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Merge pull request #75 from mlabs-haskell/uhbif19/quickcheck-dynamic-…
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Quickcheck dynamic support
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uhbif19 authored May 28, 2024
2 parents 97b3517 + a637caa commit 8a39968
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Showing 10 changed files with 394 additions and 8 deletions.
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions .hlint.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,17 @@
- group: {name: generalise, enabled: true}
- functions:
- {name: undefined, within: []}
# Do not prohibit using more monomorphic functions
- ignore: {name: Use pure}
- ignore: {name: Use fmap}
- ignore: {name: Use traverse_}
- ignore: {name: "Use <>"}
# Do not enforce less explicit expressions
# and util functions consisting of single line of code
- ignore: {name: Use isNothing}
- ignore: {name: Use print}
- ignore: {name: Use null}
- ignore: {name: Use notElem}
- ignore: {name: Use unless}
- ignore: {name: Use fmap}
- ignore: {name: Use traverse_}
- ignore: {name: "Use asks"}
- ignore: {name: "Eta reduce"}
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions cem-script.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ library

other-modules: Cardano.CEM.Monads.L1Commons
Expand All @@ -178,6 +179,8 @@ library
, clb
, dependent-map
, ouroboros-consensus
, QuickCheck
, quickcheck-dynamic
, singletons-th

test-suite cem-sdk-test
Expand All @@ -201,6 +204,7 @@ test-suite cem-sdk-test
hs-source-dirs: test/
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src-lib/data-spine/Data/Spine.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ class
type Spine sop
getSpine :: sop -> Spine sop

-- instance (SingI sop1, SingI sop2) => SingI (sop1, sop2) where

instance (HasSpine sop1, HasSpine sop2) => HasSpine (sop1, sop2) where
type Spine (sop1, sop2) = (Spine sop1, Spine sop2)
getSpine (d1, d2) = (getSpine d1, getSpine d2)

-- TODO: mkOfSpine, using Sing
instance (HasSpine sop) => HasSpine (Maybe sop) where
type Spine (Maybe sop) = Maybe (Spine sop)
getSpine = fmap getSpine

-- | Newtype encoding sop value of fixed known spine
newtype OfSpine (x :: Spine datatype) = UnsafeMkOfSpine {getValue :: datatype}
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/Cardano/CEM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,6 +125,15 @@ data TransitionSpec script = MkTransitionSpec
deriving stock (Show)

-- | List of all signing keys required for transition spec
getAllSpecSigners :: TransitionSpec script -> [PubKeyHash]
getAllSpecSigners spec = signers spec ++ txInPKHs
txInPKHs = mapMaybe getPubKey $ filter ((Prelude.== In) . txFanCKind) $ constraints spec
getPubKey c = case address (txFanCFilter c) of
ByPubKey key -> Just key
_ -> Nothing

{- | Static part of CEMScript datum.
Datatype is actually used only by off-chain code due to Plutus limitations.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Cardano/CEM/Examples/Auction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ instance CEMScript SimpleAuction where
(SumValueEq $ lot params)
, nextState NotStarted
, signers = [seller params]
, signers = []
(Just NotStarted, Start) ->
Expand Down
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/Cardano/CEM/Monads/CLB.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,16 +77,21 @@ instance (MonadFail m) => MonadSubmitTx (ClbT m) where
result <- sendTx tx'
case result of
Success _ _ -> return $ Right $ getTxId body
_ -> fail "TODO"
Fail _ validationError ->
return $ Left $ UnhandledNodeSubmissionError validationError
Right (_, _) -> fail "Unsupported tx format"
Left e -> return $ Left $ UnhandledAutobalanceError e

instance (MonadFail m) => MonadTest (ClbT m) where
getTestWalletSks = return $ map intToCardanoSk [1 .. 10]

genesisClbState :: Value -> ClbState
genesisClbState genesisValue =
initClb defaultBabbage genesisValue genesisValue

execOnIsolatedClb :: Value -> ClbT IO a -> IO a
execOnIsolatedClb genesisValue action =
<$> runStateT
(unwrapClbT action)
(initClb defaultBabbage genesisValue genesisValue)
(genesisClbState genesisValue)
268 changes: 268 additions & 0 deletions src/Cardano/CEM/Testing/StateMachine.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

-- | Generic utils for using `quickcheck-dynamic`
module Cardano.CEM.Testing.StateMachine where

import Prelude

import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO (..))
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (..))
import Data.Data (Typeable)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Set qualified as Set

import PlutusLedgerApi.V1 (PubKeyHash)
import PlutusTx.IsData (FromData (..))

import Cardano.Api (PaymentKey, SigningKey, Value)

import Clb (ClbT)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.DynamicLogic (DynLogicModel)
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen qualified as Gen
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadic)
import Test.QuickCheck.StateModel (
Any (..),
HasVariables (..),
RunModel (..),
StateModel (..),
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)

import Cardano.CEM (CEMParams (..))
import Cardano.CEM hiding (scriptParams)
import Cardano.CEM.Monads (MonadSubmitTx)
import Cardano.CEM.Monads.CLB
import Cardano.CEM.OffChain
import Cardano.CEM.OnChain (CEMScriptCompiled)
import Cardano.Extras
import Data.Spine (HasSpine (..))

data ScriptStateParams a = MkScriptStateParams
{ actors :: [SigningKey PaymentKey]
, cemParams :: CEMParams a
deriving stock (Generic)

params :: ScriptStateParams script -> Params script
params = scriptParams . cemParams

deriving stock instance (Eq (CEMParams a)) => Eq (ScriptStateParams a)
deriving stock instance (Show (CEMParams a)) => Show (ScriptStateParams a)

data ScriptState a
= Void
| ActorsKnown [SigningKey PaymentKey]
| ScriptState
{ dappParams :: ScriptStateParams a
, state :: Maybe (State a)
, involvedActors :: Set.Set PubKeyHash
, finished :: Bool
deriving stock (Generic)

deriving stock instance
(Eq (State a), Eq (CEMParams a)) => Eq (ScriptState a)
deriving stock instance
(Show (State a), Show (CEMParams a)) => Show (ScriptState a)

instance HasVariables (ScriptState a) where
getAllVariables _ = Set.empty

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} HasVariables (Action (ScriptState script) a) where
getAllVariables _ = Set.empty

( CEMScriptCompiled script
, Show (Transition script)
, Show (State script)
, Show (CEMParams script)
, Eq (State script)
, Eq (CEMParams script)
, Eq (Transition script)
) =>
CEMScriptArbitrary script
arbitraryCEMParams :: [SigningKey PaymentKey] -> Gen (CEMParams script)
arbitraryTransition ::
ScriptStateParams script -> Maybe (State script) -> Gen (Transition script)

instance (CEMScriptArbitrary script) => StateModel (ScriptState script) where
data Action (ScriptState script) output where
SetupActors :: [SigningKey PaymentKey] -> Action (ScriptState script) ()
SetupCEMParams :: CEMParams script -> Action (ScriptState script) ()
ScriptTransition ::
Transition script -> Action (ScriptState script) ()
deriving stock (Typeable)

type Error (ScriptState script) = String

initialState = Void

actionName (ScriptTransition transition) = head . words . show $ transition
actionName SetupActors {} = "SetupActors"
actionName SetupCEMParams {} = "SetupCEMParams"

arbitraryAction _varCtx modelState = case modelState of
Void {} -> Gen.oneof [] -- SetupActors should be done manually
ActorsKnown actors ->
Some . SetupCEMParams <$> arbitraryCEMParams actors
ScriptState {dappParams, state} ->
Some . ScriptTransition <$> arbitraryTransition dappParams state

precondition Void (SetupActors {}) = True
precondition (ActorsKnown {}) (SetupCEMParams {}) = True
(ScriptState {dappParams, state, finished})
(ScriptTransition transition) =
case transitionSpec @script (params dappParams) state transition of
Right _ -> not finished
Left _ -> False
-- Unreachable
precondition _ _ = False

nextState Void (SetupActors actors) _var = ActorsKnown actors
nextState (ActorsKnown actors) (SetupCEMParams cemParams) _var =
{ dappParams = MkScriptStateParams {actors, cemParams}
, state = Nothing
, involvedActors = Set.empty
, finished = False
as@ScriptState {dappParams, state}
(ScriptTransition transition)
_var =
case transitionSpec (params dappParams) state transition of
Right spec ->
{ state = nextCEMState spec
, involvedActors =
involvedActors as
<> Set.fromList (getAllSpecSigners spec)
, finished = nextCEMState spec == Nothing
Left _ -> error "Unreachable"
nextCEMState spec = case outStates spec of
[] -> Nothing
[state'] -> Just state'
_ ->
"This StateModel instance support only with single-output scripts"
outStates spec = mapMaybe decodeOutState $ constraints spec
decodeOutState c = case rest (txFanCFilter c) of
UnsafeBySameCEM stateBS ->
fromBuiltinData @(State script) stateBS
_ -> Nothing
nextState _ _ _ = error "Unreachable"

instance (CEMScriptArbitrary script) => Show (Action (ScriptState script) a) where
show (ScriptTransition t) = "ScriptTransition " <> show t
show (SetupActors {}) = "SetupActors"
show (SetupCEMParams {}) = "SetupCEMParams"

deriving stock instance
(CEMScriptArbitrary script) => Eq (Action (ScriptState script) a)

instance (CEMScriptArbitrary script) => DynLogicModel (ScriptState script)

-- RunModel

type instance Realized (ClbT m) () = ()

findSkForPKH :: [SigningKey PaymentKey] -> PubKeyHash -> SigningKey PaymentKey
findSkForPKH sks phk = head $ filter (\x -> signingKeyToPKH x == phk) sks

class (CEMScriptArbitrary script) => CEMScriptRunModel script where
performHook ::
(MonadIO m, MonadSubmitTx m) =>
ScriptState script ->
Action (ScriptState script) () ->
m ()

( Realized m () ~ ()
, MonadIO m
, MonadSubmitTx m
, CEMScriptArbitrary script
, CEMScriptRunModel script
) =>
RunModel (ScriptState script) m
perform modelState action _lookup = do
case (modelState, action) of
(Void, SetupActors {}) -> do
_ <- performHook modelState action
return $ Right ()
(ActorsKnown {}, SetupCEMParams {}) -> do
_ <- performHook modelState action
return $ Right ()
(ScriptState {dappParams, state}, ScriptTransition transition) -> do
_ <- performHook modelState action
case transitionSpec (params dappParams) state transition of
Right spec -> do
r <-
resolveTxAndSubmit $
{ actions =
[ MkSomeCEMAction $ MkCEMAction (cemParams dappParams) transition
, specSigner = findSkForPKH (actors dappParams) $ signerPKH spec
return $ bimap show (const ()) r
Left err -> return $ Left $ show err
signerPKH spec = case getAllSpecSigners spec of
[singleSigner] -> singleSigner
_ -> error "Transition should have exactly one signer"
(_, _) -> error "Unreachable"

monitoring (stateFrom, stateTo) _ _ _ prop = do
tabStateFrom $ labelIfFinished prop
isFinished (ScriptState {finished}) = finished
isFinished _ = False
labelIfFinished prop' =
if isFinished stateTo
"Actors involved (in finished tests)"
[show $ length $ involvedActors stateTo]
$ label "Reached final state" prop'
else prop'
tabStateFrom prop' =
case stateFrom of
ScriptState {state} ->
tabulate "States (from)" [show $ getSpine state] prop'
_ -> prop'

monitoringFailure state _ _ err prop =
( "In model state "
<> ppShow state
<> "\nGot error from emulator: "
<> err

runActionsInClb ::
forall state.
(StateModel (ScriptState state), RunModel (ScriptState state) (ClbT IO)) =>
Value ->
Actions (ScriptState state) ->
runActionsInClb genesisValue actions =
monadic (ioProperty . execOnIsolatedClb genesisValue) $
void $
runActions @(ScriptState state) @(ClbT IO) actions

-- Orphans

instance HasVariables (SigningKey PaymentKey) where
getAllVariables _ = Set.empty
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions test/Auction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -201,6 +201,18 @@ auctionSpec = describe "Auction" $ do
Just (CurrentBid currentBid) <- queryScriptState auctionParams
liftIO $ currentBid `shouldBe` bid1

submitAndCheck $
{ actions =
[ MkSomeCEMAction $
( MakeBid $ MkBet (signingKeyToPKH bidder1) 4_000_000
, specSigner = bidder1

submitAndCheck $
{ actions =
Expand Down

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