better error message when a class attempts to extend itself.

v1.1.32 - April 16, 2017

  • [Rogue] Changed syntax for implicit query functions. Now, using $ in an expression will cause the expression to be wrapped in a generic function (value) => ... and $ changed to value (the generic function parameter). For example, list.discard($ is null) is equivalent to writing list.discard( (value)=>value is null ).

v1.1.31 - April 15, 2017

  • [Implicit Queries] Fixed crash bug when .this is used in implicit query functions, e.g. local nums = [3,4,5]; nums.discard(.this%2==1).

v1.1.30 - April 11, 2017

  • [Scanner/ParseReader] Renamed standard library class ParseReader to Scanner.

v1.1.29 - April 10, 2017

  • [RogueC] Added use/escapeUse/endUse control structure.
  • [RogueC] Aspects Reader, Writer, and PrintWriter now implement the use API.
  • [RogueC] Fixed call resolution issue when an aspect defines a method with the exact same signature as one of the methods in class Object.
  • [RogueC] When an abstract method is called but no extended classes implement the method, a dummy method is generated to prevent a C++ compile error. Previously the call to the method would be generated but the method itself would not be.

v1.1.28 - April 5, 2017

  • [Rogue] Changed root function types from aspects to classes and Task from a class to an aspect.
  • [Rogue] Added inline native command $(obj.type_name) which prints out the C++ type name used for the given object.
  • [Rogue] global variables now evaluate their initial expressions in the calling context instead of the Global class context. For example, local a = 3; global b = a now works correctly.
  • [Rogue] Added built-in define to map IntPtr to Int64 or Int32 as appropriate.
  • [Rogue] Literal integers in bases 2, 8, and 16 (beginning with 0b, 0c, 0x) can now have underscores (_) immediately after 0x etc. as well as later. Underscores are visual separators only and do not change the value of the number.
  • [Console] Revamped class Console. Now write Console.immediate_mode = true/false to enter or leave immediate mode. now returns a Character instead of a Byte. UTF-8 is automatically translated unless Console.decode_bytes = false. Likewise arrow keys are automatically translated into Unicode 17-20, Console.UP_ARROW etc.

v1.1.27 - April 1, 2017

  • [Cython] Fixed Functions in Cython. c42d4d0 changed Functions from classes to aspects, which required changes to the Function thunking for Python bindings.

v1.1.26 - April 1, 2017

  • [RogueC] --essential flag no longer causes errors in types that extend a Function type that specifies a $PlaceholderType return type.
  • [Random] Removed deprecated methods.

v1.1.25 - March 30, 2017

  • [RogueC] Compiler now reports error messages with better line locations for DEFINITIONS and [macro] methods.
  • [C++ Runtime] Expanded debug stack trace print buffer from 120 to 512 characters and now using snprintf() instead of sprintf().

v1.1.24 - February 23, 2017

  • [Int32] Added to->Int64(&unsigned).
  • [DataReader] Fixed sign extention error in DataReader.read_Int64() and read_Int64X().
  • [Character] Added to_uppercase->Character and to_lowercase->Character.
  • [FileWriter] close() calls System.sync_storage(), which is a noAction in Rogue but can be augmented as needed in Plasmacore etc.

v1.1.23 - February 1, 2017

  • [Random] Deprecated next_int32 and renamed to int32 etc.
  • [Rogue] Added [deprecated] attribute and deprected ["Message"] statement (the latter implying the former) that causes Rogue to generate compile warnings if a deprecated type or method is used.

v1.1.22 - January 30, 2017

  • [RogueC] A generic function with no parameters and a with clause is now parsed correctly (() with(x) => ...).

v1.1.21 - January 22, 2017

  • [Rogue] ensure <var> can now be used as an expression. Example: if (not list) list = Int32[](5); list.add( n ) becomes (ensure list(5)).add( n ).
  • [Rogue] Renamed [nonessential] to [nonAPI].
  • [Rogue] Operand parens are now optional on swapValues a,b
  • [RogueC] Fixed [api] attribute to work on classes that are totally unreferenced by the rest of the program, making it and all of its [nonAPI] methods [essential]`.

v1.1.20 - January 19, 2017

  • [RogueC] Fixed compiled switch-case fall-through error when calling aspect methods that don't return values.
  • [RogueC] Decoupled the introspection framework from the core CPP code, allowing it to be fully culled out when unused.
  • [Rogue] Added [nonessential] method attribute that prevents a method from being automatically considered [essential] when the context type has the [api] attribute.
  • [Cython] Compiling SomeFile.rogue using --target=Cython now generates the following files: somefile.pyx, somefile_module.h, somefile_module.cpp. The .pyx file should by Cython-compiled to somefile.cpp and then all .cpp files should be compiled and bundled as In Python the module can then be imported with import somefile.
  • [Cython] Tweaks - added a placeholder 'pass', removed call to type Exception make_api().
  • [Character] Added Character.is_uppercase()->Logical and Character.is_lowercase()->Logical. Only works for ASCII.

v1.1.19 - January 17, 2017

  • [Rogue] Function types are now aspects rather than class types, meaning any class with an appropriate call() method can also incorporate the appropriate Function type. For example, class X with a method call(Int32)->Logical can now be declared as class X : Base, Function(Int32)->(Logical) and objects of type X can be passed using Function(Int32)->(Logical) parameters.
  • [Rogue] Instantiated tasks can now be called like methods. Nil-return tasks will continue to the next yield and value-return tasks will continue to the next yield <value> or return <value>. Ideal for generators. If Fibonacci() is a [task] routine, then call local fib = Fibonacci() to instantiate the task and then fib() to obtain the first number in the sequence.
  • [RogueC] The operator overloading mechanism now searches type Object if an original operand type is an aspect. For example, "aspect1 == aspect2" no longer fails to compile because because it finds Object.operator==(other:Object)->Logical as a suitable method.
  • [RogueC] Better error message when a function return type is missing its (parens).

v1.1.18 - January 16, 2017

  • [RogueC] Reworked CmdStatementList evaluation mechanism to fix literal lists and other commands which add new nodes to the scope's statement list during their resolve phase.
  • [Rogue] Added new macro statement swapValues(a,b) which expands to: local <temp> = a; a = b; b = <temp>.
  • [Timer] Fixed bug in Timer(duration,&expired) when &expired flag is true. Timer was starting out in a stopped state and also reading as non-expired due to roundoff error. Now timer does not begin in a stopped state AND the start time is adjusted as necessary to ensure that is_expired() returns true.

v1.1.17 - January 10, 2017

  • [Rogue] Rogue now supports the yield <value> command in tasks. yield surrenders execution without returning a value. yield <value> surrenders execution and returns a value. The command await <task_name> waits for a yield <value> and is not satisfied by a simple yield.
  • [task] Routines and global methods can now be made into tasks with the [task] attribute.
  • [Wiki] Added Task system documentation to Wiki:

v1.1.16 - January 8, 2017

  • [ParseReader] Constructors now accept optional flag &preserve_crlf. Unless the flag is set to true then CR characters (Unicode 13) will be stripped.
  • [RogueC] Fixed to work with files containing CRLF (CR characters are stripped).
  • [RogueC] Fixed compiler error caused by a pending syntax error when '--' is misused inside functions and possibly other places - CmdAdjust.cloned() was not implemented and the base Visitor class did not accept a generic CmdAdjust.

v1.1.15 - December 29, 2016

  • [RogueC] Compiler no longer crashes on property declarations initialized to list values, including implicitly and explicitly typed lists as well as ValueList types.
  • [RogueC] Reworked literal ValueTable construction mechanism to be more robust - previously a large number of definitions would exceed the C++ call nesting limit.
  • [Rogue] Added meta-variable $methodSignature.
  • [UnsupportedOperationError] Constructing an UnsupportedOperationError() now prints an error message identifying the caller's class context and method signature.
  • [JSONParser] Turned global property JSONParser.buffer into singleton JSONParserBuffer to avoid order of class initialization issues.
  • [Stopwatch] Added constructor Stopwatch(&stopped). The Stopwatch will automatically start counting (as before) unless the stopped flag is sent.
  • [Timer] Added constructor Timer(duration,&expired). If the expired flag is set then the timer starts out stopped and is_expired. Calling restart on it will use the duration paramater.

v1.1.14 - December 15, 2016

  • [RogueC] If C++ and ObjC are both listed as compile targets then the output files are .h and .mm instead of .h and .cpp.
  • [RogueC] Added compile flag --ide[=<IDE Name> that prints errors in classic C style for IDE's to pick up. Realized previous approach of using a --define wasn't conceptually sound because the define targets the program being compiled rather than the compiler itself.
  • [System] System.os() now returns "emscripten" if appropriate.

v1.1.13 - December 12, 2016

  • [Rogue] Moved location of compiled roguec executable from Programs/RogueC/roguec to Programs/RogueC/<Platform>/roguec. The Makefile will automatically delete the old program and bin/ link.
  • [Rogue] Added $defined(<identifier>) directive that returns true if a compiler option --define=<identifier>[:<value>] was given or if a prior $define <identifier> <tokens> directive was issued.
  • [Rogue] Added metavariables $sourceFilepath and $sourceLine that can be used in expressions.
  • [Rogue] Now prints out "classic" style error messages if $defined(IDE) or Rogue-style error messages if not. Classic error messages automatically show up in XCode and possibly other IDEs.
  • [System] Added System.os()->String that returns the one of: macOS, iOS, Linux, Windows, Android.
  • [File] Added File.is_newer_than(other_filepath:String)->Logical that returns true if the other file does not exist or if this file is newer. As usual with File methods the global method File.is_newer_than(this_filepath,other_filepath) may also be called.
  • [File] Added File.line_reader()->LineReader.
  • [Reader] Added close()->this to Reader<<$DataType>> and appropriate forwarding calls in LineReader and UTF8Reader.
  • [String] Added String methods is_number()->Logical, is_integer()->Logical, and is_real()->Logical.
  • [RogueC] RogueC now detects recursive macro definitions and throws an error instead of crashing.
  • [Makefile] Fixed initial roguec build to print out instructions for creating Hello.rogue instead of actually creating that file.
  • [Syntax] Updated Vim Syntax file to include all directives and metavariables. Did not add to Sublime; not sure on the syntax to include a leading $.
  • [C++] The generated .h file now identifies ROGUE_PLATFORM_IOS or ROGUE_PLATFORM_MACOS if appropriate.

v1.1.12 - December 8, 2016

  • [Rogue] Literal numbers can now contain underscores as visual markers so long as the number does not start with an underscore. They do not change the value of the number and are intended to be analogous to commas - for example, one million can be written as 1_000_000.
  • [Rogue] Added new statement compileError ["optional message"] that generates a compile error if and when it is parsed. Useful for informing the developer that a certain API is not implemented for their chosen target.
  • [System] Added System.sleep(Real64) that uses nanosleep() with nanosecond (1/1,000,000,000 second) precision.
  • [Sockets] Tweaked Socket and ServerSocket class hierarchy in preparation for SecureSocket and SecureServerSocket.
  • [RogueC] Fixed order-of-class-declaration bug where an overridden method's covariant return type would not always be accepted.
  • [RogueC] An unused singleton access (useful to initialze a non-[essential] singleton without accessing a specific property or method) now omits the typecast on the result in C++ to avoid an "unused value" error.
  • [Vim] Updated Vim and Sublime syntax files to support numbers with underscores and the new compileError statement.

v1.1.11 - December 3, 2016

  • [RogueC] Detailed Rogue error messages now show up in Xcode and can be jumped to by clicking on the error.
  • [RogueC] Any error now prints out in two forms: first the "classic" compiler error format of filepath:<line>: error <message> to stderr followed by the Rogue standard error format that is more easily readable printed to stdout. Xcode (and perhaps other IDE's) automatically parse and display errors printed in that classic format.
  • [RogueC] Added Console.error:PrintWriter; printing to it prints to stderr instead of stdout.

v1.1.10 - November 30, 2016

  • [RogueC] Fixed up compiler warnings that appear on Cygwin and Linux but not Mac.

v1.1.9 - November 30, 2016

  • [RogueC] roguec --execute and --compile options now use the Rogue Makefile default $(CXX) compiler with certain other flags - see DEFAULT_CXX in Makefile.
  • [RogueC] roguec --compile=<compiler invocation> can be used to override the default.

v1.1.8 - November 30, 2016

  • [RogueC] roguec now compiles, installs, and works correctly on Mac, Ubuntu, and Cygwin.
  • [RogueC] Fixed roguec compile on Ubuntu by specifying -std=gnu++11, which works on Mac, Ubuntu, and Cygwin.
  • [RogueC] Now suppressing "offsetof macro used incorrectly" message which shows up in Ubuntu.

v1.1.7 - November 30, 2016

  • [Sockets] Added Socket(address:String,port:Int32) and ServerSocket(port:Int32) in Libraries/Standard/Sockets.rogue. Sockets are non-blocking and poll-driven. Once a Socket.is_connected() or a non-null Socket is obtained from ServerSocket.accept_connection()->Socket, use the Socket reader()->Reader<<Byte>>, character_reader()->Reader<<Character>>, writer()->Writer<<Byte>>, and printer()->PrintWriter I/O objects to communicate via the socket.
  • [String] Added>Int64.
  • [Runtime] Fixed small object allocations to be probably 16 byte-aligned - data array now starts from offset 0 of new allocation rather than offset 20 as before.
  • [RogueC] Changed Makefile to use -std=gnu++14 instead of -std=c++11 to fix a Cygwin issue with sigemptyset.
  • [RogueC] Changed roguec --execute option to use g++ instead of clang++ and changed -std to use gnu++14.
  • [RogueC] Removed reference to UNLICENSE in embedded Rogue runtime (NativeCPP.cpp).

v1.1.6 - November 22, 2016

  • [RogueC] Restored -include

v1.1.5 - November 21, 2016

  • [String] Added explicit Int32 cast to native implementation of>Int32.
  • [RogueC] Reworked implicitly and explicitly typed list construction to avoid exceeding max nesting level in C++.

v1.1.4 - November 15, 2016

  • [Stopwatch] Added Stopwatch.stop()->this and Stopwatch.start()->this.
  • [Timer] Added Timer.stop()->this and Timer.start()->this.
  • [Console] Added Console.read_line(prompt:String)->String and Console.read_line(prompt:StringBuilder)->String in addition to existing Console.read_line()->String.

v1.1.3 - November 13, 2016

  • [String] Added optional max_count argument to String.leftmost_common_substring_count(other,[max_count=null:Int32?])->Int32.
  • [Value] Added Value.compressed()->Value. Returns a clone of the value where all identifiers have been replaced by indices into an ID table.
  • [Value] Added Value.decompressed()->Value as a corollary to compressed(). decompressed() may be safely called on an uncompressed value as long as it is not a table that contains elements @id_list and @indexed_data.
  • [Value] Changed behavior of Value.locate(query:Function(Value)->(Logical))->Value to return the index or key of the first matching item rather than the indices of all matching items.
  • [Value] Added Value.locate_last(Value)->Value and Value.locate_last(query)->Value.
  • [Value] Fixed bugs in ValueList.to_json() and ValueTable.to_json() that were converting false values to null.
  • [List] Changed>Value to convert non-null elements to values with element->Value rather than Value(element) - the latter results in values wrapping regular objects while the former converts the objects themselves to values.
  • [Table] Changed>Value to convert non-null elements to values with element->Value rather than Value(element).
  • [RogueC] Literal value lists (@[ ... ]) now use a different construction mechanism to prevent a "too many nested elements" error in C++ when dealing with large lists.

v1.1.2 - November 2, 2016

  • [RogueC] Changed default gc mode to auto. Pass --gc=manual to roguec to specify the previous default.
  • [Rogue] Renamed clean_up() to on_cleanup(). This method can be present in any object and, if it is, will automatically be called when the object goes out of scope.
  • [Task] Task.stop() can now be called to stop any task and remove it from the TaskManager.
  • [List] List methods random(), shuffle(), and shuffled() now all accept an optional Random generator argument. If no generator is passed then the Random singleton is used as before.

v1.1.1 - October 29, 2016

  • [File] Improved wildcard behavior, e.g. File.listing("A/*/*.txt") will list out files ending with .txt in folders A/B, A/C, etc.
  • [File] File.listing(folder,...) can now specify a specific non-folder file as its "folder" argument and that filepath will be returned in the results list. For example, File.listing("text.txt") now returns the String[] list ["test.txt"] if the file exists.
  • [File] Renamed FileOptions.omitting_paths() to .omitting_path() to match singular name of related methods and variables.

v1.1.0 - October 20, 2016

  • [Rogue] When $includeing a file, RogueC now first tries to find the file in the same folder as the including file, making filename collisions across separate libraries much less likely. Previously RogueC would just iterate through a list of all folders that had been seen so far, trying each one with no regard to the folder of the including file.
  • [String[]] Renamed String[].joined(separator:String)->String to String[].join(...). While the -ed adjective style indicates a non-mutating call, is is also generally reserved for methods that return the same data type as the context. Because join() does not return String[] it is better left as a verb.
  • [String] Renamed String.word_wrapped()->String[] to String.word_wrap()->String[] for the same reasons given in the previous bullet point.
  • [String] Added new String.word_wrapped(...)->String that returns a string with embedded \n characters rather than returning a list of strings.
  • [String] All word-wrapping methods now preserve any initial indentation on successive lines.
  • [String] Fixed bug in String[].joined(): if the first list item was an empty string then the separator wasn't being added after it. This was due to faulty logic that used a non-empty result string as an indicator that the loop was past its first iteration.
  • [String] Added after_prefix(Character/String)->String and before_suffix(Character/String)->String.
  • [String/File] Moved String.matches_wildcard_pattern() to class File and altered wildcard behavior: ** matches any sequence of characters, * matches any characters except / or \, and ? matches any single character except '/' or ''.
  • [File] Added File.folder(...) that is equivalent to File.path(...); the older method still exists (continuing terminology shift of "path"/"directory" to "folder").
  • [File] Added File.before_wildcard_pattern()->String.
  • [File] Added File.copy(to_filepath:String) and File.copy(from_filepath:String,to_filepath:String).
  • [File] File.listing(...) can now handle wildcard patterns - ** implies recursive, * matches any character except slash, and ? matches any single character.
  • [JSON/Value] Added &omit_commas flag parameter to save() and to_json(). Passing it automatically sets the &formatted flag as well. Rogue is capable of reading the non-standard JSON that is produced with &omit_commas; the format is useful for allowing concurrent changes to the same JSON data file to be merged with less chance of a conflict.
  • [Value] Added Value.set(Value,Value) which forwards to Value.set(String,Value).
  • [Value] Fixed Value.to_json() call to work with no arguments - problem was that two overloads would both accept zero arguments.
  • [Console] Added Console.width()->Int32 and Console.height()->Int32 that return the size of the console in characters.
  • [PrintWriter<<...>>>] Calling flush() on a PrintWriter aspect template now invokes the PrintWriter's write() method even if the StringBuilder buffer is empty.
  • [Set] Added get(Int32)->$T so that array-style access works.
  • [Set] discard(value:$T) and remove(value:$Type) now return the value being removed whether or not it exists in the set (previously no value was returned). This allows the value to be removed to be computed from an expression, removed, and stored in a local all in one step.
  • [Primitives] Added sqrt() to all numerical primitives.
  • [ParseReader] All init() methods now reset 'position' to 0, allowing a ParseReader object to be reinitialized multiple times.
  • [RogueC] Top and bottom bars around error messages (======) now scale with the width of the console up to 79 characters max.
  • [Syntax] Added keyword downTo to syntax highlighting files.

v1.0.102 - September 27, 2016

  • [Rogue] Removed ability to write method set-x as a shorthand for method set_x - was just not feeling natural enough.
  • [RogueC] Fixed some new Xcode weirdness around std::set_terminate() by removing std:: and adding namespace std{} / using namespace std; kludge in the generated code... more conventional approaches were failing either on the command line or in Xcode (take out std::, add using namespace std;, include <cstdio>).

v1.0.101 - September 24, 2016

  • [API] Changed File.listing(path:String,[flags]) behavior:
    • As before, sending the &absolute flag returns results that include the absolute path.
    • Sending the &omit_path flag returns results that omit the original path sent to listing(). Previously this was the default behavior.
    • When neither of the above flags is specified, listing() uses "relative" behavior where the results include the original path as well as any folders encountered during &recursive descent.

v1.0.100 - September 16, 2016

  • [API] Added Runtime.gc_logging:Logical pseudoproperty. Defaults to false, enable to see used object and byte count after a GC.
  • [API] Added Runtime.memory_used()->Int32 that returns the number of bytes currently used by Rogue objects.
  • [API] Added Runtime.object_count()->Int32 that returns the Rogue objects that currently exist.
  • [API] Fixed two List method attributes from the out-of-date [nullArgDefault] to the current [preferred].
  • [API] Fixed error in TimeInterval (Date.rogue) [macro] methods - the term total_seconds should have been this.total_seconds in all cases.

v1.0.99 - September 10, 2016

  • [API] Added .is_power_of_two()->Logical to all numerical primitives.
  • [API] Added .to_power_of_two() to Character and Byte types (already exists in all other numerical primitives).

v1.0.98 - September 7, 2016

  • [Rogue] Renamed [nullArgDefault] method attribute to [preferred] and broadened its effect. Now, instead of pertaining only to null arguments, a [preferred] method is chosen over other candidates any time that an ambiguous call is about to generate a compile error. If an ambiguous call has multiple preferred methods, none of them are chosen and an ambiguous call error is generated.
  • [API] Added Value.insert(value:Value,before_index=0:Int32) and Value.insert_all(value:Value,before_index=0:Int32) for inserting additional values into lists.
  • [API] Added JSON.load_list(File)->Value and JSON.load_table(File)->Value that return empty list or empty table if there are any problems loading or parsing the file.

v1.0.97 - September 4, 2016

  • [API] Fixed issue with List.get(Int32). It had been changed from a macro method to a regular method while debugging during the development of v1.0.91 and was inadvertently not changed back into a macro method. This prevented compound properties from being set directly on a list element since without the macro in place they were being set on a returned compound value rather than on a derferenced compound pointer value.

v1.0.96 - August 31, 2016

  • [Rogue] Function() Type declarations and function() object declarations now require parens around the return type to solve ambiguity issues. For instance, existing code containing Function()->Logical must now be written Function()->(Logical).
  • [Rogue] Added method attribute [nullArgDefault]. When specified, an ambiguous call with a null parameter with multiple candidate methods will now select the method that specifies [nullArgDefault]. For instance, List.add($DataType) is now the [nullArgDefault] vs. List.add($DataType[]) and so calling list.add(null) will call the first overload.
  • [API] Added [nullArgDefault] to List.add($DataType) and List.locate($DataType).
  • [API] Added PrintWriter.close() that forwards the call to the an writer if it exists.

v1.0.95 - August 30, 2016

  • [API] Added Byte[](hex:String) and Byte[].add(hex:String)->this that accept strings of hexadecimal pairs and convert them into bytes. For example, Byte[]("007fa0FF") produces a Byte list equivalent to Byte[][0,127,160,255].
  • [API] Added Byte[].to_hex_string()->String that returns a string of hexadecimal digit pairs encoding each byte. For example, Byte[][0,127,160,255].to_hex_string returns "007FA0FF".
  • [API] Added Int64/Int32/Byte.to_hex_character()->Character that returns characters 0..9 or A..Z for values 0..9 or 10..35 ("hex" isn't entirely accurate as this method naturally supports bases 2..36, but hexadecimal is the most likely use case).
  • [RogueC] Literal Byte[] lists containing only literal byte values are converted internally to use an efficient Byte[](hex:String) constructor rather than generating an add() statement for each byte value.
  • [RogueC] Extended types can now be implicitly cast to optional base types. For example, you can return a Cat from a method that returns ->Pet?.
  • [RogueC] Fixed ambiguity issue when a Function Type is used as a template type parameter as an optional or list value. In other words, if $DataType is Function()->Int32 in a method method m->$DataType?, the return type is now correctly interpreted as ->(Function()->Int32)? rather than ->(Function()->Int32?).
  • [RogueC] Renamed various Cmd.cloned(Cmd) methods to Cmd.clone(Cmd), leaving Cmd.cloned() as-is, to have the semantics reflect the behavior of possibly cloning a possibly null reference (clone()) versus having an existing object clone itself (cloned()).
  • [RogueC] Fixed bug where CmdCallPrior nodes were assuming that arguments always existed during cloning. Changed args.cloned() to clone(args).

v1.0.94 - August 26, 2016

  • [RogueC] Changed comma from a standard expression token to a "structural" token. This allows generic functions to be parsed as a middle argument (followed by a comma) rather than inadvertently restricting them to be the final argument as was previously the case (close paren is also a structural token, which stops the parsing in that scenario). There are no known negative side effects of this change.

v1.0.93 - August 25, 2016

  • [Rogue] All occurrences of the pattern set-<x> are now replaced with set_<x>. For instance, set-value is shorthand for writing set_value. This is a more complete implementation of an existing mechanism; the purpose is to easily allow pattern searching to find properties, getters, and setters all using the same name (e.g. searching for \<value\> in Vim finds property value, getter value(), and setter set-value()).

v1.0.92 - August 23, 2016

  • [RogueC] Parsing of implicit forEach loops is now more robust.
  • [JSON API] JSON parser now returns UndefinedValue rather than NullValue in syntax error situations. NullValue is only returned when the literal keyword null appears in the JSON.
  • [Value API] Added Value.is_undefined()->Logical that returns true when a value is an UndefinedValue. Note that UndefinedValue also returns true for .is_null(); an UndefinedValue is a NullValue but the reverse is not true.

v1.0.91 - August 19, 2016

  • [Rogue] Generic functions can now omit the keyword 'function' for brevity and begin with (args)=>, ()=>, or even just =>. For example: trace [3,1,5,4,2].sort( (a,b)=>(a<b) ).
  • [Rogue] Added an implicit function convenience syntax that automatically converts expressions into generic single-parameter functions with automatic variable capture when the expression contains terms that begin with . or //. For example, table[//name==player_name] is equivalent to writing table[function(value) with(player_name)=>value//name==player_name] and list.first(.is_string and .count>3) is equivalent to writing list.first(function(value)=>value.is_string and value.count>3). The special keyword .this may be used in implicit functions to indicate the value under consideration. For example, to pull out all the odd numbers in an Int32 list: list[ .this & 1 ]. Methods accepting functions of this form can be called function methods.
  • [Rogue] Added implicit loops. Any expression (forEach in/of collection) is replaced by a variable and the statement that contains the expression is wrapped in a forEach (<variable> in/of collection) control structure. For example, writing (forEach in sprites).update is equivalent to writing forEach (sprite in sprites) sprite.update and println (forEach in nums) is equivalent to forEach (num in nums) println num.
  • [Rogue] Added an additional refinement to call resolution: if a call would be otherwise ambiguous and any Value arguments or parameters exist, keep only candidate methods where there is at least one Value type in each argument/parameter pairing. In other words, a call m(5) would match m(Value) and not m(OtherType).
  • [Rogue] Explicit calls to operator methods (a.operator==(b) etc.) can now be made.
  • [Rogue] Implemented compare operator <>. An expression a <> b resolves to -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b, and 1 if a > b. Classes may implement the compare operator by defining global methods method operator<>(TypeA,TypeB)->Int32 and/or instance methods method operator<>(OtherType)->Int32.
  • [Rogue] Reworked the operator methods mechanism. For any general binary operator such as + where at least one operand is not a primitive, the expression a + b (of types TypeA and TypeB) is converted to the first of the following expressions that are implemented:
    1. Global method TypeA.operator+( a:TypeA, b:TypeB ).
    2. Global method TypeB.operator+( a:TypeA, b:TypeB ).
    3. Instance method TypeA.operator+( b:TypeB ).
  • [Rogue] 'local' variable declarations are no longer allowed in single-line statement blocks (part of the fix for local variables in multi-line 'function' definitions described below).
  • [Rogue] Added parse support for the escape sequence \e (ASCII 27 / Escape).
  • [API] Table has been completely revamped to track the order of its values by implementing a doubly-linked ordering list as part of the TableEntry class, making removals O(1) instead of O(n) as before.
  • [API] Renamed Table._remove(TableEntry) to Table.remove(TableEntry).
  • [API] Table now uses an array of bins instead of a list of bins.
  • [API] Table automatically doubles in size every time its item count matches its bin count.
  • [API] Added Table.entries(list=null:TableEntry[])->TableEntry[] that returns a list of table entries.
  • [API] Added optional list parameter to Table.keys() and Table.values() which, if it exists, is used instead of dynamically allocating a list of keys or values.
  • [API] Added Table.sort(Function(TableEntry,TableEntry)->Logical)->this and Table.sorted(Fn...)->Table. The former sorts the curent table in place and the latter returns a sorted clone. Example: people.sort( (a,b)=>(a.value.age < b.value.age) ).
  • [API] Added optional Table.sort_function : Function(TableEntry,TableEntry)->Logical that, if defined, is used to sort table entries as they're defined or redefined. Setting the sort function will automatically sort() any existing table entries using that function.
  • [API] Fixed error in Table.remove(key) - correct entry was being removed but incorrect value was being returned.
  • [API] Renamed the function method Table.keys(Function(...)) to Table.locate(Function(...)).
  • [API] Added several function methods to List and Table: .get(query)->$DataType[], .first(query)->$DataType?, .locate(query)->$DataType[]/Int32[], .remove(query)->$DataType[], and .count(query)->Int32 (the latter has been added to Value as well).`
  • [API] Added .contains(query) to List, Table, and Value.
  • [API] Added>List that returns all elements after the first.
  • [API] Added Array<<DataType>>.cloned()->Array<<DataType>>.
  • [API] Value.cloned()->Value now performs a deep clone for ValueList and ValueTable.
  • [API] Fixed several Value operator methods to perform the correct operation instead of addition (copy/paste error).
  • [API] Changed Value.operator?(Value) to report true for any non-null, non-LogicalValue, or true LogicalValue (and false for any null or Logical false). Similarly changed ValueList and ValueTable to->Logical to always return true.
  • [API] Fixed Value.remove(String) for ValueList (the nominal purpose of remove(String) is to remove table values by key but of course it needs to work on lists of strings as well) and added some better default implementations for Value methods .first(), .last(), .remove_first(), and .remove_last().
  • [API] Value.sort(compare_fn)->Value now works on ValueTable as well as ValueList (compare_fn receives table values only, not entries or keys).
  • [API] Renamed values property of ValueList and ValueTable to data.
  • [API] Added Value.values(list=null:Value)->Value. For tables, returns a ValueList of the table data. For anything else (including ValueList) returns the value itself. If a ValueList parameter is provided, values will be added to the list and it will be returned instead of creating and returning a new list.
  • [API] Added Value.add_all(Value)->this which adds each item in the parameter to this list if the parameter is a collection or adds just the parameter itself if the parameter is not a collection.
  • [API] Added>Value that returns all the elements in a Value collection after the first.
  • [API] Added Value.reserve(additional_elements:Int32)->this. If the Value is a ValueList the call is forwarded to the backing list; otherwise there is no effect.
  • [API] Added global methods Value.load(File)->Value and Value.parse(json:String)->Value.
  • [API] Added method,&formatted)->Logical.
  • [API] Reworked String operator methods to prevent null pointer errors.
  • [API] Added String.leftmost_common_substring_count(other:String)->Int32 and String.rightmost_common_substring_count(other:String)->Int32
  • [API] Added convenience method Console.clear.
  • [API] Added convenience method Console.clear_to_eol.
  • [API] Added convenience method Console.move_cursor(dx:Int32,dy:Int32).
  • [API] Added convenience method Console.restore_cursor_position.
  • [API] Added convenience method Console.save_cursor_position.
  • [API] Added convenience method Console.set_cursor(x:Int32,y:Int32).
  • [API] Added global method File.delete(filepath:String)->Logical and method File.delete()->Logical.
  • [RogueC] Reworked and simplified code handling resolution of prior.init calls to fix a new --exhaustive compile error that chose now to crop up.
  • [RogueC] Fixed local variables to work correctly in function definitions. Multi-line function bodies were being parsed at the same time as function declarations, meaning that the Parser.this_method reference while parsing a local was either null or incorrect. Multiline function definitions now simply collect tokens and wait for the resolve() phase to parse the function bodies.

v1.0.90 - August 6, 2016

  • [Rogue] Renamed [requisite] to [essential].
  • [RogueC] Added Python plug-in functionality from Murphy McCauley with Cython compile target.
  • [RogueC] Added --exhaustive option which makes all classes and methods requisite.
  • [RogueC] Added --api option which adds the [api] attribute to every class - if the class is used then all methods are resolved generated even if unused.
  • [RogueC] Fixed logicalize (?) to search for a global method rather than object method operator?(operand)->Logical. Type.has_method_named(String) used to check both object and global methods but for some time now it only checks the former and Type.has_global_method_named(String) must be used to check the latter.
  • [API] Added Value.get(Function(Value)->Logical)->Value. Example: local teens = people[function(p)=>(p//age>=13 and p//age<=19)].
  • [API] Added Value.remove(Function(Value)->Logical)->Value. Example: local teens = people.remove( function(p)=>(p//age>=13 and p//age<=19) ).
  • [API] Added Value.keys(Function(Value)->Logical)->String[]. Example: local teen_ids = people.keys( function(p)=>(p//age>=13 and p//age<=19) ).
  • [API] Added Value.first(Function(Value)->Logical)->Value. Example: local first_teen = people.first( function(p)=>(p//age>=13 and p//age<=19) ).
  • [API] Added Value.last(Function(Value)->Logical)->Value. Example: local last_teen = people.last( function(p)=>(p//age>=13 and p//age<=19) ).
  • [API] Console I/O now goes through Console.io_handler. In addition to the default BlockingConsoleIOHandler there is also an ImmediateConsoleIOHandler you can instantiate and install - or you can extend your own ConsoleIOHandler.
  • [API] Renamed the Value system's NullResult to UndefinedValue.
  • [API] Added Math.min/max(Int64).
  • [API] Added File.append_writer().
  • [API] ConsoleIO.write(String) bugfix.
  • [API] List.locate(null) is now handled properly
  • [API] Error.format()->String is now more cautious.
  • [Syntax] Fixed skipIteration (a briefly considered alternative) to be nextIteration in the Vim and Sublime syntax files.
  • [Syntax] Renamed requisite to essential.

v1.0.89 - August 2, 2016

  • [API] For GC safety, introspectors now retain references to objects they were created from (instead of only having the raw memory address).
  • [API] Value types now have two kinds of null Value. NullValue is what is stored when a null is stored, retrieved, or parsed and its to->String is "null". NullResult extends NullValue, is what is returned when an element cannot be found, and its to->String is "".

v1.0.88 - August 1, 2016

  • [API] A new class "Introspector" provides the ability to get and set object value using introspection and JSON-style Value types.
    • Obtain an introspector from any by-reference or by-value type by accessing .introspector on the value.
    • Introspector.get(name:String)->Value returns the Value representation of the specified property.
    • Introspector.set(name:String,new_value:Value)->this sets the specified property, if found, to be the new value.
    • Introspector.set(new_value:Value)->this can be used to set any or all properties of an object if new_value is a ValueTable specification of new values.
    •>Value returns a ValueTable containing all properties.
  • [API] Added Object.get_property(name:String)->Value.
  • [API] Added Object.set_property(name:String,new_value:Value)->this.
  • [API] Added Object.set_properties(new_values:Value)->this (new_values should be a ValueTable).
  • [API] Added .to->Value conversion to Object, String, List, and Table as well as all primitives and compounds. Lists convert into ValueList objects while objects and tables convert into ValueTable objects.
  • [Rogue] Any Object method such as object_id()->Int64 can now be called on any aspect reference.
  • [Rogue] Any Object conversions such as ->String can now be performed on any aspect reference.
  • [RogueC] Fixed bug calling methods on aspect references when the methods are declared [abstract] in the aspect.
  • [RogueC] Fixed bug resolving escaped local variable names in inline native code when there are multiple locals with the same name.

v1.0.87 - July 31, 2016

  • [Rogue] Added alternate syntax for defining setter methods: method set-x(...) is an alternate form of method set_x(...). In both cases the true name of the method is set_x. The purpose of the hyphenated syntax is to keep x visible to search-and-replace. For example, if you renamed a property from alpha to opacity, it's easy to miss set_alpha.
  • [API] Fixed logical error in Character.to_number(base=10:Int32)->Int32.
  • [API] JSON-style Value types can now be compared with String types and all primitive types.

v1.0.86 - July 29, 2016

  • [Rogue] Added --define="name:value" compiler directive. Example: --define="PI:Math.acos(-1)"
  • [Rogue] An undefined identifier in a conditional compilation $if now counts as false.
  • [RogueC] Fixed compiler crash when a generic function specifies the wrong number of parameters compared to the specific function it's matched to.

v1.0.85 - July 26, 2016

  • [API] Added Timer.restart(new_duration:Real64) in addition to existing Timer.restart().

v1.0.84 - July 25, 2016

  • [RogueC] Improved call resolution with named arguments. If there are still multiple candidates after the previously existing method selection logic, the candidate list is refined by keeping only methods that have enough non-default parameters without counting named arguments. For instance, a call "fn(true,&flag)" would previously have matched both fn(Logical,&flag) and fn(Logical,Logical,&flag) since both methods accept two arguments, but when &flag is removed from consideration there is only one method that accepts a single argument.
  • [RogueC] Significant change to the ordering of type evaluation after discovering that base classes containing extended class properties (e.g. Class Pet / PROPERTIES / cat : Cat) could easily cause compiler crashes (if Pet happened to be processed before Cat in the code). Now all types are recursively configure()d as a first step, which instantiates templates and creates type hierarchies for all properties and methods. Then all terminal (unextended) classes are organize()d, which recursively organizes base types and builds method tables. Finally all classes are resolve()d, which evaluates method body statements. The whole process is repeated if new classes are introduced along the way.

v1.0.83 - July 24, 2016

  • [Rogue] Global aspect methods now work again.
  • [Rogue] When a class and an aspect the class incorporates both define the same method and the aspect method's return type is this, the class method trumps the aspect method (as before) but now the aspect method return type can be more general than the class method return type (as you would expect).
  • [API] Added efficient implementations of FileWriter.write(String), FileWriter.write(StringBuilder), and
  • [API] Made implementations of and[]) more efficient.
  • [API] PrintWriter(Writer<<Byte>>)->PrintWriter can be used to create an object that wraps the given writer in a PrintWriter object.
  • [API] Tweaked PrintWriter implementation.

v1.0.82 - July 24, 2016

  • [Rogue] Generic functions definitions must now use => rather than =, e.g. list.sort( function(a,b)=>(a<b) ). => has been the official symbol for some time now; = was unintentially left in.
  • [API] Added List.count(Function($DataType)->Logical)->Int32 that counts the number of items that pass the test function.

v1.0.81 - July 17, 2016

  • [RogueC] Fixed try/catch scoping error in generated C++ code when it makes use of tasks (broken in v1.0.80).
  • [C++] Replaced RogueCPPException with ROGUE_RETAIN_CATCH_VAR() macro.

v1.0.80 - July 17, 2016

  • [RogueC] Fixed order-of-evaluation bug where type Global was not necessarily organized before resolving code that implicitly uses the Global context. Example: a call to println in class Exception or one of the primitives would not resolve and only an explicit Global.println would work.
  • [RogueC] Generated C++ code now wraps Rogue_launch() and Rogue_update_tasks() in try/catch(RogueException)/RogueException__display() handlers.
  • [C++] Added RogueException__display(RogueException*) (requisite Rogue method) as a simple way of displaying a caught error and the accompanying stack trace if present.
  • [C++] Removed vestigial Rogue_error_object from runtime framework.
  • [C++] In C++, base class Exception is now RogueException rather than RogueClassException.
  • [API] Added sign() to Real and Int types that returns -1, 0, or 1 of the appropriate type.
  • [API] InsertionSort no longer creates a new reader object every time it is called.
  • [API] Added BubbleSort (BubbleSort<<T>>.sort(list:T[], compare_fn:Function(T,T)->Logical)->T[]).

v1.0.79 - July 16, 2016

  • [API] Real64Value objects now omit ".0" when printing their value or converting it to a string.
  • [API] Added Real64/Real32 methods whole_part()->RealX and fractional_part()->RealX.
  • [API] Added Real64/Real32 method ceiling()->RealX.
  • [API] Real64/Real32 method format([decimal_digits])->String now allows an unlimited number of decimal digits (0+) when no argument is passed instead of the previous cap of 4 digits.
  • [API] In the JSON-style Value system, removed class Int32Value so that all numbers are stored as Real64Value objects.
  • [RogueC] Improved method call resolution.

v1.0.78 - July 15, 2016

  • [RogueC] Renamed Program.is_type_defined() check to Program.is_type_used() (when deciding whether or not to inject code referencing class TaskManager) to work correctly if the type has been defined and then culled.
  • [RogueC] Fixed check for attempting to compare two compounds (with ==, <, etc.) to require an operator<(CompoundType) method if the operator is not == or != (an operator==() comparison is built-in to compounds).
  • [API] Added Console.peek()->Byte to implement missing abstract method incorporated from Reader<<Byte>>.

v1.0.77 - July 12, 2016

  • [RogueC] C++ definition of base struct RogueObject now injects preprocessor value ROGUE_CUSTOM_OBJECT_PROPERTY if it's defined, allowing for one or more custom properties per object.
  • [RogueC] Fixed object conversions between related classes to look for>NewType and then NewType.init(CurType) methods before defaulting to typecasts. The bug was introduced when the code for handling conversions was merged with the code for handling typecasts some time ago.

v1.0.76 - July 11, 2016

  • Integrated changes from MurphyMC
    • Standard.Set: Add is_empty()
    • CPPWriter: normalize select expressions
    • Makefile: Changes (mostly for installation)
    • NativeCPP: Set platform macro on Linux
    • RogueC: More --requisite* help text
    • Exception: Make base methods requisite
    • NativeCPP: Fix exceptions with --gc=auto

v1.0.75 - July 11, 2016

  • [Rogue] Removed isNot operator in favor of two-word operator is not.
  • [Rogue] Removed notInstanceOf operator in favor of two-word operator not instanceOf.
  • [API] Renamed trimmed(left=0:Int32,right=0:Int32)->String to clipped(left=0:Int32,right=0:Int32)->String. trimmed()->String still exists and behaves similarly to Java's trim().

v1.0.74 - July 7, 2016

  • [RogueC] Changed initial, automatic include of the Standard Library to only include the single new file "NativeCode.rogue", which in turn decides which native files to include. The full standard library include then happens at the end, as in pre-v1.0.72. This prevents "Standard/" from being added to the default filename search path so that a project attempting to include its own source file won't accidentally get the Standard Library version of the file if they happen to have the same name.
  • [Standard] Removed vestigial "Event.rogue" which exposed the "same filename, wrong library" bug mentioned above.
  • [Standard] Made the Standard Library includes more explicit: "Standard/List.rogue" instead of just "List.rogue", etc.

v1.0.73 - July 7, 2016

  • [RogueC] Improved prior.init call resolution.
  • [RogueC] The compiler now performs an internal $include "Standard" first rather than last, ensuring that the code in NativeCPP.h always comes first in the output C++.

v1.0.72 - July 6, 2016

  • [Rogue] A loop with a specific number of iterations now has a single-line variant:


    loop (2) println "pizza" endLoop


    loop (2) println "good"

v1.0.71 - July 5, 2016

  • [RogueC] Fixed bug in overloaded routine mechanism.
  • [RogueC] CmdContingent now omits unused escape label to fix unused label warning.

v1.0.70 - July 4, 2016

  • Merge pull request #7 from MurphyMc/misc_work_march2016
    • Misc work March 2016 by MurphyMc
    • Add additional plugin hooks 42813c4
    • Type: Add is_function tag 4493e0e
    • stdlib: Remove unused RogueException fe76c01
    • stdlib.Exception: Add .format() 6bdf367
    • CPPWriter: Generate debug trace info more robustly 41633e5
    • primitives: Add .minimum and .maximum for Int32 / Suggest this is done for all primitive numeric types. 839bde3
    • Add/improve a couple useful to->Strings 0a3ea9d
    • CPPWriter: Don't assign_cpp_name more than once 3d9bfd1
    • CPPWriter: Include original type name as a comment aa6ccc7
    • Exception: Set Exception message by default 0aa84a3
    • Parser: Add templates to Program earlier 4a9db80
    • Ability to generate virtual/dynamic calls for all methods de94726
    • Requisite rework and api attribute
    • Removed odd (accidental?) ->String return type on RogueC.include_source()

v1.0.69 - July 4, 2016

  • [RogueC] Added some kludgy code to get rid of C++ "unreachable code" warnings when all control paths in a contingent return a value.

v1.0.68 - July 3, 2016

  • [Rogue] Added ability to define anonymous inline classes:

    local obj = SomeClass() instance # PROPERTIES, METHODS, ... endInstance

    local obj = SomeClass(initializer-args) instance(initializer-parameters) # PROPERTIES, METHODS, ... endInstance

  • [Rogue] Added new forEach option that allows a local variable name to be specified for the collection being iterated over.

    Old Code

    local rewriter = list.rewriter forEach (value in rewriter) if (passes_test(value)) rewriter.write( value ) endForEach

    New Code

    forEach (value in rewriter=list.rewriter) if (passes_test(value)) rewriter.write( value ) endForEach

  • [Rogue] Aspects can now specify a base class. When a class incorporates an aspect with a base class it is as if the class directly extends the base class.

  • [Rogue] Optional primitive types are now compatible with other optional primitive types. In other words an Int32? can be passed in for a Real64? parameter.

  • [API] Renamed List.rebuilder()->ListRebuilder<<$DataType>> to List.rewriter()->ListRewriter<<$DataType>>.

  • [API] Degrees and Radians compounds now implement relational operators (==, <, etc.).

  • [RogueC] Fixed issue causing error message " does not overload method visit(CmdModifyAndAssign)."

  • [RogueC] Modify-and-assign operations now correctly map to global operator methods for locals and globals.

v1.0.67 - June 28, 2016

  • [Rogue] Changed generic function result definition symbol from = to =>. Example: list.sort( function(a,b) => a < b ).
  • [Rogue] Changed directives $includeNativeHeader and $includeNativeCode into dependency statements includeNativeHeader and includeNativeCode. Consequently native includes happen during analysis rather than parsing.
  • [Rogue] Changed Character to be a signed instead of unsigned 32-bit signed integer to simplify mixed Int32/Character operations and make Rogue code more portable (e.g. to Java/JavaScript someday). The supported range of characters remains 0..0x10FFFF (21 bits).
  • [RogueC] Compiler now correctly finds global method operator+(Type,Type) as well as regular method operator+(Type).
  • [API] Console now incorporates the Reader<<Byte>> aspect for reading from standard in (has_another->Logical, read->Byte). Also added Console.read_line->String that returns the next line after stripping the newline character. All calls are blocking.

v1.0.66 - June 19, 2016

  • [Rogue] Added // convenience operator that converts obj//key into an element access obj["key"].
  • [Rogue] Added two shorthand versions of try: the statement try single; line; commands runs the given commands while silently catching and ignoring any thrown exception. The expression try <try-expression> else <else-expression> evaluates to the result of <try-expression> unless that expression throws an error, in which case the result of evaluation is <else-expression>.
  • [API] Simplified type conversion in Value classes - table.string["key"] is now table["key"]->String etc.
  • [RogueC] Fixed a crash bug when parsing return outside of a method definition.
  • [RogueC] Non-generic function definitions now have an implicit type for type inferencing.

v1.0.65 - June 17, 2016

  • [Rogue] A select value that is both condition and result is now only evaluated once. For example, if some sequence counter will give a next value of 1, then select{ || -1} will result in 2 but select{ || -1} will result in 1.
  • [Rogue] Reversed the meaning of trace and @trace. trace now includes the method signature, filename, and line number while @trace omits them. Think Makefiles with @ omitting output. A trace without any arguments still prints out the location whether or not it has an @, just as before.
  • [Rogue] Classes can now have a global method operator?( obj:<ObjectType> )->Logical. The default behavior when an object is logicalized is to convert if (obj) to be if (obj isNot null). If you provide that method, however, it will convert to if (<ObjectType>.operator?(obj)).
  • [RogueC] Fixed extended classes to call prior.init_object() before instead of after assigning their own initial property values. This allows initial property values to be overridden in extended classes.
  • [API] Fixed bug List.insert(other:List,before_index=0:Int32)->this. The entire contents of the other list's backing array were being addd to the current list.
  • [API] The Value system now uses a NullValue singleton instead of actual null values. All Value types returned collection accesses will be non-null (but may be NullValue instead). value.is_null and value.is_not_null can be used to check value's nullness.
  • [API] Added comparison operators for Value types and implemented ValueList.contains(String|Value).
  • [API] ValueList/ValueTable.load(File) now accepts a null file.
  • [API] JSON loading now consolidates strings and identifiers.
  • [API] Renamed introspection methods PropertyInfo.property_name() and PropertyInfo.property_type_info() to be name() and type() instead.

v1.0.64 - June 11, 2016

  • [Rogue] Renamed CLASS section to DEPENDENCIES. Use to inject native code and mark classes and methods as requisite IF the currrent class is used in the program.
  • [Rogue] Modify and assign operator (example: +=) now work on list and array element accesses. Note that the element access is cloned, so list[i] += x becomes list[i] = list[i] + x and ultimately list.set( i, list.get(i) + x ).
  • [API] Reworked List(initial_capacity:Int32,initial_value:$DataType) to be much faster by copying the initial value directly into the backing array instead of repeatedly adding it.
  • [API] All List discard methods now return this list.
  • [API] Improved create() and to->String() methods of TimeInterval class.
  • [API] Added an optional global interface to Stopwatch. Stopwatch.start(key:String) creates and starts a global stopwatch,Stopwatch.finish(key:String) prints the key and the elapsed time, removing the stopwatch, and Stopwatch.remove(key:String)->Stopwatch removes and returns the stopwatch without printing the elapsed time (you can print the elapsed time yourself if desired).
  • [API] Simplified PrintWriterAspect now that aspect method return types of this are converted into the type of the incorporating class.
  • [API] Added clamped(Int32?,Int32?) to Real64 and Real32 since Int32 parameters cannot be automatically cast to Real64?.
  • [API] Added>String.
  • [API] File tweaks - primarily renamed absolute_filepaths for listing() to be absolute instead etc.
  • [RogueC] Fixed method template bug - methods added to already resolved classes are now resolved as well.
  • [RogueC] An unresolved method call involving named args now prints out the candidate method parameter names.
  • [RogueC] Compounds with native properties now produce properly compileable C++ code.
  • [C++] Further modified C++ try/catch macros to allow polymorphically compatible catches.
  • [C++] Renamed native array data pointers from reals/floats/longs/integers/characters/bytes/logicals/objects to as_real64s/as_real32s/as_int64s/as_int32s/as_characters/as_bytes/as_logicals/as_objects.
  • [C++] Added typedef for RogueWord as a 16-bit unsigned integer.

v1.0.63 - May 28, 2016

  • [Rogue] Conversion methods (method to->String) can now accept parameters on definition (method to->String(arg:Int32)) and on call (st = obj->String(x)).
  • [API] Renamed clone() methods to be called cloned() instead to fit with the general Rogue convention of verbs mutating and returning this object and adjectives returning a mutated copy.
  • [API] Added integer primitive to->String(&digits:Int32,&hex,&octal,&binary) conversion methods.
  • [API] Added>String(&ymd,&hms,&s,&ms,&format=24) conversion method. Specifying &format=12 or &format=24 automatically sets the &hms flag to include Hours, Minutes, and Seconds in the output.
  • [API] Added Value.sort(compare_fn:Function(a:Value,b:Value)) that sorts ValueList types into order based on an arbitrary comparison function.
  • [API] Added Value.remove(key:String)->Value to base class Value. This method is overridden by ValueTable.
  • [API] Added List.discard(Function(value:$DataType))->this that discards items identified by the supplied function.
  • [API] Added List.subset(i1:Int32,[n:Int32])->List.
  • [API] Added optional parameters to String.trimmed([left:Int32],[right:Int32])->String. If either left or right is specified then the corresponding number of characters are trimmed off the left or right sides of the returned string. If neither are specified then whitespace is trimmed off of both ends.
  • [API] Renamed integer primitive method to_power_of_2() to to_power_of_two().
  • [RogueC] Improved no-parens args parsing.

v1.0.62 - May 24, 2016

  • [API] Renamed get_int32() etc. to be int32() for Value types (Value, ValueList, ValueTable).
  • [API] Fixed File.timestamp() - was returning value in milliseconds instead of real seconds.
  • [API] Added class TimeInterval that can be added to a Date value or obtained by subtracting two Date values.
  • [API] Adjusted numerical primitive method clamped(low,high) to have use optional named parameters: clamped(&low=null,&high=null).
  • [API] Added or_larger(other) and or_smaller(other) to numerical primitives. a = a.or_larger(b) is equivalent to a = Math.max(a,b), likewise for or_smaller and Math.min.
  • [API] Added .floor() to primitives Real64 and Real32.
  • [API] Added .format([decimal_digit_count])->String to Real64 and Real32 that returns a string representation with no more than 4 decimal digits if decimal_digit_count is omitted or else the exact number of decimal digits specified.
  • [API] Renamed List.filter() and List.filtered() to List.keep() and List.keeping(). The original names are still available as macros for developer convenience.
  • [API] Fixed an off-by-one error in List.from(i1,i2) where i2 was not being included. This also fixes InsertionSort, which was leaving out the last element every time a sort was performed.
  • [RogueC] Fixed step size to have an effect again in two forEach loop variants... had been broken since 'step' started being parsed as part of a range.
  • [RogueC] Now supporting operator methods for binary operators (&, |, ~, :<<:, :>>:, :>>>:).

v1.0.61 - May 21, 2016

  • [API] Renamed JSON-style data PropertyValue, PropertyList, and PropertyTable to be Value, ValueList, and ValueTable instead.
  • [Rogue] The symbols @[] (ValueList) and @{} (ValueTable) can now be used as types. For example, declaring a property table : @{} is equivalent to table : ValueTable, while table = @{} is equivalent to table = ValueTable().
  • [Rogue] Macro methods are now [propagated] automatically so that they resolve in the most specific object context before being substituted in place of the call.
  • [Rogue] catch can now omit the variable name if the variable isn't used and just specify an exception type. For example, catch (err:Error) can be written catch(Error).
  • [Rogue] Improved generated code of try/catch system to handle multiple 'catch' levels.
  • [API] Fixed Value add() macro methods to return 'this' instead of Value so that they have the correct return type when called on ValueList.
  • [RogueC] Exception types specified in catch are now marked as 'used' types in the event that those types aren't referenced anywhere else.
  • [RogueC] Added -Wall (enable all warnings) option to clang when roguec is run with --compile.

v1.0.60 - May 19, 2016

  • [Rogue] Added weak references (note: only tested in manual GC mode). Create a WeakReference<<$DataType>>(obj) and then access its value as desired. The weak reference does not prevent the contained object from being collected and, if it is, the weak reference's value will be set to null.
  • [API] Added Date class. Example: println "$ until Christmas" (Date.ymd(,12,25) -
  • [Rogue] Improved module namespacing. When you write module A::B, all identifiers from modules A and A::B become visible (previously only identifiers from A::B become visible). If you are working in module A that includes files from module A::B, you can now write relative scope qualifiers such as B::xyz instead of having to write the full A::B::xyz.
  • [Rogue] Bug fix: only requisite singletons are instantiated on program launch. Other singletons are instantiated on first access.
  • [Time] Added add(delta_time:Real64) and subtract(delta_time:Real64) methods to classes Stopwatch and Timer. Adding a positive value to a Stopwatch increases the elapsed time while adding a positive value to a Timer increases the remaining time.
  • [Introspection] Added method template TypeInfo.create_object<<X>>()->X which is equivalent to calling some_type.create_object as X.
  • [API] Runtime.collect_garbage() now sets a flag in manual GC mode to force a GC after the current update (the force flag is ignored in manual GC mode).
  • [API] List.remove(value:$DataType)->$DataType now returns value instead of null if the value is not found in the list.
  • [API] PropertyValue types now implement clone() and various operator methods.
  • [API] PropertyValue types now have methods ensure_list(key:String)->PropertyList and ensure_table(key:String)->PropertyTable. When called on a PropertyTable they find or create the required collection and return it. When called on any other PropertyValue type they return an empty collection of the appropriate type but do not (and cannot) store it.
  • [API] Fixed JSON loading and parsing to treat EOLs as whitespace.
  • [API] Improved JSON parsing so that a nested syntax error returns null at the top level instead of at the nested level.
  • [API] Improved JSON parsing to not require commas after table mappings or list items. Extra commas are ignored in tables and at the end of lists. Extra commas within lists imply null elements - so [1,,3] parses as [1,null,3].
  • [API] File.listing() is now overloaded with a flag arguments variant that accepts (&ignore_hidden,&recursive,&absolute_filepaths).
  • [API] Added File.ends_with_separator()->Logical that returns true if a / or `' is at the end of the filepath.
  • [API] Added File.ensure_ends_with_separator().
  • [RogueC] Fixed ++ and -- to work on objects that are accessed through a get/set interface - ++list[i] becomes list.set( i, list.get(i) + 1 ).
  • [RogueC] Fixed typed literal lists to work again (the newish visitor system did not yet support them).
  • [RogueC] Improved logic that guards against recursive getters to prevent false positives - previously only the calling argument count was checked, now the callee parameter count is checked as well.
  • [RogueC] If the directive --output=folder/filename is given, folder will automatically be created if it does not exist.
  • [RogueC] Added --compile directive that compiles the RogueC output but does not execute it. Automatically enables the --main option.
  • [RogueC] Implicit narrowing reference casts are now illegal - the 'as' command must be used instead.
  • [RogueC] Code generated for contingents now includes additional braces to scope local variables and prevent C++ warnings regarding jumping over local variable initializations.
  • [RogueC] Dynamic method tables (vtables) are now generated for native classes (classes predefined in the Rogue runtime framework).
  • [RogueC] ++ and -- now call getters and setters if necessary for property adjustments.
  • [Vim Syntax] Improved auto-indenting for verbatim strings (@|Line 1\n |Line 2\n ...) as well as routines.

v1.0.59 - April 30, 2016

  • [Rogue] Reworked introspection so that lists of properties and global properties are stored in TypeInfo objects instead of being obtained from instanced objects. For example, and @Alpha.global_properties access corresponding PropertyInfo[] lists.
  • [Rogue] Reworked introspection setters and getters to use runtime data rather than generating new methods Rogue-side.
  • [Rogue] Global properties now have getters and setters via TypeInfo objects that behave like object introspection methods. For instance, @SomeClass.set_global_property<<Int32>>("x",3).
  • [API] Shifted collect_garbage() and all introspection-related methods out of System class and into the Runtime class.
  • [Rogue] Added new postfix unary operator isReference that returns true if its operand type is a class or aspect reference type and false if it is a compound or primitive value type. Useful in type and method template definitions. Example: logical result = $DataType isReference
  • [Rogue] 'if' statement conditions that resolve to a literal true or false now clear the statement list of the opposing section, both as an optimization and as a way to write template code where C++ would be unable to compile both sections of an type-based if statement. Note that elseIfs are automatically converted to nested if/else blocks. Also note that if statements in tasks may not receive this optimization.
  • [Rogue] PropertyInfo objects now contain property_name_index:Int32 and property_type_index:Int32 as their core data and call Runtime.literal_string(index:Int32) and Runtime.type_info(index:Int32) to obtain property name strings and type info objects.

v1.0.58 - April 27, 2016

  • [RogueC] Fixed order-of-compilation bug relating to property types not being organize()d before property introspection methods were generated.
  • [RogueC] Property introspection access methods now only handle properties defined in the current class and call the prior base class method to access any inherited properties.
  • [Rogue] Each class's implicit init_object() method now calls prior.init_object() as its first step. Inherited properties are now initialized by the prior method call and are not initialized in the extended class's init_object() method.

v1.0.57 - April 26, 2016

  • [Rogue] Changed property introspection setters to return this instead of nil.
  • [Rogue] Compound property introspection setters now have the same signature as regular class setters. However, the result must be reassigned to permanently change the compound. For example, local xy = XY(3,4); xy = xy.set_property<<Real64>>("y",6); println xy # prints (3,6)
  • [RogueC] Compounds may incorporate aspects (as before) but now the compiler does not consider them polymorphically compatible with those aspect types.
  • [RogueC] When a method specifies this as its return type, the method gains Attribute.returns_this. References to this in aspects, including return values, are now converted into the incorporating type instead of remaining as the aspect type.

v1.0.56 - April 25, 2016

  • [Rogue] Added property introspection. obj.type_properties()->PropertyInfo[] returns a list of property info objects. For any given property info object one can access info.property_name->String, info.property_type_name->String, and info.property_type_info->TypeInfo. To get and set class object properties through introspection, use obj.get_property<<DataType>>(name:String)->DataType and obj.set_property<<DataType>>(name:String,new_value:DataType). Due to the nature of compounds they use a different setter mechanism: write compound_value = CompoundType.set_property<<PropertyType>>( compound_value, "property_name", new_property_value ).
  • [RogueC] Revamped method template system to be more robust and flexible, including: classes can now override specific versions of method templates as well as using specialized template syntax in method names even when no such template exists. For instance, method frobozz<<Int32>>(...) overrides any inherited definition of template method frobozz<<$DataType>>.
  • [API] Added an optional allow_break_after:String parameter to String.word_wrapped(). If a line can't be broken on a newline or space it will be broken after any one of the supplied characters - the Rogue compiler specifies "," to break up long signature names.
  • [RogueC] Improved formatting of error messages in several ways, including that "method not found" errors now strip package names from signature to avoid bloat.
  • [Rogue] trace can now be used with formatted strings, e.g. @trace "sum=$" (x+y).
  • [Rogue] Any methods overriding requisite methods now inherit the requisite attribute.

v1.0.55 - April 18, 2016

  • [Rogue] Added method templates. These operate as you might expect: method templates are defined with method name<<$Type1,...>>(...) and called with e.g.<<Int32>>(...).
  • [Rogue] Added ensure statement. ensure x is convenience syntax for if (not x) x = TypeOfX(), ensure y(a,b) is equivalent to if (not y) y = TypeOfY(a,b), and ensure x && y(a,b) performs both checks in consecutive order.
  • [RogueC] Made named args more robust. While the compiler used to wait until a method was selected before adding the named args back in, it now inserts them at the beginning of call resolution if it can infer their location (i.e. two overloads don't contain the same parameter name at different positions).
  • [API] Made functional programming more flexible. In addition to the in-place list modification methods apply(), filter(), modify(), and sort(), there are now versions of those methods that return a modified list instead: applying(), filtered(), modified(), and sorted(). Note: filtered() is functionally equivalent to choose() and so the latter method has been removed.
  • [API] Map/reduce functionality has been shifted from "helper classes" into List proper, made possible by method templates. Their names are mapped and reduced, which is consistent with other functional programming methods in Rogue.
  • [API] Added List.remove(Function(T)->Logical)->List that removes and returns the list of values passing the test function.
  • [RogueC] Added method Type.inject_method(Method) that can be used to add a new method after the type has already been organized, correctly adjusting inherited method tables in extended classes.
  • [RogueC] Creating an object as a standalone statement now omits the post-init_object() typecast which prevents a C++ warning.
  • [RogueC] Renamed "flag args" to "named args" internally.

v1.0.54 - April 13, 2016

  • [RogueC] Reworked native properties to be stored with regular properties instead separately. Fixes severe bug where classes with native properties were not polymorphically compatible with base classes or extended classes due to the order in which native properties were written out.
  • [Rogue] A value being explicitly or implicitly converted (cast) now checks for to-type constructor methods as well as from-type conversion methods. So for x:FromType -> ToType", the compiler first checks for a method x->ToTypeand then checks forToType.init(FromType)orToType.create(FromType), resulting in a conversion to ToType(x)` if that method is found.
  • [RogueC] Fixed some lingering references where global methods were called "routines" (their old name).

v1.0.53 - April 11, 2016

  • [API] Added Global.on_exit(Function()) that stores the given function object and calls it when a program ends normally or ends due to a System.exit(Int32) call.
  • [Rogue] Added JSON-style literal syntax to create PropertyList and PropertyTable values as follows:
    • @{ key1:value1, key2:value2, ... } creates a PropertyTable object. The keys do not require quotes.
    • @[ value1, value2, ... ] creates a PropertyList object.
    • Lists and tables may be nested; omit the leading @ on nested structures.
  • [API] Changed PropertyValue etc. get_integer() and get_real() to get_int32() and get_real64().
  • [API] Changed PropertyValue etc. get_integer() and get_real() to get_int32() and get_real64().
  • [API] Reworked printing infrastructure of PrintWriter, Global, and Console. Global and Console are both printwriters now, with Console being set as the default Global.standard_output. In addition to println(value) you can now print to the console directly with Console.println(value).
  • [API] The Global singleton now flushes the console output buffer on exit.
  • [API] Modified LineReader to not return an extra blank line if the very last character was '\n'. That logic was a side effect of a verbatim string printing issue that has since been separately addressed.

v1.0.52 - April 10, 2016

  • [Rogue] Added preliminary introspection support. @TypeName is a convenience method for calling System.type_info("TypeName") that returns a TypeInfo object with a name property. You can call .create_object()->Object on a TypeInfo object, cast the Object to a specific type, and manually call one of the specific type's init() methods.
  • [Rogue] Added Object.type_info()->TypeInfo that returns the runtime type (AKA "Class") of an object.
  • [Rogue] C++ now has a function RogueType_type_info(RogueType*)->RogueTypeInfo* that returns the runtime type info of an object.
  • [RogueC] CmdBinary and CmdUnary now call organize() on the operand types before proceeding to ensure that operator methods can be found if they exist.

v1.0.51 - April 6, 2016

  • [Rogue] assert now accepts an optional custom message: assert(condition||message).
  • [Rogue] assert(condition[||message]) may now be used as part of expression - for example, q = a / assert(b). b is returned if it is "truthy" or if --debug is not enabled.
  • [Rogue] Added require(condition[||message]) that works just like assert except that it is always compiled in and does not depend on --debug mode. A failed requirement will throw a RequirementError.
  • [Rogue] Added class and method level unitTest...endUnitTest support (also single-line unitTest ...). Tests are compiled and run at launch if --test is passed to roguec and if the containing class is used in the program.
  • [Rogue] Added [propagated] method qualifier. Propagated methods are cloned each time they are inherited so that their this reference has the correct type. This is primarily useful when implementing the Visitor pattern.
  • [RogueC] Implemented the Visitor pattern for misc. tasks. Removed CmdAugment*.rogue in favor of TraceUsedCodeVisitor.rogue and UpdateThisTypeVisitor.rogue - much, much, simpler.
  • [RogueC] Tweaked CPPWriter's print_arg() to automatically cast the arg type to the param type if they differ.
  • [Standard Library] Used --requisite to find and fix some errors that had crept in due to other revamps.

v1.0.50 - April 5, 2016

  • [Rogue] Added assert(condition) statement. When --debug is enabled an AssertionError will be thrown if the condition is false. When --debug is not enabled the assert is stripped during compilation.
  • [C++] RogueObject_to_string(obj) can now be called to invoke any object's to->String() method. If to->String() was culled during compilation then the object's class name will be returned. Exception to->String() methods are automatically marked [requisite].
  • [C++] The to->String() of any uncaught exceptions is now displayed at runtime.
  • [RogueC] Nil returns in init() methods are now automatically converted to return this.
  • [RogueC] In mixed Int32-Character operations, Int32 is now promoted to Character rather than vice versa. Before, Character(-1) > 0) returned false even though Character is unsigned because it was being converted back to Int32 during the comparison.
  • [Syntax] Updated Vim and Sublime Text 3 syntax files.

v1.0.49 - April 4, 2016

  • [Standard Library] Fixed bugs in real_bits() and integer_bits().

v1.0.48 - April 4, 2016

  • [Standard Library] - Moved core functionality for primitive real_bits() and integer_bits() out of global create methods and into those methods themselves.
  • [Standard Library] - Primitives can now be created and cast with constructor-style syntax, e.g. n = Int32(3.4).
  • [Standard Library] - Printing an out-of-range Character code now prints a question mark (?).
  • [RogueC] - Stand-alone ranges (outside of forEach loops) now accept a step size.
  • [RogueC] - If a range has no explicit step size then its default step type now matches the range type.

v1.0.47 - April 2, 2016

  • [Standard Library] - Added String.up_to_first() and .up_to_last() methods that are inclusive versions of .before_first/last().
  • [C++] - Fixed literal string generation to prevent ambiguous hex escapes, e.g. "\x9CCool" is now "\x9C" "Cool"
  • [C++] - Renamed RogueString's previous_byte_offset and previous_character_index to be cursor_offset and cursor_index.
  • [C++] - Added new method RogueString_set_cursor(THIS,index)->RogueInt32 that takes a character index, sets the cached cursor_offset and cursor_index in the string, and returns cursor_offset.

v1.0.46 - April 1, 2016

  • Converted String and StringBuilder to use utf8 bytes instead of a Character[] array internally while using character indices externally.
  • Changed Character to be an unsigned 32-bit value.
  • All string indexing and substring operations operate on whole characters (code points 0 through 10FFFF); characters never span multiple indices though the internal UTF8 representation has a variable size.
  • Added classes UTF8Reader:Reader<<Character>> and UTF8Writer:Writer<<Character>> that wrap Byte readers and writers to provide UTF-8 decoding and encoding.
  • File.reader() and File.writer() now return raw byte readers and writers while File.character_reader() and File.character_writer() return UTF-8 readers and writers.
  • Fixed named parameters to work with routines.
  • Removed [foreign] qualifier on String.
  • Renamed C++ method RogueString_create_from_c_string() to RogueString_create_from_utf8().
  • Removed C++ method RogueString_to_c_string(); a RogueString's utf8 property is a null-terminated UTF-8 string that can be cast directly to const char*.

v1.0.45 - March 26, 2016

  • Fixed Table crash when remove() is called with a key that hashes to an unused bin.

v1.0.44 - March 24, 2016

  • Restored default == and != functionality to compounds. No operator methods are required for equivalence comparisons.

v1.0.43 - March 23, 2016

  • During call resolution, candidate methods not containing any given named args as parameters are discarded early.
  • Fixed additional PROPERTIES in compounds to be initialized correctly.
  • Compounds now generate an appropriate error message when operator methods are required but undefined (such as operator==).

v1.0.42 - March 23, 2016

  • Fixed runtime instanceOf to return false instead of true for null references.
  • Compounds can now be declared without properties.

v1.0.41 - March 22, 2016

  • Routines can now be overloaded.
  • Augments now work correctly again - augments to all specialized types (Table) and to specific specialized types (Table<<String,Int32>>) are now applied correctly.
  • Fixed mysterious "unexpected end of line" error relating to augments - augments use special tokens indicating the beginning of augment code. Those tokens were labeled "end of line" (for some reason) and their application was slightly messed up.

v1.0.40 - March 20, 2016

  • Changed C++ name adaptation syntax: TemplateName<<Alpha,Beta>> now becomes TemplateName_Alpha_Beta_ and TypeName[] becomes TypeName_List.

v1.0.39 - March 20, 2016

  • Added default init() to base class Object.
  • Classes can no longer be instantiated with a default initializer if they have other initializers all with one or more args.
  • Added requisite target to Makefile that recompiles with the --requisite flag.
  • Fixed bug where create() method candidates could be prematurely discarded from consideration in favor of init() methods with the same signature.
  • Tweaked the C++ name adaptation and validation to make it more robust and reduce the chances of conflict. TemplateName<<Alpha,Beta>> now becomes Template$Alpha_Beta$ and TypeName[] becomes TypeName$List.

v1.0.38 - March 19, 2016

  • Added block/endBlock control structure that scopes local variables and supports escapeBlock.

v1.0.37 - March 18, 2016

  • Improved call resolution.
  • For a call to NewType(x), methods named init() and global methods named create() are all considered simultaneously instead of in two separate steps as before.
  • If all else fails during call resolution the compiler will try and convert the arg of a 1-arg call to->Object, to->String, or to->ParameterType in that order (missing from previous release but present before that).

v1.0.36 - March 18, 2016

  • Fixed overly liberal method selection so that for e.g. constructor NewType(String), create(String) will be matched before init(Int32) (this latter wasn't throwing an error due to String having a to->Int32 method).
  • Fixed runtime as and instanceOf to work with more than direct parent class checks.
  • Moved creation of compiler's flat_base_types to be on-demand when generating code.

v1.0.35 - March 18, 2016

  • Reworked debug trace infrastructure; now substantially faster and more flexible - 1.3s vs 1.7s roguec recompile in debug mode.
  • Debug Stack Trace now shows accurate line numbers.
  • Fixed access resolution error where class Global could be checked before the current class context.
  • Fixed several errors resulting from compiling with --requisite.

v1.0.34 - March 18, 2016

  • C++ exceptions and stdlib improvements.
  • Fixed access resolution error where class Global could be checked before the current class context.
  • Fixed several errors resulting from compiling with --requisite.

v1.0.33 - March 17, 2016

  • Aspects are now compatible with Object, instanceOf Object, and can be be cast to Object in more places.
  • Added fallback property getters and setters to aspects.

v1.0.32 - March 17, 2016

  • Added consolidated()->String method to String and StringBuilder. Operates similarly to Java's intern() and maps equivalent strings to a single string object instance.
  • Compiler now generates global properties for native classes and initializes them with the class's init_class() call.
  • Class File now includes native header <cstdio> when referenced.

v1.0.31 - March 16, 2016

  • Renamed the methods of the plug-in architecture.

v1.0.30 - March 16, 2016

  • Added beginnings of compiler plug-in infrastructure.
  • Added --version directive.
  • Added explicit [native] attribute to type Object - the compiler was already doing so internally.
  • Removed unused, vestigial copy of global properties generated as static variables in class definitions.

v1.0.29 - March 15, 2016

  • Improved select{} syntax - || is used to separate all parts (select{ a:x || b:y || c:z || d }) and x may be used instead of both x:x and x.exists:x:value (if x is an optional type).
  • Added up to less than range operator ..<. For instance, forEach (i in 0..<count) loops from 0 to count-1.

v1.0.28 - March 14, 2016

  • When used in implicit typing, routine calls now correctly report the return type instead of the type of the routine wrapper class.

v1.0.27 - March 14, 2016

  • Added String.contains(Character)->Logical.
  • Renamed String.pluralize() to String.pluralized() for consistency.
  • Moved Boss.rogue to its own library to avoid cluttering up the Standard library API.
  • Overridden methods are now culled when they're unused.

v1.0.26 - March 14, 2016

  • Fixed [requisite] routines to work correctly when the routine has a return type.
  • Renamed [functional] to [foreign]. A [foreign] class is one that supplements a native non-Rogue reference type with methods callable from Rogue. This feature is still somewhat hard-coded for the C++ implementation of Rogue String.
  • Fixed method overriding to make sure the overriding method's return type is instanceOf the overridden method's return type instead of short-circuiting when the overridden method is abstract.
  • Tightened up reset() and seek() in various readers and writers, fixing a few potential bugs in the process.

v1.0.25 - March 13, 2016

  • All compound/primitive/functional types now have default to->Object returning Boxed<<$DataType>>.
  • Routine [attributes] now apply to the routine as well as the method.
  • stdlib.System: Expose GC threshold; make overridable
  • stdlib.System: Improve run() method to throw error on failure and return exit code.
  • stdlib.File: Fixes and improvements
  • stdlib.Object: Include address in default to->String
  • stdlib.PrintWriter: Flush more often
  • Added .abs() to Real and Int primitives.
  • Renamed Math.ceil() to ceiling().
  • $requisite ... can now be specified inside a class or method to only take effect if the class or method is used.
  • Removed conversion of optional reference types to plain references to allow dependable functionality (e.g. boxing) to be present in class Optional<<$DataType>>.
  • Improved error message when illegally naming a global method init().
  • Changed some vestigial references of "routines" to be "global methods" instead in error messages.
  • Fixed new side effect bug resolving statement list of Global.on_launch(). Was not expecting list to be modified while looping but the type-level "inner requisite" directive causes new CmdMakeRequisite nodes to be added to on_launch. Resolving list would create new types which would add additional commands to list.

v1.0.24 - March 11, 2016

  • Added '--gc=boehm' support for Boehm's garbage collector, courtesy Murphy McCauley.
  • Added '--gc-threshold={number}[MB|K]' and increased default to 1MB.
  • Changed the allocation tracker to count down from the threshold to 0 instead of counting up from 0 to the threshold.
  • Fixed bug mapping variable writes to set_ methods.

v1.0.23 - March 10, 2016

  • Integrated MurphyMc's gc option which allows GC to happen during execution rather than only between calls into the Rogue system.
  • Fixed a reference holding error in List.

v1.0.22 - March 9, 2016

  • ++ and -- now work on compounds by transforming ++compound into compound = compound.operator+(1) and --compound into compound.operator+(-1).
  • Added full set of operator methods to Degrees and Radians compounds. Also added Degrees.delta_to(other:Degrees) which returns the smallest angle (which may be positive or negative) required to to from this angle to the specified other angle. For instance, Degrees(270).delta_to(Degrees(0)) returns Degrees(90).
  • Added an elapsed time output when a compile is successful.
  • Lists now have a default capacity of zero to begin with and do not allocate a backing array. When the first item is added an initial capacity of at last 10 is reserved.

v1.0.21 - March 8, 2016

  • Changed syntax of select{ condition:value, default_value } to select{ condition:value || default_value }.
  • Removed support for compound modify-and-assign operators since they're only changing a stack copy of the compound. Rogue now automatically converts "compound += value" to "compound = compound + value".

v1.0.20 - March 8, 2016

  • operator+= and other modify-and-assign operator methods now work with compounds as well as regular class types.

  • System.environment provides several ways to operate environment variables: .listing()->String[], get(name:String)->String, and set(name:String,value:String). A small example:

    System.environment[ "STUFF" ] = "Whatever"

    forEach (var_name in System.environment.listing) println "$ = $" (var_name,System.environment[var_name]) endForEach

    System.environment[ "STUFF" ] = null

v1.0.19 - March 8, 2016

  • Aspect types now correctly extend RogueObject in C++ code.

v1.0.18 - March 8, 2016

  • RogueObject_retain() and RogueObject_release() now guard against NULL.
  • Renamed STL library to CPP.

v1.0.17 - March 7, 2016

  • Objects requiring clean-up are no longer freed if they have non-zero reference counts.

v1.0.16 - March 7, 2016

  • Removed trailing whitespace in all source files.

v1.0.15 - March 7, 2016

  • Task system now works again. Any custom main loop should call Rogue_update_tasks() which returns true if tasks are still active for false if they've all finished. Rogue_update_tasks() automatically runs the garbage collector if required.
  • Fixed a bug in await implementation by adding an internal yield that was missing.
  • Added RogueCallback infrastructure for taking native actions before or after runtime events. The first two supported callbacks are Rogue_on_begin_gc and Rogue_on_end_gc.
  • Added Math.abs().

Task system example:

println "Tests started!"

class Tests
    method init

    method run [task]
      print_numbers( 1, 10 ).start
      await print_numbers( 10, 13 )
      await print_numbers( 100, 103 )
      print_numbers( 1000, 1003 ).start

    method print_numbers( low:Int32, high:Int32 ) [task]
      forEach (n in low..high)
        println n

v1.0.14 - March 7, 2016

  • Renamed IntX.as_realx() and RealX.as_intx() to be IntX.real_bits() and RealX.integer_bits().
  • Fixed GC code generation for compound properties.
  • Fixed local x = x to throw a syntax error instead of crashing the compiler.
  • Fixed compiler crash when parsing a super-minimal class definition such as "class Name;".
  • Compiler now ensures that 'as' is only used with references.

v1.0.13 - March 5, 2016

  • Fixed bug where listing a base class after an aspect would corrupt the dynamic dispatch (vtable) ordering.

v1.0.12 - March 5, 2016

  • Made several empty Reader<<$DataType>> methods abstract so they don't overwrite existing methods when incorporated in an extended class.

v1.0.11 - March 5, 2016

  • Fixed bug in aspect call mechanism.

  • Added List.choose(Function($DataType)->Logical)->$DataType[] that returns a list subset. Example:

    println Int32[][3,4,5,6].choose( function(n)=(n%2==0) )

  • Added>String in addition to the existing StackTrace.print().

v1.0.10 - March 5, 2016

  • Added call tracing when the --debug option is given.
  • Created StackTrace() class and added it to base Exception class. If --debug is enabled then you can ex.stack_trace.print when catching an exception. Seg faults (from referencing null) do not throw exceptions but the stack trace will still print out if --debug is enabled.
  • Fixed bug when DEFINITIONS have more than one token.
  • Tweaked default Reader seek() and skip() methods.

v1.0.9 - March 4, 2016

  • Fixed up inline native definitions and methods to work with op-assign and increment/decrement.
  • Added convenience class ListLookupTable<<$KeyType,$ValueType>> where assigning a value to a key adds the value to a list of values instead of replacing a single value.
  • Reworked template overloading system.
  • Added Real64/32 is_infinite(), is_finite, is_number(), and is_not_a_number()/is_NaN() as well as literal values infinity and NaN. StringBuilder now prints those values correctly.
  • Can now write @routine_name to obtain a Function object that calls the routine.
  • Added STL library containing STLPriorityQueue.
  • Added Set<<$DataType>> to standard library.

v1.0.8 - March 3, 2016

  • 'select' now uses curly braces instead of square brackets.
  • The final case in a select can be optionally prefixed with others:. Example:
  • Added support for template overloads (same name, different numbers of specializers).
  • Bug fix in template backslash parsing.

v1.0.7 - March 3, 2016

  • Added the select operator, Rogue's alternative to the ternary "decision operator". Example:
  • Added digit_count()->Int32 to all primitives that returns the number of characters that are required to represent the primitive in text form.
  • Added whole_digit_count() and decimal_digit_count()->Int32 to Real64 and Real32 primitives.
  • Parser bug fix: class auto-initializer properties can contain EOLs.
  • Improved macro method error messages.
  • Fixed several File macro methods that were incorrectly defined with a return keyword.
  • Conditional compilation now respects nativeHeader and nativeCode blocks.
  • nativeHeader and nativeCode blocks can appear at the global level, the class section level, or the statement level. In the latter two cases they are only applied if the class or method is referenced, respectively.
  • Fixed generated trace() code to work for arrays of compounds that don't contain references.

v1.0.6 - March 1, 2016

  • Added native code marker support for $(var.retain) and $(var.release) that yield the value of the given variable while increasing or decreasing the reference count of regular objects, preventing them from being GC'd while they're stored in a native collection. The markers yield the variable value with no reference count modifications for primitives and compounds.

v1.0.5 - March 1, 2016

  • Added additional native code insertion marker operations for native properties and inline native code.

    1. $this, $local_var_name, and $property_name are supported as before.
    2. Parens may be added for clarity: $(this) etc.
    3. $(this.type), $(local_var_name.type), and $(property_name.type) all print out the C++ type name of the given variable. Parens are required in this case.
    4. $($SpecializerName) prints out the C++ type name of a template type specializer. For instance, in class Table<<$KeyType,$ValueType>>, referring to $($KeyType) in your inlined native code would write RogueInt32 for a Table<<Int32,String>>, etc.

v1.0.4 - February 29, 2016

  • Fixed off-by-one error in List.remove_at() that was causing seg faults on Linux.
  • Updated Makefile.

v1.0.3 - February 29, 2016

  • Renamed Time.current() to System.time() and removed the Time class.
  • Default main() now GC's 3 times at the end to allow objects requiring clean-up a chance to do so.

v1.0.2 - February 29, 2016

  • Adjacent string literal concatenation now works for strings that were template specializers.
  • Default main() now GC's 3 times at the end to allow objects requiring clean-up a chance to do so.

v1.0.1 - February 28, 2016

  • Adjacent string literals are now concatenated into a single string literal.

v1.0.0 - February 28, 2016

  • First full release.

v0.0.1 (Beta) - May 12, 2015

  • Initial beta release.


Rogue Programming Language







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  • C 45.6%
  • C++ 39.4%
  • Vim Script 9.2%
  • Makefile 4.3%
  • Python 1.0%
  • Batchfile 0.5%