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aufau edited this page Jul 5, 2021 · 7 revisions

New and Modified Cvars

Name: com_busyWait
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "0"
Description: Enable / Disable old "busy" game loop using 100% CPU time.
Name: com_debugMessage
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "0"
Description: Print warnings about field overflows in network messages. Useful for debugging modules.
Name: com_timestamps
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "1"
Description: Print timestamps in qconsole.log and system console.





"" (Not set)


Overrides the active folder, allowing a server/client to store configs and other data in a specific folder independent of the active mod (fs_game). All new configs, screenshots, demos, etc. stored by the game end up in the specified folder. This folder may also be "base".

Load order:

fs_basegame cvar
fs_game cvar
fs_forcegame cvar


Name: cl_autoDemo
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "0"
Description: When enabled, starts recording a demo automatically on joining a server. Current and single last demo are stored in demos/LastDemo directory.



Format String




Filename format for demos saved with saveDemo command. Valid format tokens are:

%d: local date
%m: map
%n: custom name supplied as an argument to saveDemo command
%p: player name
%t: sequence of server timestamps when saveDemo was executed
%%: % character
Name: cl_aviFrameRate
Values: Integer from 1 to 1000
Default: "30"
Description: Frame rate for recording with video command.
Name: cl_aviMotionJpeg
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "1"
Description: Record AVI using Motion JPEG video compression format. Much smaller file size for little quality loss.
Name: cl_aviMotionJpegQuality
Values: Integer from 0 to 100
Default: "90"
Description: JPEG quality used by AVI Motion JPEG compression. Lower values result in worse quality and smaller file size.
Name: cl_drawRecording
Values: "0", "1", "2"
Default: "1"
0: don't draw any demo recording indicator
1: draw filename and demo size near the top of the screen
2: draw red dot in the bottom left corner
Name: con_height
Values: Decimal > 0
Default: "0.5"
Description: Fraction of a screen which should be occupied by in-game console.
Name: con_scale
Values: Decimal > 0
Default: "1"
Description: Scale console font relative to it's original size.
Name: con_timestamps
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "1"
Description: Draw local timestamps in console and condump output.
Name: mv_allowDownload
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "1"
Description: Enable / Disable Downloads. If you turn this off, the download popup will not appear and you will not be asked wether a file should be downloaded.
Name: mv_apienabled
Values: "0", "1", "2", "3"
Default: Max supported MVAPI level
Description: Max MVAPI level modules can use. 0 disables MVAPI SysCalls completely.
Name: mv_consoleShiftRequirement
Values: "0", "1", 2
Default: "1"
0: shift is not required to open/close the console.
1: shift is required to open the console but not to close it.
2: shift is required to both, open and to close the console.
Name: mv_nameShadows
Values: "0", "1", 2
Default: "2"
0: no name shadows at all.
1: name shadows enabled on every version.
2: name shadows enabled in 1.02 mode.
Name: mv_menuOverride
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "0"
Description: Allow loading custom UI modules in the main menu. Beware! This gives full control over downloaded content to the mod, there will be no download popup. Use only for testing.
Name: mv_slowrefresh
Values: Integer >= 0
Default: "3"
Description: Number of requests on a serverlist refresh sent per second to servers in the list. Some providers filter packets on a high number of requests to a lot of different IP addresses in a short time. (e.g. two major ISPs in Germany: "Kabel Deutschland", "Kabel BW").



"0", "1", "2"




Font used in console, timer, message input field and other places:

0: Original charsgrid_med
1: Code New Roman
2: M+ 1M
Name: r_dynamicGlow
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "0"
Description: Enable / Disable dynamic glow effect.
Name: r_environmentMapping
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "1"
Description: Disable environment mapping for better performance on low-end machines.
Name: r_ext_multisample
Values: "0", "2", "4", "8", "16"
Default: "0"
Description: Multisample anti-aliasing. May not work on all machines.
Name: r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic
Values: "0", "2", "4", "8", "16"
Default: "2"
Description: Anisotropic filtering level. Higher values increase image quality with little performance loss.



Decimal >= 0




Relative font sharpness (doesn't affect console font).

0: Always use original low-res fonts
1: Best quality (in fau's opinion)



"0", "1", "2"




Method for applying gamma correction. Keep in mind that using non-functional gamma method disables not only r_gamma, but also r_overbrightbits.

0: Pre-processing. Causes washed out colors. Use as last resort.
1: Hardware gamma. Works only in fullscreen.
2: Post-processing. Works in both fullscreen and windowed.
Name: r_saberGlow
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "1"
Description: Enable / Disable dynamic glow on saber shaders. Turn off if it breaks your custom saber model.
Name: r_textureLODBias
Values: Decimal
Default: "0"
Description: Adjust OpenGL texture Level of Detail bias. Useful for some low quality video drivers. Small negative values (eg "-0.2") can help with distant textures appearing blurry.
Name: s_muteWhenMinimized
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "1"
Description: Mute all sounds when client window is minimized.
Name: s_muteWhenUnfocused
Values: "0", "1"
Default: "1"
Description: Mute all sounds when client window is unfocused.