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A Terraform module for AWS which sets up an IAM OpenID Connect Provider for Terraform Cloud.


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terraform-aws-tfcloud-oidc-iam Build Status Module

A Terraform module for AWS which sets up an IAM OpenID Connect Provider for Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise.

⚠️ Safety ⚠️

When defining IAM assume role policies using an OIDC provider, such as one offered by this module, care must be taken to ensure that the structure of the :sub field is correct. Misconfiguration can lead to situations where the role can be assumed by entities other than expected. Datadog details this issue on their blog.

This module is, on its own, not vulnerable to this issue, because the onus is on the user to define IAM policy which specifies the conditions where role assumption is allowed/denied. In short, when defining role assumption policy, be sure to write validation tests to assert that the format of the :sub field is exactly what you expect, and either avoid wildcards altogether or use them sparingly.


This module should work out-of-the-box with no configuration required for Terraform Cloud; configuration is required for Terraform Enterprise. For TFE, you must specify the HTTPS URL to Terraform Enterprise in the url variable.

If you are in GovCloud or in China, you will also need to set the sts_endpoints variable to the value appropriate for these regions.

Creating an IAM Role for Terraform Cloud/Enterprise

To use the OIDC provider in an IAM assume role policy, the following code can be used to create the OIDC provider, generate a role assumption policy, and create an IAM role without any permissions:

module tf_oidc_iam {
 source = "naftulikay/tfcloud-oidc-iam"
 version = "1.0.0"

# TODO set these to your TFC/TFE org name, project name (or wildcard), and workspace name (or wildcard)
variable tf_org { default = "my-organization-in-tfc" }
variable tf_project { default = "my-project-name-in-tfc" }
variable tf_workspace { default = "my-workspace-name-in-tfc" }

data aws_iam_policy_document assume {
 statement {
  sid = "AllowAssumeFromTerraformCloud"
  effect = "Allow"
  actions = ["sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity"]

  principals {
   type = "Federated"
   identifiers = [module.tf_oidc_iam.oidc_provider_arn]

  condition {
   test = "StringEquals"
   # for tfe, replace the tfcloud hostname with the tfe hostname
   variable = ""
   values   = ["aws.workload.identity"]

  # if you can, replace this with StringEquals and an explicit list of org/project/ws/run phases
  condition {
   test = "StringLike"
   variable = ""
   # SAFETY you must ensure that the values of these variables are not empty and that wildcards are used carefully
   values = [

resource aws_iam_role default {
 name = "my-tfcloud-role"
 path = "/"
 assume_role_policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.assume.json

The above code will allow plans/applies (run_phase:*) for the my-workspace-name-in-tfc workspace which is in the my-project-name-in-tfc project which is in the my-organization-in-tfc organization.

Configuring Workspaces in Terraform Cloud/Enterprise

To test the role assumption in Terraform Cloud/Enterprise, we need to inform our Terraform workspace with the ARN of the IAM role.

On the workspace(s), set the following variables as environment variables:

  • TFC_AWS_PROVIDER_AUTH should be set to true
  • TFC_AWS_RUN_ROLE_ARN should be set to the ARN of the IAM role to assume.

Then, use the following sample code in a workspace to demonstrate that it is correctly assuming the role and authenticating to AWS:

provider aws {
 region = "us-east-1"

data aws_caller_identity default {}

output arn {
 value = data.aws_caller_identity.default.arn

The arn output should show the ARN of the IAM role.

Additional Documentation

Here are some links to additional documentation for understanding how best to configure this and how it all works:


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A Terraform module for AWS which sets up an IAM OpenID Connect Provider for Terraform Cloud.



Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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