SunCaptcha is a simple PHP captcha creator and validator class.
The goal of this class is to let you; Generate Captcha to block automatic form bots, and compare it with the value received from the user.
To utilize this class, first import SunCaptcha.php into your project, and require it. SunCaptcha requires PHP 7.0+ to work.
require_once ('SunCaptcha.php');
Simple initialization:
$captcha = new SunCaptcha();
Advanced initialization:
$captcha = new SunCaptcha(120, 40, '#ffffff', '#ffffff', '#000000'); // params: width, height, text color, line color, background color
All parameters are optional.
value can not lesser than 90 and Height
value can not be lesser than 30.
You can use short or long Base-16 (Hex) codes for color parameters. Eg. #000 or #000000
$captcha = new SunCaptcha();
echo '<img src=' . $captcha->create() . '>';
$captcha = new SunCaptcha(); // create empty object
$input = '9779fd'; // get input value from user
if ($captcha->validate($input) === true) { // if validated
echo 'Captcha value is correct.';
} else {
echo 'Captcha calue is wrong.';