A simple discord bot affectionately known as Cline that allows people to run shell commands in chat. Also comes with functionality for fortunes and python code.
This bot is extremely dangerous! It allows access to a "sort-of-shell" on your system (each command gets its own shell) that could be used to get the bot's token, or worse.
Never share a public invite to your instance of this bot, and only use it in servers where you can fully, 100% trust that nobody will delete/harm/do other bad things to anything on your hosting machine!
I nor my friends are liable for any harm caused to anything in relation to this project!
Now that that's out of the way...
Run the bot with python3 bot.py
Once you do that, the bot will create its own config folder.
The bot, however, cannot create its own config.json
Make a config.json file in the bot's config folder (shown in the output) with this template:
"token": "bot account token here"
Run the bot again.