Releases: mundacho/stratagem
stratagem 0.5.0
In this release we add the All(S) strategy. The All(S) strategy allows to rewrite all subterms in a set of terms using strategy S.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in the parsing where an ill defined strategy was accepted by the parser. The Not strategy can only accept simple strategies, and declared strategies. The parser was letting other strategies pass, which caused a NPE at runtime.
stratagem 0.4.2
This release only adds the possibility to show the terms of the state space. This can now be done using a flag. The debug mode is also improved.
stratagem 0.4.1
In this release the heuristics to define the place ordering has been greatly improved. Now, some problems that were not tractable before have become tractable. However some other problems have become too big for the heuristics to handle.
No new feature have been introduced in this release.
stratagem 0.4
The following features were introduced:
- Support for ts files. Stratagem can now load a transition system from a text file and calculate its state space. To do so just call it using:
stratagem transition-system <fileName.ts>
- You can see an example of a transition system file here
stratagem 0.3
In this release we have added the following features:
- Clustering data can now be read from a file
- Super clustering, i.e. clusters of clusters can also be used (and read from a file)
- Recursive encoding of super clusters. Given a set of clusters, stratagem can automatically encode it recursively to improve the model checking efficiency.
You can download this release from:
stratagem 0.2
Features added to this release:
- Automatically decompose a P/T Petri net in modules
- Transform a P/T Petri net into a rewriting based transition system
- Use different strategies to speed up the calculation of the state space. In particular it can use anonymization and saturation.