MooTools Context Menu
slightly based on Simple Context Menu from]
Created By Pieter-Jan Piro -
Edited to add simple touch handling
No longer requires MooTools with Compatibility
Sample Usage: (This code itself is for example - cut/paste won't work)
Tasks.each(function(t) {
tr = new Element('tr');
new Element('td').set('text',t.status_desc)).adopt(
new Element('td',{'title':com}).set('text',
new Element('td',{'class':'atc'}).set('text',t.owner_name)).adopt(
new Element('td',{'class':'atc'}).set('text',t.executant_name)).adopt(
new Element('td',{'class':'atc' + t.due_class}).set('text', t.end_desc))
.addEvent('click', function(){
// show menu on touch for touchscren
if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
return false;
} else {
// create context menu for row Tasks.createMenu(tr, t); });
// // Create a context menu for the task Tasks.createMenu = function(tr, task) { menu = new Element('div', {'class':'ContextMenu'}).inject(document.getElement('body')); new Element('div', {'class':'close', 'style':'color:white'}) .addEvent('click', function(){ Tasks.Context.hide(); }).inject(menu);
// view, comment, child task buttons (no checks)
new Element('a', {'href':'#Task_' + task.objectId, 'class':'ViewTask'})
.set('text', 'View Task')
.addEvent('click', function(){
if (Tasks.Context.currentMenu) Tasks.Context.hide();
// new task form with parent area set
new Element('a', {'href':'#Task_' + task.objectId, 'class':'ChildTask'})
.set('text', 'Create Child Task')
.addEvent('click', function(){
if (Tasks.Context.currentMenu) Tasks.Context.hide();
// add a comment
new Element('a', {'href':'#Task_' + task.objectId, 'class':'CommentTask'})
.set('text', 'Add Comment')
.addEvent('click', function(){
Tasks.comment(task, {'title': 'Add A Comment', 'status': 'comment'});
if (Tasks.Context.currentMenu) Tasks.Context.hide();
// done button, must be creator or owner, must not be marked done or archived already
if ( task.status != '25_done' && task.status != '30_archived' && task.status != '10_archived'){
new Element('a', {'href':'#Task_' + task.objectId, 'class':'DoneTask'})
.set('text', 'Mark As Done').addEvent('click', function(){
Tasks.comment(task, {'title': 'Mark As Done', 'status': 'done'});
if (Tasks.Context.currentMenu) Tasks.Context.hide();
// add the menu to the row
tr.getChildren().each(function(c){ Tasks.Context.attachMenu(c, menu); });