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- Select your JavaScript file
- Select the "Run Code" button in the upper right hand toolbar of VSCode.
Ex: It looks like a triangular "Play" button.
Open terminal. Make sure that it's pointing to jest-testing
Install the jest npm package using the npm install command and the --save-dev flag.
Verify that the installation was completed successfully by opening the package.json file and confirming that the "devDependencies" entry lists jest similar to the following:
"devDependencies": {
"jest": "^28.0.0"
In the package.json file, locate the "scripts" entry, and inside of it, update the test entry to jest
Open the timesTwo.js file and add a function named timesTwo
. The function should take number as input and return the value 2 multiplied by the number.
Export the timesTwo function as a module.
Code a test call with the following arguments:
- The description that reads: "returns the number times 2".
- The second argument should expect the call to the timesTwo function, when passed the number 10, to be 20.
With the terminal pointed at the jest-testing
directory, run the test script using npm.