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Mobin Jafari Rameshti edited this page Jun 29, 2023 · 1 revision

Hey there! Welcome to the awesome Best-Practice-Kotlin wiki!

This project, created by the talented Mobin Jafari, serves as a fantastic template for starting new projects. It's loaded with a bunch of goodies, such as retrofit network layers, various composables with viewmodels, and everything is already set up for you. All you need to do is customize it to fit your project's needs.

The best part is that everything in this project is built using the latest technologies, keeping a close eye on Google repositories to incorporate all the new features and codes. Trust me, using this GitHub repo is the ultimate way to kickstart your project. You'll find all the layers, packages, viewmodels, retrofit, and even interceptors ready to go. And don't forget about Room DB—it's as simple as copying and modifying it. Believe me, this is the most incredible project you'll come across.

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