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A C++ library that allow users to work with and evaluate infinite lists by using a lazy evaluation model


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An infinite list library for C++. Written by Nathan Snyder.


This library allows you to work with infinite lists in C++. The lists are rendered using lazy evaluation: only the functional components of the infinite list are stored, and list values are only evaluated when they are needed. Inflists support complex operations with both built-in operators and user-defined functions.

Install and use

To use, download InfList.h and place it in your build tree. Note: this library is only compatible with C++17 or newer.

Usage Examples

Computing Numbers to Various Precisions


// Calculate pi to various precisions using the Leibniz series and the Wallis product
#include <iostream>
#include "InfList.h"

// Function that calculates the nth term in the Leibniz series
// The sum of all the terms add up to pi/4
double leibnizSeries(double n) {
    return (((int) n % 2 == 0) ? 1.0 : -1.0) / ((2.0 * n) + 1.0);

// Function that calculates the nth term in the Wallis product
// The product of all the terms multiply to pi/2
double wallisProduct(double x) {
    return (4 * x * x) / ((4 * x * x) - 1);

int main() {
    // Creates an infinite list with the leibnizSeries function
    // The list, by default, starts from 0.0 and has a step size of 1.0
    InfList<double> calc_pi_over_4(&leibnizSeries);

    // Creates an infinite list with the wallisProduct function
    // The list starts from 1.0 and has a step size of 1.0
    InfList<double> calc_pi_over_2(&wallisProduct, 1.0, 1.0);

    std::cout << "Value of the sum of the Leibniz series by number of terms:\n";
    for (int i = 1; i <= 1000000; i *= 10)
        // foldFirst(i, op) applies the op function to the first i entries in the list
        std::cout << i << " --> " << 4 * calc_pi_over_4.foldFirst(i, "+") << "\n";

    std::cout << "\n";

    std::cout << "Value of the product of the Wallis product by number of terms:\n";
    for (int i = 1; i <= 1000000; i *= 10)
        // foldFirst(i, op) applies the op function to the first i entries in the list
        std::cout << i << " --> " << 2 * calc_pi_over_2.foldFirst(i, "*") << "\n";

    return 0;


Value of the sum of the Leibniz series by number of terms:
1 --> 4
10 --> 3.04184
100 --> 3.13159
1000 --> 3.14059
10000 --> 3.14149
100000 --> 3.14158
1000000 --> 3.14159

Value of the product of the Wallis product by number of terms:
1 --> 2.66667
10 --> 3.0677
100 --> 3.13379
1000 --> 3.14081
10000 --> 3.14151
100000 --> 3.14158
1000000 --> 3.14159

Calculating Definite Integrals


// Calculate the definite integral of a function using various step sizes
#include <iostream>
#include "InfList.h"

// y = 2x^2 - 3x + 7
double y(double x) {
    return (2.0 * x * x) - (3.0 * x) + 7.0;

int main() {
    // Creates an infinite list with the y function
    // The list, by default, starts from 0.0 and has a step size of 1.0
    InfList<double> y_integral(&y);

    std::cout << "Definite integral of y=2x^2-3x+7 in the range [0, 10] by step size:\n";
    for (double i = 1.0; i >= 0.000001; i /= 10) {
        std::cout << i << " --> " << i * y_integral.foldFirst(10/i, "+") << "\n";

    return 0;


Definite integral of y=2x^2-3x+7 in the range [0, 10] by step size:
1 --> 505
0.1 --> 578.2
0.01 --> 585.817
0.001 --> 586.582
0.0001 --> 586.658
1e-05 --> 586.664
1e-06 --> 586.666

Perform Operations on Every List Element


#include <iostream>
#include "InfList.h"

int initialFunc(int x) { return (9 * x) + 2; }
int magicFunc(int x) { return x * (x - 1); }

int main() {
    // Create an infinite list with with the initialFunc function
    // The list, by default, starts from 0 and has a step size of 1
    InfList<int> test1(&initialFunc);

    // Apply magicFunc to every element in the list;

    // Perform other operations on the elements in the list
    test1 = (test1 << 1) % 15;
    test1 ^= 0xA;

    // Print the first 10 elements ([0..9]) in the list
    std::cout << "[";
    for (int i : test1.first(10))
        std::cout << i << " ";
    std::cout << "\b]\n";

    // Print elements [1..10] in the list
    std::cout << "[";
    for (int i : test1.range(1, 10))
        std::cout << i << " ";
    std::cout << "\b]\n";

    return 0;


[14 0 0 14 13 14 0 0 14 13]
[0 0 14 13 14 0 0 14 13 14]

Brief Documentation

Initializing the InfList

The list can be initialized without any arguments. This will make every element in the list 0:

InfList<int> a; // a = [0, 0, 0, ...]

The list can be initilized with a number, function reference, or another InfList:

InfList<float> b(5.0); // b = [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, ...]
InfList<float> c(&func); // c = [func(0), func(1), func(2), ...]
InfList<float> d(b);   // d = [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, ...]

Additionally, you can specify the starting position and the step size of the list. If you don't include the starting position and step size, the defaults are 0 and 1 respectively.

InfList<int> e(&func, 3, -2); // e = [func(3), func(1), func(-1), ...]

Accessing InfList Elements

You can access the value at any space in the list with the at() method or with the [] operator:

InfList<int> h(&func, 0, 2);
// h[0] = func(0)
// h[1] = func(2)
// = func(4)

InfList Operations

You can change the starting position and step size at any time:

InfList<int> f(&intFunc, 0, 1);
// f.getStart() = 1
// f.getStep() = 2

You can use arithmetic and compound assignment operators directly:

InfList<double> g(&func1);
g = (++g) << 1;
g %= 17;
// g = [(++func1(0) << 1) % 17, (++func1(1) << 1) % 17, ...]

The map() method applies a function to every element in the list. You can call built-in operations by putting them in quotes, or you may specify your own function by passing a function reference:

InfList<double> g(&func1);"++") // equivalent to `g++;`; // take the absolute value of every element with the built-in abs() function"%", 17); // equivalent to `g %= 17;`, 5); // apply func2(..., 5) to every element

Reducing lists

You can access the first number of elements with the first() method:

InfList<int> h(&func, 0, 2);
// h.first(3) = [func(0), func(2), func(4)]

You can access a range of elements with the range() method:

InfList<int> h(&func, 0, 2);
// h.range(0, 2) = [func(0), func(2), func(4)]
// h.range(4, 7) = [func(8), func(10), func(12), func(14)]

The foldFirst() and foldRange() methods recursively apply a function to each element in a section the list to get a numerical answer. You can use the same binary operators as with map, with the addition of "max" and "min", which find the maximum and minimum element respectively:

InfList<int> i(&func);
i.foldFirst(3, &binop); // binop(binop(binop(func(0), func(1)), func(2)), func(3))
i.foldFirst(4, "+"); // add the first 4 elements: ((func(0) + func(1)) + func(2)) + func(3)
i.foldFirst(10, "*"); // multiply the first 10 elements
i.foldRange(3, 42, "+"); // add the elements in the range [3..42]
i.foldFirst(100, "max"); // get the maximum of the first 100 elements

You can also specify another argument to foldFirst() and foldRange(), which will serve as the starting value for the function:

C++ Code
i.foldFirst(3, &binop, 4); // binop(binop(binop(binop(func(0), 4), func(1)), func(2)), func(3))
i.foldRange(4, 32, "max", 5); // will find the maximum value of 5 and the numbers in the range [4..32]


A C++ library that allow users to work with and evaluate infinite lists by using a lazy evaluation model






