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Heart Failure Management System (Backend)


  1. Create python virtual environment python3 -m venv venv
  2. Activate virtual environment source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install library needed in requirements.txt pip install -r requirements.txt

Run Flask Server

  1. Open terminal and type

        flask -app flaskr/webserver run
  2. Hit API Endpoint with Web API Testing Client (Thunder Client, Postman API, etc.)

  3. Get Prediction

        json = {
            column1: value1,
            column2: value2, ...
   '/predict/', data=json)
  4. Get Recommendation

        json = {
            column1: value1, # user existing lifestyle
            column2: value2, ...
            columnN: valueN # user characteristic
   '/recommendation/', data=json)

    Will get the result of user recommended lifestyle with risk comparison with existing lifestyle. Here are one of response example

    "lifestyle" : {
        "Column1": {
             "changeStatus": "True",
             "comparison": "<= 140.372 (-0.001-140.372)",
             "description": "Minutes outdoors 9am - 5pm not work day",
             "recommendedValueInterval": "(-0.001, 140.372]"
        "ColumnN": {
             "changeStatus": "Status of change compared with existing user lifestyle",
             "comparison": "<= 140.372 (-0.001-140.372)",
             "description": "Lifestyle description",
             "recommendedValueInterval": "(pd.Interval]"
    "currentRisk": 99.98880624771118,
    "riskAfterRecommendation": 0.022367404017132,
    "riskReduction": 99.96643884369405,
    "timeGenerated": "2024-05-17",
    "timeTaken": "14.709s"
    "status": 200,
    "statusMessage": "Success retrieving recommendation data"
  5. Get accepted data schema for JSON data by accessing both endpoint with GET HTTP Request method.