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[Gulp] sass compilation

Crisoforo Gaspar Hernández edited this page Oct 12, 2015 · 2 revisions


This tasks will compile the .scss files into .css files (2 files to be exact) it will:

  • Compile the sass files into one two single files: style.css and style-min.css.
  • style.css has a source map to faster access to the original sass files and is unminified.
  • style-min.css is the minified and compress version of the css.


gulp styles

This tasks has styles:minify as one dependency, it will run styles:minify before execute the code of this task.


This task will create a minified version of the style.css file this version is created to be used in production.


gulp styles:minify

This tasks has styles:combine as one dependency, it will run styles:combine before execute the code of this task.


This tasks will compile the style.scss file into style.css from sass into css output, also it will create the source map for this version only and it will add some auto prefixer for different browsers.


gulp styles:combine

The created map it will be saved on maps directory inside of the assets directory.