This tool is built using the python programming language.
Using the requests module to make requests to the web page.
import requests
Save the given URL as a variable.
URL = ""
Open the given payload text file "sqlpayload.txt" in read mode Then read the lines to save the content in a list.
f = open("sqlpayload.txt","r")
lines = f.readlines()
Iterate through each index in the list from the previous step then combine the URL with the payload text file to check whether a URL is Vulnerable or not.
Then by using get method to retrieve data from a specified resource and content method to see the response’s content (this method access the raw bytes of the response payload, so convert them into a string).
If the returned response value has "Error in your SQL" It will be considered a Vulnerable Payload. Else it will be considered a Not Vulnerable Payload.
for x in lines:
newURL = URL + x
response = requests.get(newURL)
responseString = str(response.content)
if "error in your SQL" in responseString:
print("Vulnerable Payload! : " + x)
print("Not Vulnerable Payload! : " + x)