Check if a number is in your min-max bounds.
- Lightweight
- Builds into the Number prototype
- 93.3725% code coverage
npm install btwn
yarn add btwn
var btwn = require('btwn');
var x = 12; // a normal Number type variable
if(x.btwn(1, 13)){
console.log("This number is under or equals to 13, and greater than or equals to 1.");
} else {
console.log("This number is under 1 or greater than 13.");
var btwn = require('btwn');
// Bounds are 09:00-09:59 (inclusive)
var minDate = new Date(2017, 00, 01, 09, 00, 00, 00);
var maxDate = new Date(2017, 00, 01, 09, 59, 59, 00);
var min = new btwn.BoundDate(minDate, false, false, false, true, true, false, false); //See the usage of these booleans in the docs below
var max = new btwn.BoundDate(maxDate, false, false, false, true, true, true, false); //See the usage of these booleans in the docs below
var d = new Date(); //Current date & time
if(d.btwn(min, max)){
console.log("It's after 8:59:59 and before 10:00:00!");
} else {
console.log("It's before 9:00:00 or after 9:59:59.");
Download the latest btwn.js
from here, and follow the instructions above without the require
- date - Input date.
- year - Should the year be included as a bound?
- month - Should the month be included as a bound?
- day - Should the day ("date" in the Date object) be included as a bound?
- hours - Should the hours be included as a bound?
- minutes - Should the minutes be included as a bound?
- seconds - Should the seconds be included as a bound?
- ms - Should the milliseconds be included as a bound? (Default: false)
- min - Minimum value.
- max - Maximum value.
- inclusive - Are min and max inclusive. (Default: true)
- min - Minimum DateBound.
- max - Maximum DateBound.
- inclusive - Are min and max inclusive (Default: true)
- Integrate into dates
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