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FLINT is a software platform to estimate emissions and sinks of greenhouse gases from land use

Guy Janssen edited this page Apr 28, 2019 · 1 revision

FLINT (Full Lands Integration Tool) is moja global's flagship software platform mainly used for estimating emissions and sinks from land use (but in the future also for economics, biodiversity, etc).

It is a second generation software that is basically a big calculator that can manage data, keep (Carbon or other) pool values, and shift (Carbon or other) amounts between pools based on models / modules.

FLINT is building on the first generation tools developed in Canada (CBM-CFS3) and Australia (FullCAM). Those who designed these first generation tools have joint forces to design and build the second generation tool FLINT.

FLINT is a platform combined with a range of modules that are specific for a particular situation: forest modules, soil modules, litter, wood products, etc. Developing modules can be done externally and they can be connected to the FLINT platform as needed. This design option was chosen to create the flexibility to adapt to local circumstances and to make the development of modules simpler.

Since every user picks and choses its own particular modules, every user ends up with a(n almost) unique configuration. Several countries have given their national configuration a name: Kenya = SLEEK, Colombia = SEPAC, Indonesia = INCAS, etc.