First step. make sure anaconda and python > 3.8 is installed
Create new environment using environment.yaml with following command.
conda env create -n <env_name> -f environment.yaml
- Download all the required DLL from google drive below and put all of them to current folder as below. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HimwhHXfF9Fe4R-0t26Nj0zz-TWz82Za
- Darknet-Easy-Installation\
- data\
- cfg\
- image\
- training\
- darknet.py
- environment.yaml
- main.py
- readme.txt
- cudnn_adv_infer64_8.dll
- cudnn_adv_train64_8.dll
- ...
- Activate the environment created. activate your environment with cuda installed
conda activate <env_name>
cd to folder path
- Testing on the object detection python main.py
Enjoy your Darknet YOLO object detection!
- Please download the darknet-master.rar from the link below, extract and put in C-drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BPMs6rr0uEXY6Q_DrlUJ9uZIhtKVB1H_?usp=sharing
- C:\
- darknet-master
- Please download the pre-trained model yolov4.conv.137 from link below and put in data folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ikti48wHULfJ-Rfi4s6_Ibf68PUJQfyZ?usp=sharing
- training\
- data\
- anchors\
- code.txt
- obj.data
- obj.names
- test.txt
- train.txt
- yolov3_custom.cfg
- yolov4.conv.137
- data\
- test the model training using following command: activate your environment with cuda installed
conda activate <env_name>
cd to folder path
python main_train.py
- prepare the dataset according to guidance of AlexeyAb: https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet#how-to-train-to-detect-your-custom-objects
Enjoy training your own custom object detection!
#If cuda error, please update your geforce driver to the latest version