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Simple IPC

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The Problem: Most rudimentary IPC implementations rely on a Client/Server mechanism in which you implement the server in one process and the client in another. This means the code you use must differ between each process.

The Solution: Simple IPC aims to add support for basic messaging between two processes while maintaining an identical implementation for both the server and the client. This provides a very simple tunnel between the processes without having to worry about any of the networking.

$ go get
package main



Basic Example

The following example can run as a client and a server.

package main



func main() {
    // Create the specification
    spec := ipc.NewTCPSpec(1234, "super-secret")

    // Create the Connection with a Message Handler
    connection := ipc.NewConnection(spec, func(message string) string {
        if message == "hello" {
            return "world"

        return ""

    // Connect
    err := connection.Connect()
    if err != nil {

    // Send Queries
    for {
        response,err := connection.Query("hello")
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("query error: %v\n", err)
        if response != "" { 
            fmt.Printf("query response: %v\n", response)

        time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)

Connection Specifications

You can customize how your IPC connection works using a Connection Specification.

A connection specification is built up of three parts of data.

  1. The Type.

    This can be any of tcp, tcp4, tcp6 or unix.

    See the Go: net Documentation for more information on what each of the different Type values do and how they affect the Address field.

  2. The Address.

    The Address differs based on the Type field.

  3. The Secret.

    The Secret is communicated to the server upon first connection to verify that the two processes are intended to communicate with each-other.

There are several helper functions to create Connection Specifications.

Function Description
NewSpec Creates a new insecure connection specification using the provided type, address and secret.
NewTCPSpec Creates a new insecure TCP connection specification using the provided address and secret.
NewUnixSpec Creates a new insecure Unix connection specification using the provided socket and secret.
NewTLSSpec Creates a new secure connection specification using the provided TLS key and certificate as well as the provided type, address and secret. See Using TLS for more information


A connection represents an IPC communication channel between two processes.

Characteristics of a Connection include:

  • The first process to call connection.Connect() will run as the server and the second process to call the function will run as the client.
  • Only two processes can ever use the same IPC Connection at once.
  • If the process is running as the client and the server goes away, it will continually attempt to reconnect until the server is available again.
  • When operating as a client the process will send keep alive packets at an interval 1/2 the length of the QueryTimeout parameter of the Connection in order to avoid any potential I/O timeouts.

You can create a new connection using a Connection Specification.

connection := ipc.NewConnection(spec)

You can then connect to it using the connection.Connect() function.

err := connection.Connect()
if err != nil {

In order to reconnect in the event of a failure a process must first successfully call the connection.Connect() function without any errors. If you want to guarantee a process successfully connects before terminating, you should wrap the connection.Connect() call. After the initial call to connection.Connect() returns without error, all subsequent "retries" that may be required due to the server dropping connection will be automatic. See Customizing Reconnect Behavior for more information.

go func() {
    var error err
    for {
        err = connection.Connect()
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("connect error: %v\n", err)


You can close a connection at any time using the connection.Close() function. This will block the calling thread until the connection has cleanly closed.

Query Handlers

You should pass a QueryHandler to the ipc.NewConnection function. This query handler will be used to receive queries and respond with the appropriate data. In the event that you have no response you should return an empty string.

func MyQueryHandler(query string) string {
    if query == "hello" {
        return "world"

    return ""

Querying the Connection

Either side of the connection can call Query() on their Connection object to query the other side of the tunnel. If the peer is not available, the query will return an error until it again becomes available.

response, err := connection.Query("hello")

Customizing Timeout

You can customize the timeout of your Connection object by modifying the QueryTimeout property. The default value is 5 seconds. Keep Alive packets will be sent from the client to the server at an interval 1/2 that of the QueryTimeout in order to avoid any potential I/O timeouts.

connection.QueryTimeout = time.Second * 3

Customizing Logging

You can customize the log messages that are generated by the library by creating a custom Logger and applying it. By default, error messages are sent to stderr and debug messages are not printed. You can override each of these loggers respectively using ipc.SetDebugLogger() and ipc.SetErrorLogger().

logger := log.New(os.Stdout, "IPC ", log.LstdFlags)

Additionally, you can customize whether or not queries and keep-alive packets are logged using the ipc.SetLogQueries() and ipc.SetLogKeepAlivePackets() functions. These functions require you to first set a debug logger using ipc.SetDebugLogger().

Customizing Reconnect Behavior

By default, when a process that has started as a client loses it's connection to the server it will indefinitely try to reconnect once a second until the server becomes available again.

You can configure this behavior using the Reconnect, ReconnectMaxRetries, and ReconnectDelay properties of the Connection object.

  • Reconnect -- When set to false the "reconnect" behavior will be entirely disabled and the connection will instead be dropped.
  • ReconnectMaxRetries -- After this many failed attempts to reconnect, the client will drop the connection. A 0 value indicates unlimited retries.
  • ReconnectDelay -- The duration to wait between each attempt to reconnect. Default value is one second.

Using Encryption

The encryption system that is built into this IPC system is not intended to be used for securing connections but instead for locking the availability scope of the data contained in messages to the processes involved in the IPC Connection.

By default, no encryption is enabled. You can either use the built in AES-256-GCM Encryption or implement your own EncryptionProvider.

Encryption Keys

You can create a new EncryptionKey using the ipc.NewEncryptionKey() function. This function will return an error if the source of randomness fails. The resulting key will be a slice of random bytes, 256-bits long.

encryptionKey, err := ipc.NewEncryptionKey()

You can then write this encryption key to a file using the encryptionKey.WriteToFile() function.


You can alternately load the encryption key using the ipc.LoadEncryptionKey() function.

encryptionKey, err := ipc.LoadEncryptionKey("./encryption.key")

Default Encryption Provider

To use the default encryption provider which provides 256-bit AES-GCM encryption, use the ipc.NewDefaultEncryptionProvider() function.

encryptionProvider := ipc.NewDefaultEncryptionProvider(encryptionKey)

Custom Encryption Provider

You can implement a custom encryption provider by implementing the EncryptionProvider interface.

type MyEncryptionProvider struct {}

func (enc MyEncryptionProvider) Encrypt(plaintext []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    // encrypt plaintext and return the ciphertext
    return plaintext, nil

func (enc MyEncryptionProvider) Decrypt(ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    return ciphertext, nil

func main() {

Using TLS

To add support for TLS to your IPC Connection you can create a TLS Spec. This requires that you have a Certificate and Key accessible on the file-system.

  1. Generate the certificate & key


    # For algorithm "RSA" ≥ 2048-bit
    $ openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
    # For algorithm "ECDSA" ≥ secp384r1
    $ openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out server.key


    $ openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key server.key -out server.crt -days 3650
  2. Create a new Spec using the certificate and key.

    spec, err := ipc.NewTLSSpec("tcp", "", "./server.crt", "./server.key", "some_secret")

    Once you've created the Spec, you can create a new IPC connection using the ipc.NewConnection() function.


A simple IPC mechanism written in Go






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