Implement the RISC-V SBI spec on Spike. More simulator/emulators to come later. Eventually port to hardware. It's a learning experience.
- Write all functions for SBI extensions
- Test all functions for SBI extensions
- Add a device tree file for spike
- Make spike boot with our firmware
- Build linux kernel for spike manually
- Make spike run our own linux kernel
- Add platform specific code for differentiation
- Add linux driver for platform specific components
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
You will need to install the following list of software to get started:
sudo apt-get install libtool autoconf automake cmake libncurses5-dev g++ shellcheck python3-venv device-tree-compiler
And the following ubuntu snap packages:
sudo snap install shfmt
Also requires the use of open source RISC-V ISA spike simulator, which is already included as a submodule within the repo and does not need to be installed.
Run the following script inside the riscv-sbi-basic
The script will:
- init the spike isa simulator repo in
and build it. Download the latest pre-built RISC-V gcc toolchain from. This is not working for now, temporarily, you can download the pre-built toolchain from google drive and place the file as is in
of thelp64d
ABI variety with uclibc as the c library. Rather than compiling the toolchain locally as it is faster to download a pre-built one. See,
to see details regarding the toolchain downloaded. The toolchain will be download as an archive and then extracted intotoolchain
directory. Then runscripts/
- An export file with updated paths for the toolchain and spike iss will be generated, so that it can be sourced before using the Makefile.
Use to terminal to navigate to the riscv-sbi-basic
directory, and run the following commands in the terminal. Sourcing is required only once per teriminal session:
Use to terminal to navigate to the riscv-sbi-basic
directory, and run the following commands in the terminal. Sourcing is required only once per teriminal session:
make spike