Content Management System
Html, Css ,Javascript, PHP, MariaDB
- Configure your database detail in config_db.php file
Assign your database name to $__db_name.
It is a CMS website. Administrator of website can manage the contents and visitor can download the content . we made it together of group of two people. It is completely responsive website.
- For Visitors
- visitors can see the heading of each subject
- uploaded content of each subject is displayed and can be easily downloaded when clicked on it
- Administrator can log into website
- he can upload all type (txt, image,pdf,audio,video) except file with .php, and .js extension
- one or more files can be uploaded
- warning is given if the file is execeed from the given limit
- Uploaded result is displayed
- uploaded contents can also be deleted easily . It display the uploaded content till now
- click on the file which you want to remove
- If clicked on yes file can permanently removed from the server through AJAX call
For Administrator