This patch release has the following minor changes:
- MONGOID-4542 embedded_in with polymorphic and touch results in load_missing_constant
- MONGOID-4543 accepts_nested_attributes_for no longer sets autosave: true
- MONGOID-4544 Model#touch results in NoMethodError: undefined method `touch'
- MONGOID-4549 Dependents are tracked incorrectly through sibling documents
- MONGOID-4559 Setting an embeds_one to nil does not persist
- MONGOID-4560 Cloning documents with deep embedded documents don't work
- MONGOID-4608 Add Nor matcher
- MONGOID-4609 Fix Settable: allow setting a nested value to a non-string (on 7.x)
- MONGOID-4610 Mongoid::Clients::Factory test is failing with driver_master
- MONGOID-4612 Map reduce with preference test failure
- MONGOID-4532 Namespaced models in relations are not found
- MONGOID-4576 drop_dups: mark deprecated