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Welcome to the MVS38j port of Xinu, developed as part of the MVS38j TCP/IP
project as detailed as and supported
via the Yahoo mvs38j-ip group at .

The project is currently in the research phase.  We're collecting doc and
attempting to understand how Xinu works before we start modifying it to
operate in the MVS environment.

The source for this version of Xinu was taken from
on 2002-12-02, and modified as required.  In some cases, the source
was relocated to different directories than the above distribution.

The Douglas E. Comer books 
proved quite helpful in the porting effort.


MVS 3.8J (which I tend to collapse into MVS38j) is a public domain
operating system created by IBM back in the 1980s.  It is an outgrowth
of earlier systems IBM created reaching back into the 1960s.  There
are a number of Yahoo groups which support an active retro-computing
community, such as and Volker
Bandke's Turnkey MVS system at .

Hercules, an emulator providing S/360, S/370, S/390 and z/Architecture
support, was created by Roger Bowler and is currently supported via
an active Hercules development and user community via the Yahoo 
hercules-390 group at .
MVS38j operates in S/370 mode, which provides 24-bit addresses
giving us 16MB of real storage to share amongst all the address
spaces.  Each address space (think Unix/Linux process) is allocated
up to 16MB of dasd- (MVS term for hard drive) backed virtual storage.
Portion of this 16MB address space are shared with the operating 
system.  An abbreviated storage map is shown at which provides an overview of both
the MVS storage layout and the MVS38j TCP/IP implementation.
The S/370 machines provide Big Endian storage.

There are an immense number of additional details into which I could go 
into describing both MVS38j facilities, and MVS38j TCP/IP.  For now,
divining these details is left as an exercise for the reader.

Nothing in the shell, or ether subdirs has been examined in regard
to the build process.

Building the MVS38j distribution (it's not even close to working):

untar the source into the directory of your choice, 
change to the src subdir
<take default reply to all queries>

Best regards,
Jim Morrison
MVS38j TCP/IP instigator

Miscellaneous notes:

	1)	The Doxyfile file in the source tree root is for the
		doxygen C source cross reference tool, available
		at .


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