Class project to create a pokedex
To start, one must open the PokeDex by pushing the little gray button on the top right. This can also close the PokeDex.
Pushing the yellow power button turns on the PokeDex and creates the trainer. If it is not fully loaded only some Pokemon will appear. One can always turn it off and on again to see if the rest have loaded. By default the three best pokemon (Machamp, Gengar, and Magikarp) will be logged.
Pushing the black arrows switches between pokemon. The blue button with the volume plays the pokemon's cry and the the blue button with the rotation symbol shows the pokemon's back. On the right screen you can display the pokemon's stats or its abilities.
The search bar at the bottom left of the pokedex can search for pokemon on the pokedex. There are two search bars outside the pokedex. The top one labeled "add a new pokemon" adds a new pokemon to the pokedex. The "replace pokedex" form deletes the current pokedex and adds a new pokemon to it. One must switch it on and off again to delete data.
Materialize was used for the button icons, otherwise I used JavaScript, JQuery, SASS, and HTML. It makes AJAX API calls to
The project is deployed on github as:
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