This web tool allows you create a different password for all your accounts using only a single master password.
It is hosted here:
but it can also be downloaded and used locally since it is only a single html file.
All you have to do is type in the domain (e.g. Github) and your master password and press 'Copy to clipboard' or 'Show password'. When copied, Ctrl+V can be used anywhere to paste your account-specific password.
The tool uses the non-invertible SHA256 hashing algorithm to generate a password from the domain and the master password. This means that it is practically impossible to recreate your master password from the account-specific password if it would be compromised. Also since everything is done client-side your passwords can not be intercepted. The generated passwords are strong, short and reasonably memorable.
- SHA256 HMAC script from Brian Turek 2008-2015 (
- Seedrandom script from David Bau 2015 (
- Shuffle script from Jonas Raoni Soares Silva ( [rev. #1])
- Randint script from pc035860 (
- Change classes script from kjy112 (
- Bootstrap (