This minor release of Mongoid has the following bug fixes and new features:
- MONGOID-3644: Spec added to show it's no longer an issue.
- MONGOID-4196: Ensure use of persistence_options are threadsafe.
- MONGOID-4202: Support using $not in embedded document queries. @jonhyman
- MONGOID-4190: Allow Model#with to accept a block to avoid growing open connections.
- MONGOID-4213: Fix eager loading with deleted HABTM relations
- MONGOID-3758: Spec added to show it's no longer an issue.
- MONGOID-3702: Support finding by JSON-dumped object ids
- MONGOID-3630: Support compacting a document as json
- MONGOID-4211: Fix before/after add callbacks executing when binding one-many relations
- MONGOID-3246: Spec added to show it's no longer an issue
- MONGOID-3565: Duplicate of MONGOID-4211
- MONGOID-3121: Already implemented.
- MONGOID-3895: Support tailable cursors
- MONGOID-3937: Support option to not use fallbacks for a localized field.
- MONGOID-3968: Duplicate of MONGOID-3937
- MONGOID-3776: Support specifying a block as default scope
- MONGOID-3933: Support nesting atomically blocks
- MONGOID-4031: Won't fix; (unwind operator) supported already in driver
- MONGOID-2729: Won't fix; use nullify option
- MONGOID-3944: Support #create_with
- MONGOID-2533: Won't fix
- MONGOID-3522: Support using the $comment query modifer
- MONGOID-4093: Won't fix
- MONGOID-3645: Won't fix
- MONGOID-3739: Default values for inherited models works as designed
- MONGOID-3640: Support text search
- MONGOID-3652: Allow geo near queries in scopes
- MONGOID-3924: Won't fix errors in submodels
- MONGOID-2020: Already implemented in MONGOID-3924
- MONGOID-4173: Support nested eager loading
- MONGOID-3871: Duplicated of MONGOID-4173
- MONGOID-4116: Won't support bulk creation of models
- MONGOID-3277: Won't fix elem_match and atomically
- MONGOID-3885: Won't add controller runtime details
- MONGOID-4220: Update gemspec to require Origin gem >= 2.2
- MONGOID-3882: Update documentation for details regarding using counter_cache and dynamic attributes
- MONGOID-3851: Works as designed.
- MONGOID-3762: Fix polymorphic foreign key conversion
- MONGOID-3693: Duplicate of MONGOID-3762
- MONGOID-3606: Duplicate of MONGOID-3762
- MONGOID-4197: Logger level is configurable in Mongoid config
- MONGOID-4198: Fix chained scopes on Embedded documents