- Token Symbol : SPACE
- Smallest Unit : SAT
- Total Supply : 21,000,000 SPACEs
- POW Proportion : 35% (aka 7,350,000 SPACEs)
- Initial Reward : 25 SPACEs per block
- Block Interval Time : 10 minites
- Halving Period : 147,000 blocks(about 1000 days)
- Mining Algorithm : SHA-256
- Decimals : 8
You can use mvcpool.com to mine mvc directly without running a node.
Before you use mvcpool.com, make sure you have read how mvcpool works, the following link explain how mvcpool calculate rewards and distribution methods.
Register pool account
Mainnet: https://mvcpool.com/
Mainnet: https://console.mvcpool.com/
Testnet: https://console-testnet.mvcpool.com/
Register and login your account first, keep your password safe.
Go to this page , you can see your stratum url and username.
Run asicminer(SHA256d)
replace the following stratum url and userName, password is same as userName.
Configure your stratum url and userName, then start mining
password is the same as userName
In the nicehash marketplace, make sure you are selecting SHA256AsicBoost algorithm. Click add new pool if you haven't added your pool before. add following configs to your new pool(Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD by your own from https://console.mvcpool.com/#/connect):
After the configuration, you can TEST Pool to make sure your config is correct.
then you can mine mvc from nicehash.
In the marketplace, select the mvcpool.com you just created, and config your order price, limit, amount then start mining.
If nicehash is connected with correct credentials, you can see your hashrate in both nicehash and mvcpool.com.
Some times when your order price is lower than market price, your order will be paused due to lack of priority, you can rise your price or just wait for the price to go down.
The pool is using pplns, which means you only get rewarded when the pool actually found a block, this could take hours to days depending on the pool's total hash, but don't worry, the reward of your every share will always be calculated and sent, this can take some time.
If the block is found, you can see your reward in the payout page: https://mvcpool.com/#/payout, just wait it to be mature(takes 100 confirmation), and then you can withdraw your asset out of wallet. https://mvcpool.com/#/wallet
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Default ports: 9882 9883
It is highly recommended that you use the default ports and make sure that the ports is accessible!
If you have deployed an earlier version of the node, you can upgrade as follows.
- Stop the node :
mvc-cli stop
Bakup old version of the binary file
Remove old version of the binary file
cd /home/$USER/mvc
rm -rf bin
Get the latest version of the binary file
Unzip the node binary to user's directory
tar zxvf mvc.tar.gz -C /home/$USER/mvc
- Restart the node
/home/$USER/mvc/bin/mvcd -conf=/home/$USER/mvc/mvc.conf -data_dir=/home/$USER/node_data_dir
This will automatically deploy the node and the mining program to your current path.
Run the following commands in your work path:
curl -fsSL https://github.com/mvc-labs/mvc-mining-instruction/raw/main/install.sh -o install.sh
sudo bash install.sh
if success, you will find 'cli' in your work path, in which you can run your node and start mining by run the corresponding script. if it doesn't work, please try manual deployment.
sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils
sudo apt-get install libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev
sudo apt-get install libdb-dev
sudo apt-get install libdb++-dev
sudo apt-get install libczmq-dev
latest version
earlier version
mvc.conf(for v0.2.0.0)
mvc.conf(for v0.1.4.0)
mvc.conf(for v0.1.3.0)
mvc.conf(for v0.1.2.0)
3.1 Unzip the node binary to user's directory
tar zxvf mvc.tar.gz -C /home/$USER/mvc
3.2 Unzip the mining program to user's directory
tar zxvf cpuminer.tar.gz -C /home/$USER/mine
3.3 Copy the configuration file to user's directory
cp mvc.conf /home/$USER/mvc
3.4 create the node data directory
mkdir -p /home/$USER/node_data_dir
3.5 Modify the configuration file
find the following configuration items in mvc.conf and change them.
rpcuser= (user name for the RPC accessing)
rpcpassword= (password for the RPC accessing)
/home/$USER/mvc/bin/mvcd -conf=/home/$USER/mvc/mvc.conf -data_dir=/home/$USER/node_data_dir
You shall see "MVC SERVER STARTING".
5.1 alias cli command
alias mvc-cli="/home/$USER/mvc/bin/mvc-cli -conf=/home/$USER/mvc/mvc.conf"
5.2 Create a new address for mining
mvc-cli getnewaddress "mine"
5.3 Start mining
/home/$USER/mine/minerd -a sha256d -o -O user:password --coinbase-addr=addr
user:password is same as the configuration in mvc.conf
coinbase-addr:the new address in step5.2 or your own address