API Drones For our use case the load is medications.
(Python 3.10.5)
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py runserver --noreload
Note: scheduler for check log battery start with application
python manage.py test
user: admin
password: admin123
Check schedule logs in Table Log batterys of admin UI
http://localhost:8000/drones/drone/ -> List, Register
http://localhost:8000/drones/drone/<serial_number>/ -> Detail, Update, Delete
http://localhost:8000/drones/check-battery-level/<serial_number>/ -> check drone battery level for a given drone
http://localhost:8000/drones/availables/ -> checking available drones for loading;
http://localhost:8000/drones/loading-drone/<serial_number>/ -> loading a drone with medication items;
http://localhost:8000/drones/check-loaded-medications/<serial_number>/ -> checking loaded medication items for a given drone;
http://localhost:8000/drones/medication -> List, Register
http://localhost:8000/drones/medication/<med_code>/ -> Detail, Update, Delete