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Pyroman is a Roman numeral conversion library written for Python 3.6. Provided are the main library, unit tests, and a command line wrapper for the library. It can convert any integer number between 1 and 4,999 to a Roman numeral, or the same in reverse. Featuring dynamically generated lookup tables for a very fast execution.

The idea and source code for this project originally came from Dive Into Python 3 by Mark Pilgrim.

Basic Usage


Command Line Wrapper

Gtk3 Wrapper

I have created a simple to use Gtk3 wrapper for use of the library without entering a Python shell or writing a script. Make sure has execute permissions and run the executable directly.

The output mode setting controls the type of input accepted and the type returned. Numeral mode accepts an integer and returns a Roman numeral. Integer mode accepts a Roman numeral and returns an integer. Note that Roman numeral input must be uppercase. Integer input must be whole numbers, greater than 0 but less than 4,999.


Command Line Wrapper
Gtk3 Wrapper
  • Error checking for input
  • Exception handling and error output
  • Basic program description in the main window
  • Visual tweaks and enhancements

Unit Tests

Current unit test results: Pass

-> % python -v
test_blank (__main__.FromRomanBadInput)
from_roman should fail with blank string ... ok
test_malformed_antecedents (__main__.FromRomanBadInput)
from_roman should fail with malformed antecedents ... ok
test_repeated_pairs (__main__.FromRomanBadInput)
from_roman should fail with repeated pairs of numerals ... ok
test_too_many_repeated_numerals (__main__.FromRomanBadInput)
from_roman should fail with too many repeated numerals ... ok
test_roundtrip (__main__.RoundTripCheck)
from_roman(to_roman(n)) == n for all n ... ok
test_negative (__main__.ToRomanBadInput)
to_roman should fail with negative input ... ok
test_non_integer (__main__.ToRomanBadInput)
to_roman should fail with non-integer input ... ok
test_too_large (__main__.ToRomanBadInput)
to_roman should fail with large input ... ok
test_zero (__main__.ToRomanBadInput)
to_roman should fail with 0 input ... ok
test_from_roman_known_values (__main__.ToRomanGoodInput)
from_roman should give known result with known input ... ok
test_to_roman_known_values (__main__.ToRomanGoodInput)
to_roman should give known result with known input ... ok

Ran 11 tests in 0.011s