This repository contains the Stash! Android SDK client code and a demo application.
Many applications need to process payments for digital or physical goods. Implementing payment functionality can be very cumbersome though: there are many payment service providers that support or don't support various types of payment methods and payment method registration and usage flows. The Stash! simplifies the integration of payments into our applications and abstracts away a lot of the internal complexity that different payment service providers' solutions have. With the Stash! it does not matter which payment service provider one chooses to register payment methods with - the API is standardized and works across the board.
To get familiar with the overall Stash! project please visit Common payment wiki
To learn more about the Android Stash! architecture and flows please visit Android SDK Wiki
To build this project you will need to have at least the followings:
- Android Studio 3.4
- Gradle 5.4.1
- Android SDK Platform 28 (9.0) The minimum supported Android SDK version is 21 (Android 5.0)
This repository contains multiple modules:
- Core library module exposing SDK APIs, facilitating high level flows, and handling communication with Payment Backend.sample
- Sample application using the Stash! SDK.*-integration
- Various PSP integration modules (Implementation in progress).
At the moment, the Stash! Android SDK supports the following PSPs:
- BSPayone - Credit Cards / SEPA
- Braintree - Credit Cards / PayPal
- Adyen - Credit Cards / SEPA
implementation 'com.mobilabsolutions.stash:core:0.9.5'
Gradle Kotlin DSL
implementation ("com.mobilabsolutions.stash:core:0.9.5")
To use the library please add the appropriate AAR files to your project libs
folder and
ensure that this line is present in your gradle file:
repositories {
flatDir { dirs("libs") }
Gradle Kotlin DSL
implementation(fileTree(mapOf("dir" to "libs", "include" to listOf("*.jar", "*.aar"))))
Since AAR files cannot resolve transitive dependancies you should also add the following dependancies to your gradle build file:
implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.3.30'
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-beta2'
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.2'
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.6.0'
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava2:2.6.0'
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.6.0'
implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.0.0-alpha02'
implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor:4.0.0-alpha02'
implementation 'com.jakewharton.threetenabp:threetenabp:1.2.0'
implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.2.9'
implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxkotlin:2.3.0'
implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.1.1'
implementation 'com.jakewharton.threetenabp:threetenabp:1.2.0'
implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.0.0'
implementation ''
implementation 'commons-validator:commons-validator:1.6'
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'io.github.inflationx:calligraphy3:3.1.1'
implementation 'io.github.inflationx:viewpump:2.0.3'
implementation 'org.iban4j:iban4j:3.2.1'
annotationProcessor ''
//When using Adyen integration
implementation 'com.adyen.checkout:base:2.4.5'
implementation 'com.adyen.checkout:ui:2.4.5'
implementation 'com.adyen.checkout:core:2.4.5'
implementation 'com.adyen.checkout:core-card:2.4.5'
//When using Braintree integration
implementation 'com.braintreepayments.api:braintree:3.0.0'
Gradle Kotlin DSL
//When using Adyen integration
//When using Braintree integration
Furthermore if you are using Adyen integration you should add the following
We use Timber to log. In order to see the logs, install timber with a Tree
Timber.plant(new Timber.DebugTree());
Note that there are no Tree
implementations installed by default, to avoid logging in production.
To use the Stash! SDK, you need to initialize it with the following configuration data:
- Publishable key - This is the publishable key provided for your merchant account.
- Endpoint - The URL of your backend services
- Integration - If you are using only one PSP integration you can supply it as a single paramter.
- Integration List - If you are using multiple PSP integrations you should supply them as pairs of Integration -> Payment Method Type
- UI Configuration - Optional parameter to style the payment method data entry UI components.
- testMode - Set it to
if your app is running in test mode, defaults tofalse
- sslFactory - Optional parameter used to supply custom implementation of
for older Android versions. - x509TrustManager - Optional parameter used to supply the custom implementation of
for older Android versions.
To connect the SDK to a given PSP, you need to pass the IntegrationCompanion object to the SDK. If you want to use several PSP integrations, you need to specify which integration will be used for which payment method.
The publishable key and the endpoint depend on your backend services deployment, you can learn more about the backend services here
val configuration = StashConfiguration(
publishableKey = "YourApiKey",
endpoint = "",
integration = AdyenIntegration,
testMode = true
Stash.initalize(applicationContext, configuration)
StashConfiguration configuration = new StashConfiguration.Builder()
Stash.initalize(applicationContext, configuration);
val configuration = StashConfiguration(
publishableKey = "YourApiKey",
endpoint = "",
integrationList = listOf(
AdyenIntegration to PaymentMethodType.CC,
BsPayoneIntegration to PaymentMethodType.SEPA,
BraintreeIntegration to PaymentMethodType.PAYPAL
testMode = true
Stash.initalize(applicationContext, configuration)
List<IntegrationToPaymentMapping> integrationList = new LinkedList<>();
integrationList.add(new IntegrationToPaymentMapping(BraintreeIntegration.Companion, PaymentMethodType.PAYPAL));
integrationList.add(new IntegrationToPaymentMapping(AdyenIntegration.Companion, PaymentMethodType.CC));
integrationList.add(new IntegrationToPaymentMapping(BsPayoneIntegration.Companion, PaymentMethodType.SEPA));
StashConfiguration configuration = new StashConfiguration.Builder()
Stash.initalize(applicationContext, configuration);
The Stash! SDK can also be used in a so-called test mode. The transactions created in test mode are not forwarded to the production PSP, but rather to the sandboxing mode that the PSP provides.
To configure the SDK to use the test mode, set the testMode
property on the StashConfiguration
to true when configuring the SDK.
Since the PSP modules know best which data needs to be provided in each situation, it is also possible to offload the UI work to add a payment method to them. By calling registerPaymentMethodUsingUI
on the registration manager, the user is shown a selection of possible payment methods and then the fields used for creating the payment method that was selected.
You can skip the payment method chooser screen by immediately supplying which payment method you want to allow the user to use. Omitting this screen will directly show the payment method UI.
val registrationManager = Stash.getRegistrationManager()
registrationManager.registerPaymentMehodUsingUi(activity, PaymentMethodType.CC)
onSuccess = { paymentAlias ->
//Send alias to your backend server for later usage
when (val aliasInfo = paymentAlias.extraAliasInfo) {
is ExtraAliasInfo.CreditCardExtraInfo -> {
// Handle showing credit card payment method in UI, i.e.:
is ExtraAliasInfo.SepaExtraInfo -> {
//Handle showing SEPA payment method in UI i.e.:
is ExtraAliasInfo.PaypalExtraInfo -> {
//Handle showing PayPal payment method in UI i.e.:
onError = {
//Handle exceptions
RegistrationManager registrationManager = Stash.getRegistrationManager();
registrationManager.registerPaymentMehodUsingUi(activity, PaymentMethodType.CC, null)
paymentMethodAlias -> {
switch (paymentMethodAlias.getPaymentMethodType()) {
case CC:
ExtraAliasInfo.CreditCardExtraInfo creditCardAliasInfo =
case SEPA:
ExtraAliasInfo.SepaExtraInfo sepaAliasInfo =
//Handle showing SEPA payment method in UI i.e.:
case PAYPAL:
ExtraAliasInfo.PaypalExtraInfo paypalExtraInfo =
//Handle showing PayPal payment method in UI i.e.:
exception -> {
//Handle error
You can change the color scheme of the screens shown when requesting payment method data from the user. To do this, you can either provide a PaymentUiConfiguration
object when configuring the SDK, or use the configureUi
method of the Stash
after it has been initialized. The PaymentUiConfiguration
expects the colors defined as resource ids.
Below you can see a sample using random colors provided by Android.
val textColor: Int = android.R.color.holo_orange_dark
val backgroundColor: Int = R.color.coral
val buttonColor: Int = android.R.color.holo_purple
val buttonTextColor: Int = android.R.color.holo_blue_bright
val cellBackgroundColor: Int = R.color.unknown_blue
val mediumEmphasisColor: Int = android.R.color.holo_green_light
val paymentUiConfiguration = PaymentUiConfiguration(
val configuration = StashConfiguration(
publishableKey = "YourApiKey",
endpoint = "",
integration = AdyenIntegration,
testMode = true,
paymentUiConfiguration = paymentUiConfiguration
Stash.initalize(this, configuration)
PaymentUiConfiguration paymentUiConfiguration = new PaymentUiConfiguration.Builder()
StashConfiguration configuration = new StashConfiguration.Builder()
If you want to build your own UI and still use the Stash! SDK, you should use the registerCreditCard
or registerSepa
methods of the RegistrationManager
At the moment, PayPal registration without using UI components is not supported.
Keep in mind that if you are using these methods, you must provide all expected information for registration. Depending on the PSP used, some PSPs will require the country code, in addition to the standard information sent when registering. Since the UI component won't be handling this for you, you will be more tightly coupled with your chosen PSP integration.
To register a credit card, the registerCreditCard
method of the registration manager is used. You shuold provide it with an instance of the CreditCardData
, which upon initialization also validates the credit card data.
The CreditCardData
can also be expanded with the BillingData
. This BillingData
contains information about the user that
is necessary for registering a credit card. Its fields are all optional and their necessity is PSP-dependant.
For the Java implementation, extra information about the registered payment method can be also retrieved using the method getJavaExtraInfo()
which returns a JavaExtraInfo
val billingData = BillingData(
firstName = "Max",
lastName = "Mustermann",
city = "Cologne"
val creditCardData = CreditCardData(
number = "4111111111111111",
expiryMonth = 10,
expiryYear = 2021,
cvv = "123",
billingData = billingData
val requestUUID = UUID.randomUUID()
val registrationManager = Stash.getRegistrationManager()
registrationManager.registerCreditCard(creditCardData, requestUUID)
onSuccess = { paymentAlias ->
//Send alias to your backend server for later usage
aliasInfo = paymentAlias.extraAliasInfo as CreditCardExtraInfo
// Handle showing credit card payment method in UI, i.e.:
onError = {
//Handle exceptions
BillingData billingData = new BillingData.Builder()
CreditCardData creditCardData = new CreditCardData.Builder()
UUID requestUUID = UUID.randomUUID()
registrationManager.registerCreditCard(creditCardData, requestUUID)
paymentMethodAlias -> {
//Handle showing credit card payment method in UI, i.e.:
ExtraAliasInfo.CreditCardExtraInfo creditCardAliasInfo = paymentMethodAlias.getJavaExtraInfo().getCreditCardExtraInfo();
exception -> {
//Handle error
To register a SEPA account, we can use the registerSepa
method of the registration manager. Here, as in the case of the credit card data, the billing data is optional and the values that need to be provided are PSP-dependant.
val billingData = BillingData(
city = "Cologne"
val sepaData = SepaData(
bic = "PBNKDEFF",
iban = "DE63123456791212121212",
billingData = billingData
val requestUUID = UUID.randomUUID()
val registrationManager = Stash.getRegistrationManager()
registrationManager.registerSepa(sepaData, requestUUID)
onSuccess = { paymentAlias ->
// Handle showing credit card payment method in UI, i.e.:
val aliasInfo = paymentAlias.extraAliasInfo as SepaExtraInfo
onError = {
// Handle error
BillingData billingData = new BillingData.Builder()
SepaData sepaData = new SepaData.Builder().
RegistrationManager registrationManager = Stash.getRegistrationManager();
UUID requestUUID = UUID.randomUUID()
registrationManager.registerSepa(sepaData, requestUUID)
paymentAlias -> {
ExtraAliasInfo.SepaExtraInfo sepaAliasInfo = paymentMethodAlias.getJavaExtraInfo().getSepaExtraInfo();;
//Handle showing SEPA payment method in UI i.e.:
error -> {
// Handle error
All calls to the Stash! SDK backend are idempotent, but the PSP call idempotency cannot be guaranteed as some PSP don't support idempotent calls. To use the idempotency, simply provide a UUID with any of the registration methods used.
val registrationIdempotencyKey = UUID.randomUUID()
val registrationManager = Stash.getRegistrationManager()
registrationManager.registerPaymentMehodUsingUi(activity, idempotencyKey = registrationIdempotencyKey)
onSuccess = {
//Handle returned payment alias
onError = {
// Handle error
UUID registrationIdempotencyKey = UUID.randomUUID();
RegistrationManager registrationManager = Stash.getRegistrationManager();
registrationManager.registerPaymentMehodUsingUi(activity, null, registrationIdempotencyKey)
paymentAlias -> {
// Handle returned payment alias
error -> {
// Handle error
A demo application is part of the project and is contained in sample
The Stash! Android SDK is in active development, we welcome your feedback! Please use GitHub Issues or write us at [email protected] to report an issue or give a feedback.