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Frank Martinez edited this page Mar 14, 2024 · 10 revisions

Marz Guitar Workbench Wiki

Documentation is work in progress too ;)



Parameter Description Example Options
Bass Bass Scale 647.7 mm
Treble Treble Scale 647.7 mm


Parameter Description Example Options
Thickness thickness 5 mm
Spacing String spacing Equal Gap [Equal Center], [Equal Gap]
Position Nut align Perpendicular to Mid Line [Parallel to fret zero], [Perpendicular to Mid Line]
Offset Distance from fret 0 and Nut 0 mm
Depth Depth into the fretboard 5 mm
StringDistanceProj Distance from first to last String at average nut position 34.5 mm


Parameter Description Example Options
Joint Joint Type Set In [Bolt On], [Set In], [Through All]
StartThickness Thickness at nut position 15 mm
EndThickness Thickness at heel transition start position 15 mm
JointFret Number of fret where heel transition starts 16
TopOffset Offset between body top and fretboard bottom 2 mm
Angle Break angle 0 degrees
TenonThickness Tenon Thickness if Set In Neck 0 mm
TenonLength Tenon Length if Set In Neck 0 mm
TenonOffset Tenon Offset if Set In Neck 0 mm
Profile Neck profile C Classic C Classic, D Classic, V Classic, More by configuration...
TransitionLength Length of the heel transition 50 mm
TransitionTension Tension of the heel transition 35 mm
TransitionFunction Math function of the heel transition Catenary [Catenary], [Quadratic], [Quadratic-Catenary], [Catenary-Quadratic]
HeelFillet Heel corners fillet (radius) 1.0 mm
HeelOffset Heel offset under the fretboard 0.0 mm


Parameter Description Example Options
Thickness Board thickness 7 mm
StartRadius Radius at nut 254.0 mm
EndRadius Radius at end 355.59999999999997 mm
StartMargin Margin before nut 5 mm
EndMargin Margion after last fret 5 mm
SideMargin Side margin 3 mm
FretNipping Nipping distance 2 mm
PerpendicularFret Number of perpendicular fret 7
Frets Number of frets 24
InlayDepth Depth of inlay carvings 1 mm
FilletRadius Fillet radius for the corners of the fretboard 1.0 mm


Parameter Description Example Options
BassCompensation Compensation on bass scale 0 mm
TrebleCompensation Compensation on treble scale 0 mm
StringDistanceProj String Distance at Bridge (Projected to vertical) 63 mm
Height Height of the bridge from body's top to strings 16.363 mm


Parameter Description Example Options
Width Default Width if no custom contour is provided 100 mm
Length Default Length if no custom contour is provided 220 mm
Thickness Thickness 15 mm
Depth Depth (only apply if Flat) 5 mm
Angle Break Angle 9 degrees
TransitionStiffness Transition stiffness 0.5
VoluteRadius Volute radius. If zero then no volute 50 mm
VoluteOffset Volute offset into the neck 10 mm
TopTransitionLength Length of the transition between nut and top of the headstock in Flat headstocks. Ignored if angle is greater than zero 20 mm


Parameter Description Example Options
Length Total Length of trussRod 430 mm
Width Channel width 6 mm
Depth Channel depth 9 mm
HeadLength Head length 20 mm
HeadWidth Head width 8 mm
HeadDepth Head depth 11 mm
TailLength Tail length 0 mm
TailWidth Tail width 0 mm
TailDepth Tail depth 0 mm
End Distance from neck start (nut) 0 mm


Parameter Description Example Options
Gauges Gauges of the strings in INCHES ['0.010', '0.013', '0.017', '0.026', '0.036', '0.046']


Parameter Description Example Options
TangDepth Fret slot depth 1.397 mm
TangWidth Fret slot width 0.508 mm
CrownHeight Crown Height 0.9906 mm
CrownWidth Crown Width 2.1336 mm


Parameter Description Example Options
TopThickness Thickness of Top 5 mm
BackThickness Thickness of Back 40 mm
Length Max Length of Body Blank 550 mm
Width Max Width of Body Blank 350 mm
NeckPocketCarve Carve Neck pocket from body True
NeckPocketDepth Depth of Neck Pocket 20 mm
NeckPocketLength Length of Neck Pocket 55 mm


Parameter Description Example Options
Fretboard Toggle Fretboard autoupdate True
Neck Toggle Neck autoupdate True
Body Toggle Body autoupdate True
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