ecoro is a research project to find an easy way use coroutines in daily c++ life.
A recent compiler that supports C++20 or later. ecoro is known to work with the following compilers:
- GCC, 10.x and later
- Clang, 10.x and later
- MSVC 19.29 and later
Clone as a submodule. Then add like this:
Link your target(s) against it:
target_link_libraries(my_target PRIVATE ecoro)
You need to have GTest installed for testing.
cmake -G "Ninja" -B build
cmake --build build
vcpkg presets uses "Ninja Multi-Config" generator and try to auto-detect vcpkg.cmake location.
If auto-dectection does not work then you can use the standard way of vcpkg integration via
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[path to vcpkg]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
cmake --preset vcpkg-<clang/gcc/msvc>
cmake --build --preset vcpkg-<clang/gcc/msvc>
ctest --preset vcpkg-<clang/gcc/msvc>