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Kafka Connect Exasol Example

This is an example repository to show how to setup Kafka Connect Exasol Connector.

We are going to use Kafka JDBC Connector with Exasol dialect which is currently in early stages of development. Therefore, please bear in mind that this is a work in progress at the moment.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

For testing we are going to use docker and docker-compose. Please set them up accordingly on your local machine. Additionally, if you are using non Linux machine, please obtain the ip address for docker or docker-machine. For example, in MacOS, with the following command:

docker-machine ip

For the rest of documentation, when we refer to localhost, substitute it with ip address resulted from above command.

We need to open several terminals for dockerized testing.

  • In terminal one, clone the repository and start all the services:
git clone

cd kafka-exasol-example

docker-compose up
  • In terminal two, create a schema and add some records to Exasol DB. This creates a country table inside country_schema and inserts couple of records into it. This step should happen before Kafka connector configurations setup because Kafka immediately starts to look for the Exasol tables.
docker exec -it exasol-db /bin/bash

cd /test/ && ./
  • Once the table is created, open another terminal and upload connecter configuration file to kafka connect:
# Create and add a new Kafka Connect Source
curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data @exasol-source.json localhost:8083/connectors

# You can see all available connectors with the command:
curl localhost:8083/connectors/

# Similarly, you can see the status of a connector with the command:
curl localhost:8083/connectors/exasol-source/status
  • Lastly, on terminal four, let us consume some data from Kafka. For the purpose of this example we are going to use kafka console consumer:
docker exec -it kafka02 /bin/bash

# List available Kafka topics, we should see the 'EXASOL_COUNTRY' listed.
kafka-topics --list --zookeeper zookeeper.internal:2181

# Start kafka console consumer
kafka-console-consumer \
    --bootstrap-server kafka01.internal:9092 \
    --from-beginning \
    --topic EXASOL_COUNTRY
  • You should see two records inserted from other terminal. Similarly, if you insert new records into country table in Exasol, they should be listed on kafka consumer console.

  • In order to the console results in a structured way, you can consume them using Avro console consumer from schema-registry container:

docker exec -it schema-registry /bin/bash

kafka-avro-console-consumer \
    --bootstrap-server kafka01.internal:9092 \
    --from-beginning \
    --topic EXASOL_COUNTRY

Dependencies and Services

For this example setup we depend on two jar files:

The two artifacts are put into correct folders so that Kafka Connect can find them:

RUN cp /jars/exasol-jdbc-6.0.8.jar /usr/share/java/kafka-connect-jdbc/
RUN cp /jars/kafka-connect-jdbc-5.1.0.jar /usr/share/java/kafka-connect-jdbc/
RUN rm /usr/share/java/kafka-connect-jdbc/kafka-connect-jdbc-4.1.1.jar

Currently, Exasol dialect is not merged to Kafka JDBC repository; therefore, I have custom compiled the jar with Exasol dialect included. We are going to send a pull request, once it is merged, only Kafka Connect setup would be sufficient.

Additionally, we are using docker-compose based Exasol and Kafka Connect services. The Kafka Connect is configured for distributed mode.

Service Name Versions Description
exasol-db dockerhub/exasol/docker-db:6.0.10-d1 An Exasol docker db. Please note that we use stand-alone cluster mode.
zookeeper dockerhub/confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:4.1.1 A single node zookeeper instance.
kafka dockerhub/confluentinc/cp-kafka:4.1.1 A kafka instance. We have three kafka node setup.
schema-registry dockerhub/confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:4.1.1 A schema-registry instance.
kafka-connect kafka-connect-image/Dockerfile Custom configured kafka-connect instance.


There are several tips and tricks to consider when setting up the Kafka Exasol connector.

  • The timestamp and incrementing column names should be in upper case, for example, "": "UPDATED_AT". This is due to fact that Exasol makes all fields upper case and Kafka connector is case sensitive.

  • The tasks.max should be more than the number of tables in production systems. That is in jdbc connectors each table is sourced per partition then handled by single task.

  • The incrementing or timestamp column names in Kafka Connect configuration, should have a NOT NULL constraint when creating a table definition.


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